Bots literally fly hacking and boosting people to level 25 in SoD

My original point still stands after watching this video; flyhacking adds absolutely nothing of value here. That mage would clear the dungeon slower and far less efficiently doing this and risk a chance of getting banned as opposed to just boosting RFC normally

You may need a time machine because this has been going on for years.

I love when people are proven wrong and get mad and have to rage post 100 times like it will change the outcome of them being wrong.

Idk why you would boost in public groups and do it when youre going to be reported.

I can see solo farming gold doing it like they did in Mara.

Thatā€™s right, stew in your wrong madness.

Itā€™s not circumventing their rules? Itā€™s literally built in so you can do that. Hell, thereā€™s even a guide posted by Blizzard that includes this exact syntax.

Eventually when your Trust level is high enough you donā€™t need to do it anymore.

I wasnt wrong about anything, fly hacking has been a thing for years in pretty much all versions of WOW, why wouldnt it be in SOD?

Even at the start of the video Asmongold says that.

Im trust level 3 so i can post videos and pics.

I believe you said bots donā€™t boost people using flyhacks.

Thats like me bringing 4 people with me to go to the store and when we get into the store i rob it infront of them.

Wonder if any of them are gonna report me?

So you failed and are now trying to make up hypotheticals to cover your failure.

Hacking / botting ruins the integrity of the game, and itā€™s a terrible look for Blizzard who hasnā€™t been able to successfully deal with the issue when private servers can.

Yes private servers have a lot less people, but they also have a lot less resources, but their methods work because they actually care.

Quote me saying i denied any of it happening.

Iā€™ll wait.

You know you did. :clown_face:

Iā€™ll admit that I was wrong in saying flat out boosters donā€™t flyhack (though the video didnā€™t even show a full run just a few mob kills). But again the point I stressed from the very beginning of me posting was itā€™s a non-issue right now because it not only slows down the boost versus just doing it normally it also increases the chance of a ban from 0% to a non 0%

Should be easy to quote me then.

I donā€™t need to. Deep down you know and you are mad which is why youā€™ve posted so many times.


Naw i take pleasure in schooling people on the forums, its a hobby of mine.

This was nothing, you werent even close to a match.

My original post is right and you lost.


I never once said it was wrong.