Boosting the XP Gains Creates Another Problem

First night obviously, but last night I got gloves and chest(?) that were good.

Of course also 2 trinkets. :wink:

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I read what you wrote but I couldn’t understand the details. I’ll take your word for it.

There’s nothing wrong with scaling so long as your gear sits at at least “white” level for the entirety.

You’ve got folks out here hitting level 50 with half the ilvl they need just to be “white” ilvl. That’s sucks.

A super simple solution would be to give everyone heirloom gear for free that scales up to the previous expansion’s max level. Then all those “improvements” would just make the gear slightly stronger so a green at the same ilvl wouldn’t gain you 5% extra.

I mean it’s all just math. All they need to do is sit down and do it in a way that’s fun and beneficial. The system we have right now is jacked in favor of exorbitant amounts of gold.


Seriously? I just spent 100,000s in gold to upgrade sets for each armor type (including weapons) up to Level 70 like two weeks ago. Good grief.


I logged on three characters today…

There’s four trinkets, one trinket repeated 3 times, and then a different trinket.

There’s 3 helmets.

There’s 1 pair of gloves.

There’s 1 weapon on an Elite World Quest that is pretty much impossible to solo without endgame gear.

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But it doesn’t by design. It’s somewhat like saying “Water is fine as long as you don’t drown.” That risk comes along with it, and what we’re talking about here is drowning, not dying of thirst.

I acknowledge scaling worlds has an application in combating the “linear, on-rails” complaints of world content. But frankly, I am conditioned to enjoy that in a game, and the costs that come with scaling worlds means the same weak monsters gradually just become bigger and bigger meat sponges without changing the content or risk of death, and the new monsters have no new dynamic depth in the challenge presented. The experience is homogenized to then re-create the solved problem of idle games (e.g., [Exponential Idle (](

Scaling worlds is a bad idea. It’s creating the disease to find the cure.


Yes that quest is crazy hard. It must have been a helm not chest – chest must have been via questing.

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What I’m mad about is had I waited a single day to upgrade to 60 (I was bored staring at those tokens for years) I would have started with 337 ilvl gear and not 180. Thanks, Blizz.


They have the “Gear Upgrade” option in the menu, but…


It dumps ALL of your stuff out of your inventory, and sends it to the mail to yourself, it replaces all of your bags with smaller bags, and the gear you WERE wearing, is automatically replaced by the new gear, regardless if it is actually better or not.

I wish the “Gear Upgrade” system would just mail you 4 bags and a suit of gear, and you CHOOSE what you want to use, if you want to use any of it.


Did the new patch break it? I thought previously gear didn’t matter as the world scales to you.

I remember taking my 180(?) ilvl character to the emerald dream and comfortably doing the quest chain at 70

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Oh man, is that what’s going on? I need to look into this more later today. I started a new tank last night and was getting absolutely clobbered 10-20 range. I haven’t been paying attention to the blues I’ve been getting since I’m kitted out in heirlooms but maybe I need to sway them in-and-out as I go.


You could use dreamsurge boa gear for catchup. Prolly have a lot of essence spread across ur alts.

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While leveling from 60-70 yesterday, blues were 60 ilvls higher than my heirlooms.

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The prepatch event starting next week which rewards ilvl 480+ gear. Provided you have a 70 or two that are geared ok, because of warbound gear, you can do the event on them and have then purchase gear for your new alts.

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Isn’t that just a one-time ordeal? And haven’t some folks complained it actually sucked?

I haven’t personally used it for the exact same reasons you listed. No thanks messing up all my crap (Even if it is 10 years old).

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It’s low ilvl trash. It just creates a bunch of work having to remove everything from your mail box and sorting your inventory. It isn’t worth it.


Heirlooms are your answer.

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Not since prepatch they aren’t.

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I can’t wait to get back on and see how much faster Remix has gotten for leveling. Real life keeps getting in the way, so I haven’t been able to log in all week. Adulting sucks, sometimes.

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Imo heirlooms should go to max level by default, automatically upgraded at the start of every xpac, and be a full set (need wrist, gloves, belt, shoes, 2 vendor rings)


I agree completely. Players should start with a “white” set of heirlooms that grow with them. They can then upgrade to push them to half green/full green/(blue)/half purple/full purple between different levels like it is currently.

They’re meant to be a money pit right? Fine, let them be. Just please stop forcing new players into your crappy leveling gearing system (And broke players like myself).

[Edit] Forgot blue.