Boosting saved WoW

Oh i thought this was a humanbeak thread. Guess not lol


Shirley. ‎

And then…

Pretty easy to understand actually, you lied…

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exactly. he just wants free stuff so he can hang out in the cities and talk down to people who have nothing. it makes them feel good even though they are hurting on the inside. there is no satisfaction for buying runs. there is no real reward. what they get is an instant gratification of getting that gear and then new patch comes and its worthless.

then they have the shame of knowing that they were never good enough to attain it on their own so they do it again to band aid those thoughts.

i have more gold than the vast majority of wow players. i didnt even buy any tokens for it. because i play the game to play the game. everything i have i earned. everything i dont have i was either on a break or just never bothered to get it. never would i pay people to do it for me. its cheap and would make me feel like garbage.

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Idk what any of that proves but all I know is that I refuse to do a gear grind I can buy for an hour’s worth of wage and it’s not being lazy, it’s called being successful irl and having funds to do whatever I want.

Wonder if this will get deleted as fast as you last two threads did. :rofl:

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That you’re a liar trying to get support for your tedious real life work that limits your time to play. You said it in you OP, it’s still there in text.

But as the topic progresses you state the actual truth, you pay to skip the grind, which is playing the game. Why didn’t you say that in the OP? Don’t answer, we know why.

I truly hope Blizzard bans boosting, it’s effects on the game are all negative. Economic, PVP, PVE, and skill of geared players like yourself with no knowledge of how to use it.

How could you be a skilled player? You said it yourself, you have limited time to play the game. Oh that’s right…


I’m willing to bet if we had the same gear i’d dog you in any Arena or M+ parse.

I am NOT willing to subject myself to this manufactured 100 hour grind to get gear from RNG lootbox Vaults.

If I can skip all of it to get to the part of the game where I can actually play without needing to keep upgrading gear then I will do that because that is the only part of the game I find fun.

If they ban boosting, you will likely quit, right?



Boosts make them more money than people like you who cry on the forums daily about boosts.

I agree but only at some extent. Like on me, i would need gold to supply my toon with consumables to get me to high end stuffs as I have limited play time to grind/farm for my resources. But it usually happens only when the expansion is new when i am far from Exalted rep. Once i reach exalted rep, gold starts raining even as a Casual myself. Thanks to modern WoW for making gold to rain.

But i dont use my gold to buy KSM or AoTC. That’s stupid. The reason why I play WoW is becoz i want to play the game. If i am going to pay somebody else for my adventure, what’s my purpose in here? I am here to have fun… kill a monster, melt them, CC them, play around them, get their loots and treasures.

Im not like Humanbeak who pretend to be a millionaire on this game buying CE or KSM. He said he enjoys farming stuffs to make gold to pay for his carry.

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*citation needed.

This is an intellect game, if you buy carries it just shows you can’t play without someone holding your hand.


How intellectual can a game be when I can skip 100 hours worth of grind for a $100 bucks?

Thats you not wanting to play the game or try.

Nah I want to play the game, just not the mini-game of grinding gear just to play the parts of the game I like :man_shrugging:

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So much un-self awareness.

I would propose that a small but significant number of players have left on principle because of boosting and a larger number because of changes to the game that made parts of it less fun to encourage paying for boosts to get past that content. Meanwhile, no one has started playing wow because boosts exist.

For you there is Diablo Immoral.


Pretty obvious that you just self admitted that it is more intellectual than you since you have to purchase it. No shame in not being intelligent though… Elune loves all her creatures.

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Sunday yay

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I like WoW but don’t like the insane gear grind, I will skip it if given the option which there is. Not sure why this is wrong or why you feel like you need to have a moral opinion.

Nothing intellectual about grinding 100 hours for gear that someone can spend $100 to buy, it just kinda proves my point why no one wants to grind in MMOs because the grind is too annoying.