Botting problem in PVP

So, from a little digging.

Accounts banned by month

June 2023 - 127,014

July 2023 - 116,921

August 2023 - 145,566

September 2023 - 136,014

October 2023 - 203,026

November 2023 - 197,455

December 2023 - 270970

That is a total of 1,196,966

Cost of the account $40.00
Cost of the boost $50.00

If HALF of those accounts are bots, Blizzard is making almost 53 MILLION dollars from bots.

If they were losing money from credit cards stolen and whatnot this issue would have been solved by now.

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^^^^ This right here is why I don’t want to see anything done about the bots; and would rather side with the bots than with actual players.

You’re only empowering certain players like the rogue I’ve been arguing with to spread their elitist disease into BGs

Yes, now it’s elitism to be upset because someone on your team is dying with literally a single shot and contributing NOTHING towards the battleground objectives.

It’s elitism to see someone end a battleground with 40 deaths, dealing less than 30k damage and be upset about it.


You made yourself, judge, jury, and executioner that those 40 deaths and 30k HP didn’t contribute to the BG when you can’t prove anything like that to begin with.

And that’s why I won’t support anything being done about the bots except what they’re already doing with banwaves.

I won’t support YOUR ideas; mine are a better start.

“Can’t prove anything” ?

Dude, queue for a battleground and see how a player, even if it’s not a bot, plays when they are recently boosted and straight away queued for the battleground with that boosted gear.

They LITERALLY can die to a single-shot from some classes, and often end with 30 to 50 deaths depending on the battleground

I live in the BGs and dungeons. They are my end-game. I know exactly what’s going on.

And if you want me to support you in doing something about bots, then it’s going to be done my way.

That rogue is just salivating at the chance to throw me out of a BG for simply using a parry gem.

1 - When have I SPECIFICALLY in this entire thread suggested the ability to kick players form a BG?

2 - If you live in battlegrounds liked you mentioned, and question how bad the bot problem is, you are either A - Lying, or B - mentally insane

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You didn’t. You replied to me based on another poster that suggested vote-kicking.

Did I personally call you a liar or insane?

like I say… The bots don’t go around verbally assaulting me.

Why would I want a teammate like you in my BG over a bot?

Do you? Do you really? :point_down:

You have “super secret sentry totem strats” where you place it in the tunnel and pretend it’s useful.

So do you really know what’s going on?

Not salivating, but I do enjoy reminding everyone that when you say you “know what’s going on”, to just casually drop that you don’t actually. Oh, also, how much is rent? This is the second thread I wasn’t in but you just had to mention me lmao

Bots are everywhere and I really don’t want to wait 2 years for you to ban 50k more accounts, just hire some GM’s with your trillions of dollars and make wow a good game again, bots ruining your game, all you care about is the money from bot subs, bad look


Inc Lumber Mill.

Sorry if I struck a nerve.


You’re just as silly as that rogue.

I may be a silly little goofball but atleast I don’t demand the ability to waste everyone else’s time like you do, which is just outright griefing.

How do you know the parry gem wasn’t a factor in the success?

Because it’s irrelevant to your role and stats needed. You already have to be unstunned, in melee, being attacked from the front in order to even have a chance at parrying. You are 37-34-0 for your talents. You have more ele talents than anything, which is why you have a caster staff.

A better defensive would be using a shield if you wanted a defensive option, without sacrificing the stats your character wants.

You’re delusional if you even consider that parry gem relevant to anything you have done. It was wasted gold, and it shows everyone you just exist to waste their time.

I’ll reiterate. Unless you were there personally, you don’t know if the parry gem had any bearing on the outcome of the content or not.

You’re a moron. We know what these stats are, we know where they’re used and applicable, we can see what class you are at a baseline, and I know you have a scuffed ele/enhancement talent build as your primary. I didnt dive your resto build, but my god, if you somehow messed up resto then I don’t have to say more.

You’re sitting back pretending like we’re all ignorant as you, but no. We know that the gem did nothing, just like your two wrathful bands where one is SP and one is AP. You’re trying to split a bar and do multiple things, which for LKC, almost always results in a lower performance than just 100%ing a single one.

You can cope and say “but you werent there huehuehue” I dont need to be because I understand this game.

The gem’s effectiveness is moot. The point of me bringing up the gem is to constantly reiterate that you are a selfish player who doesn’t care. You don’t care about the teams your trying to force your way in, only yourself. You won’t do anything for the team, only yourself.

You’re just a selfish player pretending that he isn’t. If you can’t even gem correctly, then no one should ever trust you with any higher responsibility, which is everything else, because gemming correctly is the most braindead thing you can do.

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And… who’s… we?

What teams?

Anyone with respectable logs or a decent rating. I’ve explained this. People who are better at the game than you by a measurable and numerical means. This is a solved game.

Any party or raid is a team. Stop being dumb. It’s not cute, it’s pathetic and sad. I legitimately feel pity for you.

And a randomly accessed team as in a BG or dungeon, there too?

That’s what you keep taking out of context. You say any group but what you really mean is a manually made, or established group.