Boy this sure is fun

You don’t group up and run in as a raid?? Yikes

keep game with no changes? you mean the 5x increased server population right?

imagine a world where you try to rez anywhere and you are in sight of enemies. that’s most pvp servers for ally.

Player choice is the cause. This balance “issue” is what everyone latches onto because of these solo death run videos being posted.
Where’s the videos of groups of allies being wholesale slaughtered by being outnumbered? Where’s the videos of ally raids on Org being crushed? Where is the videos of allies defending their cities and being outnumbered?
None exist because allies don’t organize to pvp unless they are the dominant faction.
People are using personal anecdotal evidence of solo runs and people are just eating it up. There’s a lot more detail here than 1 number.

If I’m so far off base. Please explain to me how balance affects these people once they’ve corpse hopped into a pve instance. I’ll wait.

Maybe to those who know their cries of balance are BS once they get into their safe instanced pve content.

Yes cause stating facts is bullying. There is historical data that shows alliance must be enticed into wpvp.
To this day allies get extra honor and a free epics once a week on retail. Just to flag up. They have historically rolled pvp servers and complained about wpvp. Classic is no different. These are facts. You can call me a bully but it still doesn’t change these facts.
Players need to make their own solution to this. The solution is to organize, fight back, or reroll pve.
Here’s another fact for you:Everything blizz has tried didnt work because ally participation is the cause of these imbalances. Blizz gave up and made all servers pve servers. So why’s retail still imbalanced? Because most allies don’t participate in wpvp past getting their weekly epic. Fact.

Just putting this in here again in case you miss it:

If I’m so far off base. Please explain to me how balance affects these people once they’ve corpse hopped into a pve instance. I’ll wait.

You are arguing against an imaginary position.

Your facts are missing relevant to 2019. People are pointing to density, but you call them liars and cite an irrelevant history.

Go look at hk totals from release against 2019. The megaservers are a backdrop to a system that sucks, and doesn’t fit neatly into vanilla, at all. Therefore the old arguments are off mark.

Press this smilie here :smiley: if you need to feel better telling people they aren’t mad, they just couldn’t cut it and want to cuddle behind an instance, cuz you so amaze. You feel better now?

Just come back and press that smiley face anytime you feel threatened by a rational argument, couched with modern data, that removes the relevancy of your point, and thereby, the relevancy of the illusion you depend upon (people quitting because, you so amaze).


Entertain the notion the p2 wpvp sucks, cant be compared directly to vanilla, and that loads of very talented players are bored and moving on. The consequence of you staying, is again, irrelevant to the people looking for a better pvp experience.

No. I’m arguing against an ignored point because the sky is falling crowd knows it negates their balance argument.

Please point this rational argument out. The only one I’ve seen is the density. In which case. Duh. We knew this from pservers and other MMOs. People still made that choice: Roll pvp with no intentions of engaging in wpvp.

Modern data. Lol. Here i used this in another thread. It applies to every mmo ever. Regardless of time period.

This is a simple choice.

Only for those who are corpse dragging into instanced pve content solo.

Too bad for these pve’ers. They could have thought about increased pops and what happens on every pvp server in any game. Nope. They listened to streamers.

The pvp experience they qre seeking is on pve realms. They can flag up when they want and turn it off when they want. They can freely stroll into all of their safe instanced pve content. Unmolested.

Now let’s examine that. All of this crying is because of pvp happening when people choose to do something other than pvp. There’s servers that allow you to choose when you pvp and when you don’t.

Yes well after three ud rogues in full mic gear and perditions blades outplay a lvl 55 player it’s best to give them a second chance this time at half health.

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Let me guess, solo running fro TP to BRM?
Yeah, you deserve to die A LOT if you’re that dumb.

Another troll that has no idea what’s happening.

You need a group of 40 to enter brm w/o dying and even then you can get wiped out.

Sooo… PvPers need to get organized on a PvP server in a multiplayer game to get to PvE content because the other side organizes? Isn’t that kindof what y’all wanted when you said that PvP servers were the only ‘real’ way to play, because it put the WAR back in Warcraft and everyone else were carebears?

The fact is that alliance players are more interested in seeing conjured water in IF than pvp.

Anyone that wants to organize can’t. And I’m sorry but I can mind control that alliance carebears into pvping.

Anyway, a lot have quit already. The pvp servers will be dead by January

Make sure you come back and screenshot your AV rank, tough guy (in the interst of self-preservation, I wont hold my breath)

But you are touching retail by playing classic.

That’s what I thought tough guy.

Imagine crying about horde having one spot while you have the whole world outside of it.

Stay mad. Horde majority on every (but one) server is a botched census

be more creative in your run, and most horde run to to BRM from TP not kargath, usually lower level horde come from kargath unless you got a group doing pvp in the pass near there. Still safer then going to TP if that is where they are all at.

This argument lacks all kinds of critical thinking… ie logic!

#1 - Tell the class what IS an “actual World pvp battle” right now in phase 2? Killing leader NPC’s in hometowns do not count in this discussion - there are NO actual wpvp battles outside of makeshift grounds.

#2 - No one, literally NO ONE, can be successful at wpvp below lvl 60. Yeah you might be able to give a few ppl a run for their money, but you will constantly be out powered by those at lvl 60. How does one get to lvl 60?

#3 - Farming dungeons is the only way to lvl on some pvp servers. Which can become a slower grind than if one were able to solo via questing due to faction pop and/or flightpath camping (Gadget).

there is a paradox in the current wpvp situation and I don’t think ANYONE has the faintest idea as to how to fix it this late in the rollout.

You don’t know?

It’s not what you’re doing but allow me.

Any battle between players out in the world.

Lol. Ok. You do realize that killing faction leaders is meant to cause wpvp? Just like camping FP, boats, zeps, and dungeon entrances.
What your faction is supposed to do is get pissed, organize, and retaliate. This is the point of pvp servers and always has been. Long before wow. This was the norm. In other games there were no premade factions. It was guild rivalries that fueled wpvp.

You’re taking about critical thinking and this is your #2 talking point? :rofl:
Define successful. Never dying or is it just getting safely into instanced pve content? I’ve been killed more than I’ve killed on my 52 hunter but I can tell you I’ve killed a few 60’s. Not one complaint about it and i haven’t quit. So to me that is successful. I knew what I signed up for and chose to casually level on a pvp server.
I can tell you this though. When I finally do hit 60 there’s going to be some bad 60’s that are going to feel every single gank I did.
That’s the point of player vs. Player. This isn’t scripted mobs we face. We face other players for that challenge.
Wpvp in every single game has always typically been: He who has the most meatshields wins! Get organized! Make balance!

No. It’s really not. Get a group. Grind mobs. Yes. It’s going to take longer. Yes. You may be ganked but that’s expected on a PvP server. This isn’t huge critical thinking. This is irrefutable fact and known for 2+ decades.
Critical thinking he says. Lol.

Well this might be your problem right here. Solo. On a pvp server? Are you insane?

Oh boy. Don’t ever speak of critical thinking again. The fix is roll PvE if you can’t make anything else happen.
Crits for over 9000 critical thinking

It has nothing to do with #nochanges. There are 500% more people on the servers than there were in Vanilla. That’s the problem.