Bots banned and new DK creation restrictions!

Here we go boys!


(Tychus Voice):

“Hell, it’s about time.”


let’s see how many of our raid friends will not appear today :sweat_smile:


So the obvious solution would be to introduce tokens.
Expect that to be the next change and it’s a good one since players will always be willing to pay real money for gold.


I got my grobb freebie dk snuck in on a 2nd account I test things for a month. So I beat the buzzer. the boost on that account was put on OB to aid this account’s OB chars in some ways. and to see what level cap or close hunter is liked since I cba to level mine.

she makes gold to send to a grobb lowbie this account in case I get that grobb leveling itch.

Doesn’t matter how many bots they ban, have to go after the players breaking the rules and buying gold. Bots will just continue as there’s money to make. Scare the players enough (as we saw a bit during classic when they banned players) and it will help the problem.


They’ve cleared the basement of the flood and plugged a major hole.

As for the demand, an alternative has been mentioned: the WoW token. It’s a win for Blizzard: it kills the illegal gold farming and puts money in their pocket.

Whatever our reservations about the token, it does make sense logically.


Token, huh? Because there’s definitely no bots in Retail. :rofl:

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That is what I was thinking. accounting will come down saying you are looking a bit light in this months tithe to the yatch fund.

I’d take it. I’d not p2w it lol. I don’t care enought evne buyer run a gdkp lol.

I’d need maybe 20 to 30k. None of my chars have artisan or epic flying.
That did not motivate enough to farm that gold.

That’s my view as well.
I’m not a fan of tokens personally but it’s far better than what we have now. Folks are going to buy gold no matter what… might as well get rid of the bots by providing a legit way to do it.


Careful. Classic andys will swear up and down the token didnt help the bot problem when it clearly did. Not sure how theyd even know since they havent touched retail since cata


They are liked there more. they sell mats much cheaper.

and they mix in well with the carries. Hell at least bots…actually work. carries are told to go sit in a corner and watch some youtube or something lol.

It’s nowhere near as bad. Of course it’s impossible to get rid of all of them but at least you’ll be able to PVP in BGs again if nothing else.

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They’ll be back in a week when they are 80 again.


I wonder if this will make the kara runs worthwhile again. I was doing about 500g in 40 min but then realized at the current price of bot bought gold that is about like making $0.75 an hour. I was just farming for money for mounts and such.

Retail pvp is waaaaaaaay cleaner bot wise.

any wth is this moments is usually jsut a really bad player.

not all noobs either. I’ve seen some crappy “I am 2400” players. Must have nice jobs irl. those 2400 carries cost them a decent amount of money really lol.

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I’m recently started playing again… I haven’t noticed any bots. Not saying they’re not there. They may very well be. However, the bots I ran into during TBC and WotLK were pretty significant and obvious. There’d be 20-30 folks logged in on the Alliance-side. Maybe half were bots, and it was painfully obvious.

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The DK trains are pretty amusing when you watch a dozen or so of them run/fly by the same exact path.
I don’t play retail but I highly doubt that happens there.

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Retail put in a fast and effective afk reporting system. bots get afk’d out. we kick them to curb fast.

the downside is if enough want you gone…you get afk reported out too.

I’ve earned some afk kicks talking trash and maybe went to far. I’ve also been afk kicked for trying to organize breaking an AV turtle a few time. and my team actually wanted the turtle lol.

Heh, I’d consider myself a Classic Andy. I think there’s good reason to be skeptical of Pay 2 Win when its introduced, but I don’t see any alternatives in this instance.

Correct. Intimidation is not enough. Better to have a legal outlet for this sort of thing.