Boosting the XP Gains Creates Another Problem


Isn’t that level 70?

I’m talking about trying to quest 65+ with outdated gear because you level too fast to actually get gear now.


It is why I only upgraded the loom weps in retail this time. Silly rested set bonus is a joke, if you are actually playing alts regularly. At least they still work as intended in Cata classic, and are powerful like they should be :slightly_smiling_face:


IMO they were a little too powerful.

But Blizz in usual Blizz fashion, absolutely smashed them with a sledgehammer and made them entirely useless.


it’s… account bound.
(probably warband bound when the thing actually goes live)

you send it from a higher level, to a lower level.

Yeah, but doesn’t it require level 70 to equip and use?

Weren’t any more powerful than dungeon blues. Nothing wrong with that imo when leveling alts in old irrelevant content imo.


it’s 2am, don’t challenge my brain :crazy_face:

how about… some follower dungeons?
idk… i’ve never had any issues just gearing by targeting world quests :woman_shrugging:

if you’re struggling, just wait for pre-launch event?

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Those drop things so rarely it is ridiculous.


Looms, they scale to 69.

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This is part of the problem right now.

All the changes to leveling, scaling, and gearing feel like they were rushed out half complete and by different teams that didn’t all have the same underlying goals.

XP required to level has been massively decreased from 60-70, while gear ilevel has been increased, and content tuned assuming players at any given level have the new much higher ilevel gear.

And yet - stuff like heirlooms were not adjusted nor was any thought put into providing more gear rewards when leveling speed increased.

So players are hitting content that expects them to have 300+ gear while wearing heirlooms stuck dozens of ilevels behind, or worse the pre-change gear that is half of what is expected, and find themselves with very few sources to gear from playing the game.

This is also a reason why all the SL content is so borked right now - the game went from expecting fresh level 60s to be running around in ~180 gear to having double that, so all the HP and damage done by level 60 mobs doubled.

It’s just more of the same from Blizzard - try to make a bunch of changes with a dozen moving parts all at once with minimal testing, end up with a ‘broken’ mess.


Looms are extremely underpowered and also exorbitantly expensive.

Now, as an Update, I just got two pieces of mail from two rares… which has helped immensely on this character. But I doubt that kind of luck will hold when I go do the other 20 some characters.


QFT. I came back in S3 of DragonFlight after a decade of not playing and was going through dungeons trying to gear up until I discovered the awakened raids and welfare bronze bullion when S4 came out. My last 2 toons I leveled up were at ~500 iLvl in a couple weeks just by running the weekly quests and Awakened raid. Running a normal level premade raid also helps build up flightstones and crests.
I never heard of enchanting the crests though, I’ll have to look into that for my new Shaman toon for when he hits level 70.

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They dont scale well compared to T5 crafted in the 65+ range. But they are hardly underpowered. As for being “exorbitantly expensive”, not really gold is easy to come by.


You do not need ilevel 360 gear for anything before 70, especially as a fresh 60. I just got a DK alt to 70 yesterday without using heirlooms past 60, stayed in SL til 62 somehow actually and came out with gear in ilvl area of 150ish to 225.

I had absolutely no problem gearing up through 70. Campaign quests throw greens at you appropriate to your current level. Time walking dungeons when available just throw OP loot at you, and you can buy great gear from the TW vendors. I got some decent pieces theough the occasional pvp match.

Never once struggled to find gear when I leveled through to 70 just recently.

What are you all doing that you cant progress? You shouldn’t even need ilvl 300 gear for anything before 70, and once you get 70 there are the gimme pieces from the DF weeklies and suffusion camp/coalescense thing.

Edit: and the vault unlocks were carried over for me so when i hit 70 i got a few pieces out of that thanks to timewalking.

Whelping shards or whatever theyr called, can be turned into a whelpling (badge?) by going to the enchanter mat vendor and trading them at a 30 to 1 ratio.

If you go to the work order request npc, search for whelp. There will be an enchanted whelpling crest recipe. If you put up an order with the requested mats, someone will probably fill the order. If you put up a 3 figure or higher commission, it will probably fill relatively quick.

You can then request work orders on any not trinket slot boe blue, and socket in the whelpling crest. There is no guarantee it will be 486, with the board, but if you include 3 star mats, and don’t include a stat picker scroll, it’s very hard for most crafters to not at least 4 star it.

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Because the crossbow and bow are made from wood and animal trophies, and having Engineering recipes that are 100% fueled by Skinning would be a bit of an odd resource funnel, most likely.

Still don’t explain why they couldn’t have put 2 guns on engineering instead of just the lv70 one.

Then use heroim gear? I got a sec for every armour type, weapons and shields up to lvl 70 and the trinkets and one of the ring. Is not hard doesn’t cost much.

I literally just leveled two characters from the low sixties to 70 today, using dungeon scenario and raid content. I don’t know what you think I’m out of touch with. I wasn’t even talking about scaling. I was talking about gear sets that can be upgraded during the leveling process, using a currency, similar to mists of Pandaria remix. I think you should find the post that you were trying to respond to, and respond to that one, because I don’t think my post is the one you really want to respond to.

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That’s fair, it was probably an oversight on Blizz’s part since ranged weapons don’t have to deal with the usual “we need an Int 1h Sword and also an Int 1h Dagger for classes that can’t use 1h Swords” sort of problem.