Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

I had a hard enough time on the first one, thats why im waiting until i at least get more gear. 600 wont cut it for that imo

It more than doubles his damage. It says “increase BY 125%” not “to 125%” It will speed up the fights considerably unless he’s in healer mode.

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It’s intended because Brann, our lovely companion, is suppose to last with us for the remaining of the season!

Exactly this is basically 2.25x the damage right? That’s pretty fricking massive! But atm it feels likes 2x less damage lol.

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Uh, no. See, this appears to be compensation for the bug fix of him getting the dmg mod of the mobs in the dungeon.

My 11 is taking much longer than it did before. :dracthyr_crylaugh: Everything is a bullet sponge.

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The issue is the CD’s on his interrupt or his heals… the heals are too late sometimes or he’s just more worried about doing damage than anything useful.

And yes, I don’t buy it for a second that it was a “bug”.


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Someone did not read the full post, oops!

tested, don’t like dps brann anymore after this switching him back to healer mode. DPS he is now useless, healer he is only half useless.


The title says “buff” but the content of the post says he does less damage now. That feels misleading to say the least.


Several times actually.

People not reading this part and they think it’s a “100%+ buff” when it now scales with your OWN GEAR and his level.

Clearly not, it is overall a nerf in the only levels of keys where he was even relevant in the first place.

Also, his “intended” damage is so low that even if it was a 5x buff it would still be bad.

Well, reading what the post actually is supposed to do, and testing it in game are completely different things, brann is doing significantly less damage now, so much so healer dps is pulling off of him


Reading and understanding are two different things.

This is a major nerf to DPS Brann.


It is a nerf indeed. But I was using healing brann on certain specs despite what the meta is so he was more useless most of the time because his heals were too late or sometimes he was distracted doing damage than healing me. There’s times where he panics and start poping every single healing which causes the next huge aoe damage or ability to be a problem.

He’s not reliable as anything honestly. It will never beat having actual human beings with you doing things when it’s needed on the spot.

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Only if you were using the bugged Brann

healer dps? all i have to do is pull and boom, now i am a tank no matter how much dps brann does: he can’t even out aggro a renewing mist. this fix pretty much ended healers able to solo 7+.


And even the bugged Brann was still worthless 90%+ of the time, now he is worthless 100% of the time.

100% > 90%, it is a nerf.


If you weren’t using bugged Brann, you were struggle bussing 8s because they were significantly overtuned.


Basically, Brann scaled to the difficulty of the delve before which wasn’t intended. That got fixed and he got a damage boost to compensate, but without him scaling to the difficulty of the delve he’s going to feel a lot weaker for players who were running the higher difficulty levels because the difficulty modifier is way higher than the baseline buff he got.