Botting in Classic WoW has evolved

It is a bot in a hacking third party program for lua scripts
I am actually envious, it takes a considered amount of time to make this works.

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Ban all bots.

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They deleted a file in one fo the folders to exploit the terrain. You would jump from the top of the temple to c’thun room.
This bot delete and recreate and adulterate said files stupidly fast to do what he did.

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there are some rather creative terrain hacks. Not promoting that stuff, just that its very possible, the sky is quite literally the limit with the hacking. Its a shame that blizzard does not get a little more aggressive with bans vs bots.

I mean the economy is already ruined if you think about it, these zul gurub hackers probably have every resource they could ever need by now.

Likely so, I farm ZG solo as a rogue only for herbs but they have killed my market. Selling blood vines for 23 gold, I cant compete with that. It costs me more in time to farm it at that rate than I can instead farm plague bloom or Mountain Silver for a far better profit margin and because its out in the world I can slay the horde bots.

Everything on grobbulus besides black lotus sells for nothing, if youre not a robot you cant actually value your time for something like 1 gold.

Yup, anything they cant tightly control is worthless because that forces the player to buy gold to get the things that you “need” for raids such as Lotus.

ya you tard, a keyboard macro would allow for no_clip? gtfo

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It feels bad vendoring so much stuff because the they are listed on the AH for a few copper above vendor price. I’m using making bandages while afk so I can vendor my cloth away lul.

So, you care a little bit.

Anything said before this is now null and void.

That’s exactly what I just said. You’re associating Keyboard Turning with Bot Culture and telling others to be aware of such behavior.

Just like not all Multi-boxers are bots. Reason why I bring this up is because I feel the word “bot” is used too loosely. I feel that some (not all) are quick to scream “bot”, when something they don’t understand is happening.

Again, anything before this is irrelevant.

Curious how you know this. Have you botted?

Thank you for the clarification.

From what I saw, in the video, the only thing of concern, to me, is the wall hacking. Which doesn’t make this person a bot. I read, in this thread (from you):

I am inclined to agree that this is possible. This doesn’t make the situation a botting situation. It is still a cheating situation. I just don’t feel that it’s a botting situation.

Cheating, yes. Botting, no. There are many forms of cheating, in this game, and it’s not always botting.

time to do something blizz!!

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BuT hOw Do YoU kNoW iTs À bOt


yeah maby it’s just a player with a levitating playstile and ocd


Sure let’s allow ppl to copy over thousands and thousands of gold. Primals will be 50g for one.

Suddenly makes sense why I was able to pick up 400 major mana pots at less than 1g a pot recently when there were 50+ mages in Strat, haha.

nothings going to change, this isnt the same blizzard we all loved and grew up with. It’s activision/blizzard and its not the same.


Maybe the janitor will decide to ban a few bots when he enters a room and the computer is still open

But that’s unlikely

Crazy, something like this can easilly be detected systematically… Yet still it continues…


blozzaRD just settin them selves up for monthsss for a diff company to come steal their player base

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