Boosting the XP Gains Creates Another Problem

… and that is, gear.

I’m on my second character now, leveling them up to 70. You throw a rock and hit two levelups, the XP is crazy good, and that’s all well and dandy, except that questing starts to get frustrating around 65-68 when you’re still wearing most of the gear you started at 60, and don’t get me started on how fricken hard it is to find a WEAPON anywhere. Those are usually buried deep into questlines, or something stupid like that (or, right now, they are on absolutely bonkers overpowered elite world quests like the one currently is).

It also doesn’t help that the few world quests that spawn, they want to offer the same slot of gear for like 4-5 of the world quests on the map. How many freaking trinkets do you think I need? Or how about the fact there’s, I think, 3 helmets up right now?

Gearing might not be so terrible if we’d get rid of the stupid quests that only yield money (there are far better ways of making money) and make sure that the same slot isn’t offered twice simultaneously.


I’ll buy some scrub-wear off the AH for cheap

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“Cheap” on the AH? lol.

Last time I went there, there was either nothing there, or what was there, was several thousand for a single piece of green BoE gear.


ain’t that “cheap” by todays standards?


Not in my opinion. Not everybody is an AH baron, or a bot or what-not.

Some of us do actually play the game, and think that several thousand gold is not something I want to spend on a weapon just to try and get me to 70.

They should just improve the rewards from world quests and be done with it.


Ahh gotcha, those others you’re referencing clearly are not.


Dungeon leveling in DF is by far the fastest and more lucrative way to level and gear, even more so when it’s a time walking week.


If you have the gold, I would suggest investing it in raising the level of heirlooms to 70. At 70 you can buy the 454 bind on account gear from the dreamsurge vendor for 100 dreamsurge coalescence. If you have a lot on different alts, you can buy the pieces you need and send it to other characters.


Yeah, but how bad did they screw tanks over with the stupid healing changes?

Last reports I heard from Beta were not promising.

And even then, you can do 10 dungeons and not see a single piece of gear with the Personal No Loot system.

EDIT: Oh wow, Engineering doesn’t even get a Level 60-61 gun, unlike blacksmithing which gets a few level 60ish weapons.

EDIT2: Meh, might end up updating all my heirlooms with the darkmoon faire maybe, I dunno. But I suppose I could do the weapon thing for now. I always hated using heirlooms because I felt that kinda removes any reason to care about gear while leveling up. Getting new gear while leveling up feels good and heirlooms removes that.

EDIT3: Dear Lord… 22k+ just to upgrade 1 piece of gear to level 70? They’re really milking those gold sinks… oi.

EDIT4: Decided to check the AH on a whim, and there was one 320 bow for 70G. I feel like I won the lottery. 320 is a bit low for a 64 almost 65, but it’s better than the 200 Korthia bow I had, sooo… should make things a little easier.

Domt do this. Since the patch, heirlooms are 30 ilvl behind questing gear, and 50-60 behind dungeon blues. They’re a complete waste of gold now.

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… THIRTY behind questing gear?

WTF were they on when they did that?

I mean, I understand that them being in line with dungeon gear was a wee bit too powerful, but they should be at equal footing to quested gear of the same level.


Not just that. They cap out at ilvl 337.

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Just wait for the next timewalking and use that. Easiest leveling since you don’t need upgrades beyond the ilvl for the dungeon cap. Also gives a solid chunk of xp too.

Scaling down makes better gameplay than scaling up. Who knew?

wow. 337? At 70? Don’t you get like 320 at 61-62?

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This is why I have crafting characters. I can just make a few pieces until I can give them gear tokens.


Last time I tried timerunning, it was a complete mess, because it was TBC. The scaling felt horrible.

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The tank matters a lot, if they’re competent or not.
But for the most part, TW is a total pushover now.

Unlike the days of Yore, the talent system actually provides increasing benefit to higher level timewalkers (good thing), so you continue to clear TW better as you level. Unlike actual leveling, where your power level relative to monster decreases (because scaling worlds is a bad thing).

Turns out, GW2 had the better system than WoW the whole time… But Blizzard Pride didn’t want to accept it.


Except… my engineer can’t make a level 60 gun. She can only make a level 70 one. For some reason they were like “Durrrrp let’s not put a level 60 gun on any crafting but yet let’s put every OTHER weapon on blacksmith”.


Yeah. I think it was around level 63-64 when they stop increasing ilvl.

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I dunno what kinda system GW2 uses, but FFXIV has leveling alts (or well alt jobs in that game) way better than WoW does it, lol.

I’d much rather do dungeons that are scaled incredibly well and actually get gear quite frequently. In fact, in a leveling dungeon, you are GUARANTEED one piece of gear from that dungeon that you DON’T ALREADY HAVE.

No duplicates, no “I ran a dungeon and got nothing”, none of that BS. You always get at least 1 piece of gear upon killing the final boss. And it’s always relevant for your current class (the class you did the dungeon as).