Botting in Classic WoW has evolved

Dude, how short is your attention span?

Bots these days make glider look like the newborn babe it was

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Without multiple repeats of the same event without error, maybe the mage is just good at wall pumping :stuck_out_tongue:

So flyhacking is just skill to you?

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I saw some very good wall jumping going on.

Prove it was botting.

He’s fly hacking, that is not skilled wall jumping.

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So do you just argue for the sake of it, even if they’re very obviously hacking?


Just flag this moron for trolling and move on.


Don’t let this thread die, keep it at the top, i’ve had a gutful.


Ban the bots blizz, do it cowards!


What a joke. Perma ban the bots please.


Holy crap hes literally soloing zg by just stepping side and side


This probably wont get fixed for like 2 years, gg economy

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Ziryus has a point. Without seeing the mage repeatedly doing the same thing, exactly, run after run. It might not be a hack/bot.

There’s possibility a keyboard macro could be doing the work for an actual person that’s working it.

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He flys through the walls to collect that many beasts its clearly not intended gameplay


Yep, no argument there.

Im amazed there is such a glitch spot in zul gurub, crazy that people find these things where he can just step up and down and the beasts leash up and down slowly, its so easy
I guess when its literally your work job you think of it differently

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Macro do not allow for what he is doing.

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A keyboard macro could. I used to spawn larva at 3 different hatcheries in under a second back when I played SC2 WoL.

I could micro my army and have more and more lings coming because of a keyboard macro.

In vanilla a certain guild who will remain unnamed because blizzard is adverse to name and shame, they hacked the wall of AQ 40 to go around all the bosses that are in the way of Cthun so they could attempt him without clearing the raid.

Players do things to the client to modify the files in order to make things like that possible.