Boycott ... Warmode?

To me, Warmode should do exactly like the /pvp does and flags you whenever/wherever. Once on, it’s enables your PvP talents, and when you turn it off is disables those talents and keeps you flagged for 5 minutes, just like the /pvp toggle does. Also, you remain in your current shard until you join or form any size group, at which time you get sharded into a PvP specific version of your location.

Wpvp is the reason to wpvp.

If you need more than that, you’re not truly interested in wpvp, just rewards.


No there isn’t. They said in I believe the Q&A that Horde still have more in WM but that Alliance has halved the amount since 8.1

Because the Alliance population in WM, while having gone up isn’t enough to warrant swapping you gets the bonus, but it’s also high enough that the bonus is dropping some

No because Alliance isn’t the dominant faction in WM

They never should have existed to begin with

It’s 25

Even though I took advantage of this I’d agree. There shouldn’t have been a gear quest period, just like there shouldn’t be bonuses for opting into wPvP

They don’t want people like you in WM, they want people there who want wPvP, not raiders and M+ just doing it for PvE bonuses

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It’s also why it’ll never happen

Actually, the Horde’s whole schtick has been angsty teenagers. “We’re just misunderstood! Nothing we do is EVER our fault! You can’t hold our actions against us!”

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its 25 horde not 30, and it’s because you all begged us to come back into WM and give you a challenge. You got what you wished for :slight_smile: now you cry like babies when we give you the same camping treatment you gave us all 8.0 long.

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It only looks this way to you because you’re used to seeing almost exclusively Horde, and the change feels jarring.

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Total Alliance population isn’t half the WoW population, in fact it’s less than that

Because Horde only ever PvP 1v1 right

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You hit the nail on the head. It really is not worth it unless you like PvP. Personally, I did it for the extra talen, but its not worth it anymore.

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Yeah I posted about this in another thread. Suffice it to say, I LOVE PvP always have, always will.

With War Mode the way it is in its current incarnation I have made the choice to turn it off on all my characters. At first I just turned it off for Assaults and then I made the decision no more 30% and free gear from killing me while I get 10% and no gear.

Blizzard has made the choice to baby the Alliance for being bad at WPvP.

I choose to not be part of the babying. Get your 30% and gear off someone else. Won’t be me.


Dungeons are the reason to run dungeons.

If you need more than that, you’re not truly interested in dungeons, just rewards.

That’s funny seeing as your rewards get reset every patch. Quite frankly part of pvp is having gear to pvp. I do like pvp just not grinding for gear. Alliance are lucky to have a chance of gear for killing people.

It is getting real annoying to level all my alts to pvp viably every few months/years. It’s more appealing to not have a grind to pvp. I guess the genre is wearing off on me. Like if I want to do some demo pvp… I gotta level my lock then catch up on gear. I guess I wish we had those quests as horde to be on an equal playing field ilvl wise. Alliance already get faster que times.

WPVP will never be balanced. Sure I don’t mind paddling some blue booty every now and then if the mood suits me but generally I show a degree of mercy in WM. I don’t take any satisfaction in beating on noobs and carebears.

As for people complaining about alliance numbers. Did the thought ever occur to you that no one likes playing on the alliance? Your faction is literally carebears, superfriends unite, The holier then thou story alliance has going on appeals to a very specific group of people. If you actually stepped back and read typical alliance responses to story and on forums you would see its often quite cringey.

When someone crys to Blizzard about a TOS infraction and scolds another player for breaking the rules? Often that poster is…Alliance

When people draw parallels between the horde and certain unliked WW2 groups and say anyone supporting them must be one IRL and loves genocide and is evil blah blah etc…Often that poster is…Alliance

Alliance players are like months to flame when it comes to SJW issues. Ingame and IRL so naturally you would gravitate to the Alliance.

The rest of us don’t care/aren’t interested. That really is the core reason for the faction imbalance. Your faction caters and appeals to a very specific group of people story line wise, race wise, theme wise , lore wise, character wise, everything wise.

Literally the super friends of WoW. You want more people to play alliance? Change the story and change your attitudes more people might be interested.

Myself? I’ve been UD since I started playing in 06 and would never play anything else.

Either way you will continue to stand on your soapbox wailing about voldune purge squads to the point blizzard has to give in and realize they offended the “im offended” generation and change the name of stuff in game. Or crying about the evils of the horde and genocide reee.

Keep looking around and wondering why no one plays Ally tho lol. It aint the racials, its YOU and the overall theme of alliance.


The only cringey thing is judging people for what side they pick in a video game and stereotyping all of them into the same lump group.

It was a mistake in the “maybe we have gone too far” sense.

they didnt mean someone made the item 400 ilvl by accident.

I’m just waiting for the two weeks that start the coordinated flip-flopping for bonuses.

It’s bound to happen. This is what happens whenever there’s something substantial to gain from being the underdog.

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than all horde would come back with WM on and the alliance would be squashed again into irrelevance.

They are in a tricky spot, they need an incentive strong enough to get alliance to turn on WM but not too strong as to have a great migration again from
horde -> to alliance like what happened from Cata -> MoP and then WoD-> Legion