Botting in Classic WoW has evolved

/shrug I’m more concerned about the person buying the service to begin with.

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Yeah the buyer enables that sort of behavior for sure, and you are right its equally a problem.

Guess, I’m a bot, now because I keyboard turn.

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Do you trace an exact path every time you run a dungeon? Do you trace an exact path every time you farm herbs or minerals?

I doubt you do.

After doing a dungeon on farm mode multiple times? Yes i will trace a very similar path every time.

Define “exact”. I have a set path, I take. I’m just laughing, at the fact you want players to look for keyboard turning characters as part of Bot Spotting.

Similar does not = same.
And a bot does the same thing over and over and over again.



The video does not show a character doing the exact same thing multiple times.

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similar =/= exact.

bots will trace an exact path every time because that’s how their script works.

The video shows him fly hacking like wtf

And the video provided only shows a single pull. So where is the the second, third, every attempt?

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Hmm… how so?

I could care less about keyboard turning, but when you see keyboard turning you tend to take a look and observe the behavior. Not all keyboard turners are bots, but most bots keyboard turn.

Also Exact path =/= similar or close.

i cant be arsed with a troll. Good day.


So all you saw was a good mage killing crocs and you’re jealous?

Amazing how Blizz doesn’t care about Chinese bots but they take swift action when Blitzchung supports Hong Kong democracy. They seem to be a pushover to China.


Do you bot bro?


Ziryus that is a bot, @ 1:45 he shimmies up into the stratosphere and fly hacks off the screen, that is not skill.

He’s hacked the client to do that.

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That’s a big OOF.

Then don’t post as a 12 minute video…