Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

Yea I suspect it might be possible on ?? difficulty for one class at gear cap (which no one is even close to yet.)

Eventually I’ll try and see. I don’t need to have everything done in les than a week.

At the same time, we have people complaining about mere t8 delves, or even lower, which showcases the vast disparity in skill that people have.

for real I love mage tower like stuff and the way ?? has been has been sad to watch first with the day 1 brann carry clears and then with the zekvir ?? that just melees you like a raid boss variation we’ve had since.

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This comment needs to be near the top. This is what my friends on Discord have been hearing me yap about for the past day. It’s too inconsistent. It feels like the developers completely failed when it came to QAing the fixes - it felt fine before. Delves aren’t even going to be touched by a significant portion of the player base that is going to move onto M+ next week, or advance to Heroic raid.

It’s a complete failure on Blizzard’s part - especially with how well TWW has been received. It’s like catching a pass at the 5 yard line and intentionally spiking it.

I’m pretty sure tier 8 delves are being cleared every second, with every specs as solo… so yea the pillar is working even tho it might not be “balanced” for every spec. It’s still easily soloable above ilvl 580

Are you 80 years old? People complain about ? difficulty because it is hard but is doable, people complain about ?? difficulty because it is impossible RIGHT NOW.


Waiting for the tuesday patch, when someone goes into a delve solo at tier 3 and the boss has 3 billion hp! and on Tier 8 has more HP than final mythic raid boss!

Just give us the original Tuesday release back. You had more groups going on, people enjoying it, etc. It would in future help people gear alts in mid season etc.

I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed and it took me awhile to learn this. But waiting and expecting the World to be a certain way is a recipe for disappointment.

DPS does need to switch to tank or healer if they want to do content in a timely manner too and have for years.

Still no official word on his level and whether he’ll continue to 60 or his xp is off beyond 38?

Or did I miss it? :thinking:

It is “easy” on any spec even at 560 if you just abuse Bran and make sure to never pull threat off him. Just because you can do +8s on any spec does not mean the gameplay experience is good.

There is not much legitimate “diffiulcty” in Delves currently, it is just your spec vs the tuning/design monster.

It needs to be consistent for every spec in the game if it is going to be a “new solo pillar” of the endgame, it does not need to be “perfectly” equivalent but the disparity between some specs is far too large currently.

Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU! Give all the Devs that fixed this a great bug hug from me!

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Only 125%?

Brann got a 1000% damage nerf and this is the bandaid that was applied?


World of Warcraft: The Beta Within.


So you kind of not really fixed the issues you caused with your original h̶o̶t̶f̶i̶x̶ hotbreak. You’re applying non fixes to problems you created. How about you just revert all of the changes and stop screwing with us.

All of this nonsense is just causing frustration for your customers for seemingly no reason.


They made it significantly worse lmao.


Would you be alarm if I tell you we’re Beta testing delve right now… because everybody knows that Beta are a marketing stunts nowadays… so give them time and it will be fine and you will be enjoying this new “pillar” feature!

For what it’s worth, I’ll personally wait until we’ve got folks at 630+ ilvl and see what it’s like then. We’re still nowhere close to gear cap as a start, since this is still actually the first week of the season. If we were beating ?? Zek’vir before myth track gear is even available I’d be worried that things were undertuned. It’s the first week of the season and most of us have more than 30 ilvls to gain before we can be considered ‘finished’ with gearing up for this tier.

Role scarcity issue caused by the fact that dps do not want to play tank or healer, meaning queue times for them are longer. That is a player role preference issue, not a game balance issue.

Doubt it, never enjoyed Choreghast.

The tank/healer thing is interesting because there’s a decent amount of tanks/healers, they just don’t pug.