Botting problem in PVP

See, you complain about comprehension, then say this afterwards.


Even in a randomly put together team, you are still apart of that team.

Stop being dumb. It’s not cute, it’s pathetic and sad. I legitimately feel pity for you.

This is where I tried to argue with you in good faith before and failed.

I, with my parry gem, can still out-dps mostly anyone in greens, if not everyone.

If I’m slowing my random team down with my gems, then so is anyone that shows up lesser geared than I.

That is my interpretation of your bad logic.

And I already explained how this is wrong in a team setting. Give me a minute, I’ll fully quote it in it’s entirety for everyone to see. :point_down:

I never once mentioned the quality of the gear. You try to say that no one comprehends what you’re saying, but here you are putting words in my mouth.

A player with bad quality gear is doing what he needs to. It’s unfortunate, and I prefer not to have them on my team in a random bg, but, all our toons start there at some point. It’s a rite of passage. Take your lumps.

That is not what you are doing. :point_down:

For those who don’t know, this individual refuses to raid because of “gatekeepers”, only bgs and 2’s with a duo, peaking 1646. He’s a half and half ele/enhance with a armor/on use dodge trinket, a caster staff enchanted with agi, gemmed for parry. It gets worse the longer you look. These are all pvp epics of relentless/wrathful tier.

Ironforge(dot)pro → Wafectus → Everything I said is right there in front of you, for the non believers.

With what I just stated, yes, you are. A player with low quality gear is not indicative of their skill, only their equipped items, and where else is he going to go to get his upgrades.

You on the other hand actively grief yourself for whatever reason, and that in turn griefs the entire rest of the team. That is purely indicative of skill, because you could have easily looked up the plethora of guides and got the baseline correct, but you didn’t. You chose to do this, and then whine when people don’t want you in their groups. This is a you issue that you created for yourself. You can fix it right now, but refuse to.

So yes, I’d take the guy with greens over you.

Edit: To avoid having you say something about not addressing gammas, those are also catch up content for gear. Raid = Arena. Instances = BGs. I have the exact same sentiment to gammas as I do to bgs

You fundamentally don’t understand this game, condemn those who use GS but then turn around and say “but but my epics though”. You’re a delusional :clown_face:

Edit: I quoted it as is, but, you did replace your tank trinket. Good job. It’s an AP trinket, but it’s better than your tank dodge trinket atleast.

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Are they, How can you know that with certainty unless you are in that BG yourself? Let me guess; the answer is going to be your vast expertise in this game.

And by that same token, you don’t know that about me either.

The rest of your incoherence becomes irrelevant because you go back to it being about skill, when my entire premise has for days has been about access.

Give the reports a day or two to reset. I put it back on.

You mentioned at one point something about my server being pve. I lived and grew up on pvp servers and only recently went to a pve server at the start of TBCC. So yes, as someone who has played many many battlegrounds, and has thousands of hours in unrated pvp content, a player with bad gear in a bg is there to get gear.

Because skill is a requirement to access the content on any difficulty past story mode, which is LFR by design. Hence the lack of achievements and a stacking buff for every wipe.

You want this absolute take of “wah im gatekept” when you’re the one gatekeeping yourself because you refuse to show people who would invite you any reason as to WHY they should invite you.

Sure buddy. You physically can not counter anything I’ve said, resorting to headcanon constantly and cope, so your only option is to try to silence me. I don’t care, but openly admitting to reporting me, and constantly replying to me, only damages your own reports. Seriously, report this post and then reply to it. There is a nice little box to the right of the text you’re typing that says that you really shouldn’t do that.

Dude actually uses a parry gem playing as ele/enh, ever hit above 1600’s, and claims to ‘live in battlegrounds’

This level of arrogance and lack of self awareness is borderline legendary.

You know, when you said that I’m the kind of player that you would rather not have alongside you in a battleground?

Believe me, son, the feeling is mutual.

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