Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

Great work with the tuning! Was just able to do an 8 without issue.

Where are all the sweatlords now who “had no trouble” clearing 11s I wonder.

And with that 125% buff he goes down so fast that the difference is literally imperceptible against Zekvir, so it doesn’t matter one bit.

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That was a bug though that only triggered under specific cirmcumstances and wasn’t always the case.

So if you’re using bugged Brann, and if you are doing 8+ it’s a nerf. Ok, you got me. Any other qualifying variables?

Well hopefully they get some weekdays off.

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This is Hell Week for devs tho as RWF is now up and so is M+. Time to see who makes the cut!

What are you even typing? “bugged brann”? what… they messed up got an oversight and now they changed the way brann scales it’s based on YOUR OWN GEAR and HIS LEVEL now and they gave you a numerical buff to “compensate” don’t you think a 125% dmg buff out of the sudden is a small amount after this “bug” that they claimed they “fix”?

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What other variables matter? 8+ is the only part of Delves where he even mattered in the first place, everything below 8 was drastically easier.

+4-7s did not really need any help, that is not where the problems are.

I feel like I’m playing a development build instead of a release version.

Every day significant tuning changes are made to Delves, and by now I have no idea anymore what the intended balance or difficulty for this game mode actually is.


I just did an Earthcrawl Mines - Fiery Grounds Tier 8 (which I have done multiple times with no issues). This time around, on the final boss, I had to swap to Protection spec and had to revive Brann twice during the fight.

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Just did a test run, even with access to the flamethrower this “15 minute activity” took 40 minutes as a healer spec (pres) on a tier 8. The final boss did 420k dps to and bran did a whopping 100k dps overall, which is ~35% of the dps i could do as a healer if i didn’t have to spend 90% of the time keeping myself from being 2-3 shot. Straight up not fun.


It was a bug that triggered under specific circumstances though.

Well, your argument failed unless you added a bunch of conditions to it later on so… :yawning_face:

In the instances where the bug didn’t trigger, Brann is stronger now than before, but the bug was still making him much more powerful than he is now. And I think this bug is what was keeping him ‘relevant’ in higher difficulties. Brann’s damage isn’t very impressive against higher difficulty mobs. Whatever scaling he benefits from as a result of our own ilvl, it doesn’t seem to be very significant.

Right “certain circumstances” here lets give it a 125% buff and there’s reports of brann already doing less damage…

Something is really not adding up here…

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Yea, I did an 8 and it felt right. Had to be on my toes, use all my cc and abilites. Use Brann’s red healing potions. Kite like crazy lol, but it felt right for the difficulty rewarding champion track gear.

He probably did a bit more than that, you can’t see his “execute” damage where he deletes low health things. Does not matter though, it would still be less than what healers do even if you count that damage.

Am I being trolled right now?

From what I understand, all of these bugs and issues were presented in the beta and nothing was done about them. That said, I believe this is how most game development companies are doing it now. While I don’t really like it, it does make more sense from a standpoint of efficiency.

Now they have a massive play test, and don’t have to waste time fixing things that actually don’t end up working for a wider playerbase.

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