Boosting saved WoW

To the safe space crowd they are the same thing but I don’t know why they felt their intelligence was threatened.

Need to have intelligence before it can be threatened.

Poor people also die of incurable diseases. Being a millionaire significantly increases your quality of life (which I’d wager most people would consider “winning”) and in America probably extends it a bit (sadly). So, yes, in your made up scenario being a millionaire is still considered winning.

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Bad Sunday thread is bad.
Less people were legitimately playing the game and everyone started flocking to boosting communities to either become a seller/carry or buy services. Boosting made it harder for people to find groups to do content with legitimately. If Blizz came out with an NPC driven 10 man raid where you can learn the mechanics and get a set of shinies, I’d be happier.


Don’t worry, those of us who buy boosts weren’t going to sign up for pugs anyways.

Which is why realm specific boosts weren’t banned. The issue was with people using cross-realm to game the entirety of WoW, spamming was rampant, and just about every listing was for xrealm boost groups.

Advertising cross-realm was banned, but buyers can still go cross-realm and post WTB ads.

The community ban didn’t hurt boosting a whole lot fortunately. We just had an extra hurdle or two to overcome, or had to wait a little longer for guilds to start selling boosts on their own and filling voids.

Whatever you think.

It’s not what I think, it’s what I know because I engage with the system :slight_smile:

Actually it’s not anywhere close to being pay to win.

You clearly have never played a pay to run game.

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Just buy an account with 30k+ achievement points and then uninstall. Grats! You won World of Warcraft and don’t ever have to dread wasting time ever playing it again thanks to one swipe of the credit card!

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I think the big problem there is that, starting with legion, parts of the ‘core’ of the class were relegated to needing to be re-earned every expansion via borrowed powers. Shamans only just got earth shield back as a talent choice, when pre legion is was core kit, then with legion and I think b4a, it was locked to ‘pvp only’ which let me tell you, doing open world content as a healer bac in legion was NOT FUN if you were not a pvper

also: why does every one go on about how it’s sunday with a number of threads that pop up, do I lack a key portion of the ‘gd info dossier’ or something?

I’m not saying that boosting can’t be used as a legitimate service, but you skirt around how problematic it was during much of Shadowlands and BFA. I see people gloating about how much they’re raking in from boosting and getting bans for doing it illegitimately.

I’ve also seen friends get banned just for being in groups who do it that don’t disclose what they’re doing.

I don’t care how many people defend boosting when people get banned for not even participating willingly. Their guildmates banned for trading items with them, not knowing how it was obtained. How many people feel like they HAVE to swipe their card to get a token just to participate in the content.

Troll threads are always rampant on Sunday. Some actually try.

Blizzard generally doesn’t describe the details of why someone was banned. “I was in a boosting group” is only a guess.

I feel like there’s more to the story you weren’t told. Guildies don’t get banned for trading each other in-game items.

Not sure. Are you talking about RMT or buying tokens?

I honestly have no desire to argue this with you, knowing your forum history. And yes, Blizzard WILL go into detail why someone is banned or silenced if it’s contested.

(X) to doubt.

They are not going to say “You were in a RMT boosting group”. They keep that stuff under wraps.

I thought its funny as soon as he did this post he made one about delaying the game for dragonflight so he can experience all of shadowlands content but you cant really experience it if you blowing through the game by boosting .


Either way, you completely ignored the points I made, even when I defend aspects of the service, so I don’t really care.

To be frank, there’s not much to argue. OP’s reasoning is sound. Perhaps it didn’t save WoW, but it sure helped to keep a lot of us engaged and subbed :slight_smile:

So does your vision blur every time someone advertises a service in chat?

If that makes you happy, so be it. Spend that money. We dont care.

But if you think paying a huge money is the way to enjoy this game, you are very wrong.

WoW is a huge game. Playing everything on it would require so much time.

How do I play WoW? I spend my time doing dungeons over and over to improve my gear. That covers most of my play time. I was with an elite raiding guild… from BWL to Naxx40.

But to beat the hardest dungeons, i need to have supplies too… gold, consumables, enchants, runes. I have to farm for these resources too to supply my needs for dungeons. And it covers some of my play time.

When i was a hardcore, i was not only doing dungeons and resource grind, i was also playing with my toys i got from dungeons on PvP. I remember i was among the first to use Zinrokh, Destroyer of Worlds, my favorite toy aside from PvP sets. It covers a lot of time.

I remember one time, my work requires me to extend my time at the office. I lost play time hours. So my PvP play time went bye bye. And my play time for grinding resources go bye bye too. But i have to keep my raiding. I dont want to give up my raid slot. I have to go to my raid for 3 weeks without consumables? It wont happen. I looked for Chinese farmers then becoz WoW token was not born yet at that time. Their dealings are under the table. It’s risky to deal with this people. But i have to do what i got to do. I was able to get gold.

After 3 weeks, my job schedule went to normal and my play time on WoW went Normal again.

I played WoW too much. It has to be done. I enjoyed my Vanilla hardcore experience… We reached Naxx40, i got Lt Commander. I was DPS tanking with 2H sword the 45 min Baron Stratholme run carrying PuGs for free.

Yeah, i spent real money when i need it so I could continue my fun on playing WoW. I didnt spend my money to have somebody play for me… sorry i am not that stupid.

Up to now, i still play WoW. But as Casual. Casual means i still do dungeons. Resources farming on modern WoW is easy as it is raining gold. This is something i appreciate on modern WoW.