Boosting the XP Gains Creates Another Problem

for the current xpac…
maxed-out heirlooms are fine…
and they give us some 300+
blues at 61…but they’re
mostly the wrong blues…
if the blues they give us at
61 were none that match heirloom slots
everything would be fine…
but again i don’t think the developers
actually play the game…so they probably don’t know.

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Why are your posts blocks of poorly counted haikus?

(Way off topic, but just had to ask. LOL)

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Do you have to use a gun? Why not just use another weapon type until you hit 70? I enjoy using staffs but when quick leveling I will use one-hand and off-hand until I get to the right level.

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You know, this whole issue of gear could be solved if Blizz wasn’t so awesome at forgetting past lessons.

Way back in MoP we had a fix for this. Crafters got three WHOLE SUITS of gear that they could make.

One that was x0 at the beginning, and then one I think was x5 and then they had the max level gear. Not just one suit, but several suits of PvP, one for each season (with different appearances, too!).

Blacksmiths had every weapon (though annoyingly they needed BoP materials, those stupid motes of harmony that should have been BoA), and Engineers had guns and scribes I think had a staff? IIRC.

The weapons, well there was only a x1 and the max level set, but they were blues which meant they were good for a few levels, heck you could conceivably reach max level with one, though you’d be feeling the pain near the end but having an x5 suit of armor really helped with that.

Oh, and the rings weren’t Unique-Equipped back then, either so you could actually wear a pair of crafted rings.

It was so nice back then.

Because I want to be a BM hunter, and BM hunters don’t use melee weapons?

I mean, if I could craft a bow or a crossbow, I’d be all over that, but I didn’t see one of those available either.


I just started to level up my old Shaman from level 30. I never played MoP yet so I decided to level up there. I just do the storyline quests because they give gear and also queue for the random dungeon which gives 15k+ experience. Between those I am leveling like crazy and always upgrading gear. Don’t do the side quests if your only goal is to get to 70 with decent gear.


Folks just don’t see how this is a problem and I don’t get why. Are they all running around in fully maxed out heirlooms or something? This has always been a problem for me.

  • Dungeons eventually are un-runnable because everything one shots you.
  • Questing becomes progressively harder to the point you’re dealing with one mob at a time.
  • Your talent trees feel worthless because your RPG stats just aren’t there to make them matter.

Something’s gotta fix the leveling gear problem.

Note: On some classes/specs it doesn’t matter.


Oh but didn’t you know, the sweaties can run around naked and pull the entire zone of mobs and burst them all down with ease, and it’s just a “skill issue”.



Why are you even worried about gear while leveling?

Spam dungeons, hit 70 in 5-8 hours. Fly out to the emerald dream overgrowth zone, dragonfly around picking up the little green orbs until you have grabbed 360 whelpling shards, which is maybe an hour or two of doing that.

Turn them into whelp crests. Buy the mats to enchant them (about 1000-2000 total), put up work orders with 100 gold commissions. Come back the next day to enchanted whelp crests that you can work order into 486 gear.

Go do awakened LFR, get your welfare bronze, buy trinkets/ring with it, and you’ll be nearly 500 ilvl. It has never been easier to “catch up”. Less than a week to be pretty decked out. Maybe two, if your luck on the bronze is bad.


Maybe because, I don’t know, wearing i200 at Level 65 means you can’t kill diddly squat without it almost putting you in the dirt?

5-8 hours.

Is that with or without the 15 minute wait times on DPS?

Maybe I don’t want a carry, and the dungeons have minimum I-level which I would obviously fail if my characters are wearing outdated gear.


Timewalking. GW2 solved it.

The way WoW works is the world scales up with you.
Which is really bad game design they took from Diablo 3.

It’s “nice” because you don’t have to pick a linear progression path but it’s also bad because there’s no such thing as progression for world content then. It’s just a beautiful soup.

In GW2, zones still have minimums for progression, but your level (and gear) are capped when a zone would otherwise go grey. This keeps xp gain relative to your level in that “just barely green” zone (slowest pace possible without going to zero) and doesn’t require you to skip ahead to the next content. Or even worse, as it is with WoW, make once trivial content now mathematically impossible because the world leveled up with you.

Bottom line, scaling worlds is a terrible system. I would rather have linear progression than “pick any path”, if this is how it’s implemented.


If you have a non DPS spec, use it. If you don’t, then ya, your going to be unfortunately stuck doing long queues. DPS tax.

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LW can make bows, just FYI. There’s a couple bows in the 60-70 range.

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Without heirlooms it can be tough.

I think Blizz should just create gear vendors for people who are leveling, so that you can fill in missing pieces. Maybe use it as a tie-in to the flightstone system.

Or just give people who are leveling a bronze-like currency that they can spend on item upgrades. MOP Remix really gets leveling gear right.


WTF is it doing on LW?


So they give Engineers only 1 gun at 70 and they decided to put a bow on LW which makes no sense at all.


That’s rather stupid.

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You are out of touch here. I appreciate the sentiment but MoP remix leveling is currently impossible in the 60-69 range for the same reasons, only exaggerated because there was no ilvl inflation like there was in the actual game world.

Scaling worlds is a terrible mistake.

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Yeah, it’s a surprise change. Right now I’m groggy because I just woke up, but I think that this new trend started in SL. Don’t quote me, though.

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I wouldn’t say impossible though it was fairly annoying to hit that brick wall.

But that’s mostly a scaling issue.

They could put more gear on rep vendors and the like.

Heck with Warbands, that would be an awesome change. Have the vendors sell a few pieces here and there, unlocked at certain Renown.

that way, your main gets up, gets some Renown, and it’s available to the rest of your Warband thereafter.


In MoP remix right now, after the monster buffs with prepatch, I would say impossible. (Solo play, without hacks like mailbox leveling or getting a smurf boost.)

In MoP remix originally, it was a nice challenge and being able to upgrade your current gear gave a decent pathway if you were blocked. But it was still not easy by any stretch.

And again, these are solutions to the same scaling worlds problem.

I found at level 64 the best thing to do with my 230 ilvl toon was to follow around a level 12 (in DF) and then (on shared kills) I hit like a god. To get gear, the best thing I’ve seen is WQ’s, that will take a while, but by the time the xpac hits it should be good enough.

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The problem with WQs is…


Too many duplicates. Which is what I said earlier in the thread, they need to fix that BS. There should not be any duplicates, ever. Not even trinkets, because all trinkets and rings are Unique-Equipped.

I understand trinkets being UE, but not rings. Rings should not be UE, except for dungeon and raid drops.

EDIT: Even moreso now that we have 5 day World Quests.

YAY new week started! Oh, there’s only 5 pieces of gear, for 2 slots. Meh.