Bring Flex Raiding To Cata

Sounds like there is more bad players than just you.

I hear my silver friends cry out about smurfs in Valorant, then I check their trackers and the “smurf” got stomped 5 games in a row and quite literally just had a good game when my friend played against “the smurf”.

There are bads who lack the basic fundamental understanding of the game they play, everywhere.

If you’re so bad that you can’t win a 2v1 against a guy carrying some drooler then you deserve to lose elo.

If you can’t win a 2v1, you deserve to lose elo.

Yes, because they know they’re playing against players like you.

True, because the competition is you. You have a half and half ele/enhancement build, with mix matched gear and mix matched gems and enchants. You have a tank trinket with on use dodge and a caster staff with a parry gem and agi enchants.

You have the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th bis major glyphs, but your 3rd/4th are interchangeable and situational. You’re missing your best glyph because you don’t have Feral Spirit, which is what your best glyph is based off of.

Is it really rigged, or do you just suck? I’m sure it’s the latter.

Ironforge(dot)pro → Wafectus → Everything I said is right there in your face, viewable for everyone to see. Nothing I said about your gear is a lie as of this moment. If you go change it, good for you. If you don’t, well, the evidence stands.