Boosting saved WoW

So you use real money to buy the wow tokens? Because if you hardly play I can’t see you spending much time grinding hundreds of thousands of gold for the boosts.

But else where you say this;

Perhaps you wouldn’t struggle “trying to put food on the table” if the money was going to food and not on many wow tokens to buy yourself a boost ingame. Tell your kids that they have to eat small portions today because daddy needs another mythic+ boost…


Real people who “hardly play” quit rather than sinking hundreds of dollars into boosts. The people who boost are those who have has some success and see this as a legitimate way of fast-forwarding into a higher achievement group, and alts of boosters.

Of course you would, I main a feral with a meager 1295 key score and a 265 ilvl. My scores reflect my actual time limits playing the game. I do the best with the time I have and play only with friends.

Sure I could buy KSM, but why rob myself of that accomplishment? I may get there on my own, it’s a goal to reach for, not something to be purchased.

You would destroy me in PVP, I don’t enjoy that part of the game, I have zero skill in PvP.

And I assume you’re boosting meta characters, you would probably out DPS me. But you won’t beat me on a cat, in the range I play. I’ve been playing my sub par class since legion. I’m quick on the interrupt, soothe, and know how to brez in the right place. I off heal when the healer gets stunned. I know my role, support and DPS.

You do you, but you should really buy your progress and shut up about it. You will never get the acceptance you were obviously looking for here. It’s one thing WoW and FF players have in common.


This is sort of true, the people I know who are too busy in real life who play this played only around 3 hours a week, 30 min to 1 hour each time they logged in. Most quit in SL due to that time being spent grinding content they didn’t want to do lol, ie, Korthia.

You didn’t capitalize God so I’m afraid I’ll have to deduct points. A real shame too cause this is a quality Sunday post.

Of course you won’t admit that it takes intelligence to figure out how to coordinate with others and come up with a strat with the comp you have to be able to down bosses… or beat others in pvp… It is 100% intellectual… but those who can’t simply buy pay their way from those who have…

Those who are intelligent do… those who aren’t buy.

This right here ^

RL > WoW always!

I unsubbed in 8.1 BFA because I put caring for a relative first. I didn’t return til 9.1.5 when my duties were finally fulfilled.

If I ever was in a financial situation where I had to sacrifice, the game would be the first to go on the chopping block.

Your family should always be first before your hobbies.

LFD apply for food stamps it will help if you qualify.

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With enough gear and a YouTube guide anyone can beat you in cat, stop acting like the time you spent on this game is valuable and unique when it is easily mass produced.

It’s like a hunter,
easy to play, difficult to master.
So yea, my solid 7 years dedicated to a single class does have value.

Put up or shut up.

Eh, I don’t pretend to be an in-game millionaire because I am one. Although I’ve warmed up to the term “Goblin” as well.

Although I did buy KSH portals, I didn’t buy CE. Not worth it since there’s no mount associated with CE, and the mythic raid mount drop rates don’t get nerfed until next xpac anyways. But I’ll be farming tmogs so the chance for the mounts will still be there regardless.

It doesn’t lol, each year your class changes and so does everyone elses. Modern day WoW is a joke compared to previous versions of Feral for example, and for you think the SL version is somehow rocket science shows how little you learned in your 7 years of playing a single spec.

Gee, what’s changed from legion to now…

That extra button from each expansion that basically does the same thing.
Tier set and lego passive effects.

Yup, that covers it!

Secondary specs- same.
Core abilities- same.
Play style- same.

ouch truth really really triggered some people who flagged this. LMAO.

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To be fair OP is completely wrong about it saving wow, considering it takes 5 hours out of your day to level from 1-60 efficiently, if you’d stop jerkin it in a corner or waiting for rested xp you’d make progress.
BUT on the other hand, community replies have been pretty cringe. You guys took that first part way too seriously, but if the boot fits friends!

why can’t people simply progress at their own pace without spending money for boosting/buying gold? the only thing i can really condone when it comes to buying boosts is limited time rewards like AHOTC mounts at the end of the expac stuff like that. other then that i mean content it still there to complete nothing is really stopping you from forming a group and doing the older content.

given yes less people want to do it i understand thus why blizz needs to make older content more viable not just running it in a TW schedule which is already terrible.

Used to be when people wanted to do glory achieves they found a group of likeminded players and they went out qnd got it done.

Now a group just sells the achievement so finding groups is painful.

Used to be if you wanted to run a dungeon for a mount you made a group and found some like minded players to go get it done

Now you cant even make a custom group without a worthless trash “autheticator” and when you do on custom games nobody joins, or you get whispers “ill help for 80k gold”

Boosting has always been around, and its not all bad, but the designing of the game around d boosting to boost token sales is not helping the game.


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I don’t necessarily think boosting should be encouraged but—

  1. It’s a symptom of the community
  2. How someone gets their gear, has no impact on me
  3. If you have the cash to buy the gold to buy the boost, go for it.

Some people enjoy making money in the game and some people enjoy spending money on the game.

Win for both

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Competitive sports are not normally (ever perhaps as I can’t think of one) pay to win. You need to compete yourself in order to earn a title.

If WoW is an esport than they have screwed themselves over because the rewards are meaningless when its not about how good you are but how much money you spent. And we see this across all aspects of the game. No one cares about KSM, AOTC, Mythic raid kills, or your pvp rating because buying it has depreciated its value. You bought it so it means nothing.

There is one thing that retains its value and that is mage tower as they have banned people for selling carries in that.

If your even half way decent at the game you can be pushing 15’s in very low gear (252.) My key is a +15 in less than a week of casual play on a new class and role while pugging.

What I don’t understand is why bother? If you don’t like to run the dungeons for gear, and you don’t like to run dungeons just because they are fun than why do you pay money for gear that is only required to run that type of content?

I mean its your money but that seems foolish to me.