The Problem

I feel like I need to explain what the problem is with the current state of PvP since pretty much everyone on both sides of the argument are missing the point.

The root of the problem is not server imbalance. This is an aggravating factor, obviously, but the crux of the issue is that the developers released an honour system without providing any constructive outlet for people to use that system. The only option available to anyone who wants to gain honour is to form gank squads and camp instance entrances, flight points, and transit systems. This forces anyone who isn’t already 60 and wanting to PvP exclusively into a position where they can’t level their character. If Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin had been released at the same time as the honour system, we simply would not have this problem.

Let me enumerate the counter arguments and explain why they are nonsensical:

  1. Git Gud.
  2. Roll PvE.

This is the extent of the arguments presented by people who don’t think the game is in a ridiculous state. Why don’t they make sense? They assume that the current state of PvP is the version of PvP that people signed up for.

What most people think when they think “PvP” is leveling in areas where other players of similar strengths might want to fight them over access to some quest item or reagent. They might run into people much stronger than them and need to evade them to survive. This adds an element of excitement to the game.

What most people don’t think is fun or exciting is when groups of a dozen players outranking them by 10+ levels one-shot them and camp their corpses for hours on end. It isn’t actually even physically possible for them to fight back, they simply have to leave the area or endure being endlessly killed. Questing is impossible in most high-level zones for these players, and the only option available to them is to endlessly run dungeons to level, dungeons which take them an hour to travel to because of the fact that they need to die 15 times on the way to the entrance.

Do you guys honestly not understand the difference between these two situations? One is a challenge, the other is a frustrating waste of time, and an experience that no one wants to pay to endure. The people making these comments are, invariably, already level 60 and simply don’t need to deal with the impossibility of leveling their character.

It was a mind-numbingly stupid decision to release an honour system and gear rewards without a constructive avenue to farm that honour. Everyone with half a brain knew this months ahead of time. Everyone I know power-leveled leading up to the honour system release because we knew that the game would be rendered unplayable for anyone from around levels 30-58 while they would be forced to endure being farmed for honour like an NPC.

All they need to do is release a BG. Will it stop ganking? No. Nor does anyone want to wipe PvP out. Will it make it possible to quest in the open world again? Almost certainly. They’re happy to roll out dungeons off-schedule, but when their player-base is telling them the game is garbage, they can’t be bothered to make a change.

I would absolutely love to see their subscription numbers. That graph must be hilarious.


A quick search would indicate that what you just wrote has, in fact, been discussed numerous times.



So then… why did you bump it? It was a dead thread. If you object to it, why did you bring it back to life?


Well bust my britches. You mean to tell me if i stick my hand in a saw (roll a pvp server) it won’t get cut off?(pwnagized and camped into oblivion) I’m calling bs. If i don’t stick my hand in the saw(roll pve) it won’t get cut off.

The problem is blizzard didn’t implement faction caps per server from day 1 because they didn’t want to piss off a minority portion of the community. Instead they (just like in the past) let everything go to extreme imbalance. Blizzard really just doesn’t care about obvious issues, they’d rather sweep it under the rug and sip some hot coco while every pvp server turns into pve.


BGs is almost a week away. Shoulda been in at the start but itll be here soon enough

BGs will be out soon and will alleviate much of the problem.

Yawn, are we there yet?

No, it doesn’t

It merely makes people who want to succeed, work harder at doing so. Pay attention to your LFG channel, people on my server regularly announce where’s being camped… avoid those places.

Nobody is forcing you to level through STV… there are other options available.
Nobody is forcing you to level through Searing Gorge, there are other options available.

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I didn’t play during Vanilla, i did play during BC… i knew exactly what i was getting into when i rolled on a PVP server, was looking forward to it.

Just because PVP in Classic isn’t EZmode like in Retail, doesn’t mean it’s broken.

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by minority you mean majority since telling your player base no they cant play the faction that they want tends to tick off everyone.

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That’s what other servers are for… pick another server until it overflows and move to the next. I don’t really see the problem here other than as I said the minority cases where people’s friends showed up late to the party and can’t roll with their buddies on x server. A causality I feel that is for the better of the health of a server.

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ok com why are you more important than the other guy what gives you the right to demand that other have to suffer to appease you? basically who died and made you leader?

well said!

Its the only logical thing I can think of to save a server from gross imbalance and PvP servers as a whole from turning into pve. It’s blunt and harsh, sure, but I can’t think of many other options. Clearly blizzard doesn’t care at all about any drastic options based on history repeating itself (gross imbalance)

I agree mate you make great points

no its not it will not fix pvp servers the problem is players going to pvp servers that want to pve not pvp and as such will not partake in pvp. also your logic is flawed because your hurting more people to help less people the best option with least amount of players to be hurt would be to get rid of the smaller group thats complaining leaving the majority of players happy. (btw i dont no think thats a valid option just pointing out its more logical than hurt 1000 players to please 10 players.)

edit I just looked up your server com and from what im seeing the server split is 53 47 ally favor… if your getting stomped its your faction thats needs to step it up.

I honestly think your missing the point OP. If the servers were capped at a max population the dominant side wouldn’t be able to cover all the zones like they do now, and definantly not as heavy as they do now. You can’t force people to play what faction you want them to. You can call servers tho and force people to move off.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Just allow players who hate the current state of PVP servers to transfer to PVE servers without the option of transferring back. Retains subscribers who are going to quit otherwise. Just seems like a no brainer for Blizzard especially if they make them paid transfers.