Bring Flex Raiding To Cata

Not at 1600s it isn’t hahahahahahahaha

you’re just bad

I’m losing to teams that don’t have 1k rating. It’s a rigged system.

Uh huh. :point_down:

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uhh just bring flex raiding to cata blizzard

and with the person who said i have 17 finding the rest for 25 shouldnt be a problem, well 25 isnt the answer, people have things come up. People have mortgages and kids and lives now. Crap happens, it is always advisable to have a bench. Which would bump that number up even higher.

I wouldn’t have to find anyone if flex raiding was in the game, cata will most likely die without it

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If it were just me saying that you’d be right…

There does seem to be a general consensus amongst the overall arena community, not just those 2k+, that the arena is rigged.

Those arena carry-sellers; in order for them to be able to sell those kinds of services, the system would have to be rigged for them to be able monetize ratings and arena gear like GDKP.

They know very well, especially all the plate-wearers, that they’re in a position to game the system; and, that’s why they’re able to sell arena carrys…

They know they can guarantee wins…

And in a PvP setting, if you know you can guarantee the win, is because a fair chance at even competition doesn’t really exist.

Sounds like there is more bad players than just you.

I hear my silver friends cry out about smurfs in Valorant, then I check their trackers and the “smurf” got stomped 5 games in a row and quite literally just had a good game when my friend played against “the smurf”.

There are bads who lack the basic fundamental understanding of the game they play, everywhere.

If you’re so bad that you can’t win a 2v1 against a guy carrying some drooler then you deserve to lose elo.

If you can’t win a 2v1, you deserve to lose elo.

Yes, because they know they’re playing against players like you.

True, because the competition is you. You have a half and half ele/enhancement build, with mix matched gear and mix matched gems and enchants. You have a tank trinket with on use dodge and a caster staff with a parry gem and agi enchants.

You have the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th bis major glyphs, but your 3rd/4th are interchangeable and situational. You’re missing your best glyph because you don’t have Feral Spirit, which is what your best glyph is based off of.

Is it really rigged, or do you just suck? I’m sure it’s the latter.

Ironforge(dot)pro → Wafectus → Everything I said is right there in your face, viewable for everyone to see. Nothing I said about your gear is a lie as of this moment. If you go change it, good for you. If you don’t, well, the evidence stands.

It is, when you are forcing it upon players who don’t want to do arena for the best PvP gear.

Then that sucks then. Don’t get the best pvp gear then.

But it doesn’t change the fact that if you’re losing a 2v1 against a carry and a drooler, that’s just on you. Get better.

No? You’re the authority on what I can’t or cannot have?

If that’s the case, all geared earned through arena needs to scale down to BG level gear.

Your comprehension is garbage. Blizzard says you can’t, since the system they currently have requires points that are obtained in Arena for the most part. You can get catch up and little drips elsewhere, but otherwise, Arena gear is for Arena players.

That’s the system in place. If you’re too dumb to understand that, well, makes sense really.

You craft your own narrative based off of ignorance and lack of understanding. This needs no rebuttal because it’s based solely on you being wrong in the first place. Try again.

Nor does any of this change the core of what I said originally. If you can’t win a 2v1, that’s on you. Maybe change your gear around to actually work, and fix your talents. Maybe then you won’t get stomped into the ground at 1600s.

What you’re in effect saying is…

BGers don’t deserve to have the best PvP gear possible, and when they encounter arena geared players and were at a disadvantage simply for the content they prefer to do, they deserve to be overwhelmed, even if they could never offer a fair fight due to the circumstances outside of their control.

If I can’t win a 2 v 1, then there’s something wrong with the classes in question, for 2 of them to not be able to down 1 player, and for the other to be too powerful to be able to win by mere, cheesy play.

No, I loved WoD’s system of having a weekly cap that can be grinded in other aspects other than rated, but at a slower rate. Pretty sure I’ve said this to you before.

But this isn’t wod. This is LKC. LKC uses a different system. If you don’t like it, quit, or don’t get the arena gear if you don’t want to arena. No one is forcing you to do anything within your own power.

Relentless players can kill Wrathful players. This is just another example of your fetish about gear, and confusing gear with skill. Obviously Wrathful numbers are higher than Relentless, that said, it’s not end all be all. If it is for you, then it really is just a skill diff.

No, 2 players shouldn’t have an issue taking down a single player. This is why you see so many 2’s teams just leave when one of the two members dies. It’s almost impossible to win at that point in most contexts.

So the fact that you’re calling all this rigged because you can’t just shows that you actually just suck first and foremost.

By then, PvP gear had been nerfed to the ground that they didn’t care who had it anymore.

It’s because it’s almost as powerful as PvE gear, is why they locked it behind ratings to begin with.

Deadly players can kill wrathful players.

A general statement that says nothing in the end.

Wrong. You didn’t even play, so how would you know?

They serve two different purposes. Resil has almost no use in raids, and things like spell penetration only have a use in pvp.

What it says is that you suck if you can’t with your current gear. Maybe change your stats around to actually work and you won’t have an issue. :point_down: Reminder of what your current gear is.

When did I ever say I didn’t play WoD?

More nonsense. I could gear out exactly as you would want and the results would still be the same.

You condemn everything past cata, and have said many times you don’t touch future expansions. Sure, maybe you got on and played for a week. That is not playing the game. I highly doubt you played from first to final patch of wod.

The fact that things even in cata you are absolutely wrong on only further proves that you don’t know what these future expansions do, even if you “played” it.

How is it nonsense? If you do everything correct and the only variable is your own ability to play, then you just suck, which I even said in the sentence you quoted. :point_down:

I literally say you just suck if you can’t win with even your current trash setup.

It only gets worse if you actually gem and enchant correctly, only to still lose. It is just your own inability to play.

The ladder is plagued by cheaters, amongst a whole slew of disparities I have gone over already at all rating levels.

Playing “correctly” is no guarantee of progression in the current state of PvP.

Not just me.

I hope anyone stuck in any kind of rating wall is listening.

A geared and skilled player carrying a drooler is not cheating no matter how much you get stomped and whine about it.


You just suck.

Correct, not just you. You went 5-6 last week on your W/L. You got +6 rating total, congrats. You and your duo obviously had to beat some teams, and if you’re beating them, then yeah, they suck too.

Good, listen well. Gem and enchant your gear as best you can in accordance with the stats you need, so not parry as an ele shaman on your STAFF. Watch what players who are better than you do, notice their movement and ability choice. Ask yourself why they CC’d when they did. Try to understand their logic in what priority target is and why. If they switch kill targets, try to understand why. Watch how they engaged and disengage, using LOS to their advantage. Notice their synergy and communication, that is critical. You will never win if you can’t work with your teammate.

Don’t follow Wafectus. He’ll keep you hardstuck.

If I didn’t know any of this already, I doubt I would get to 1K rating.

Plus, the disparities that exist already going into the game negate all that. You can have all that kind of awareness, and still lose and not progress.

You literally messed up the very first step. You’re not someone to listen to on this.

For anyone who actually is hardstuck, don’t get into a victim mentality either like Wafectus. If you’re trying to win, don’t go in with “I already lost wahhh” attitude.

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