Boosting is P2W, simple

the economy, not the ecosystem

the economy would be affected but since services are realistically effected in their own bubble, the “unlimited gold” would only affect boosters, rather than how multiboxers not only affected the mining and herbalism markets, but also the other markets that use mining and herbalism

when an influx of resources flood the markets, then everything lowers in price, the raw materials, the byproduct of raw materials, everything

boosts are encapsulated within their own bubble, if someone buys a boost then people who dont boost are not affected, while people who multibox directly affect people who dont multibox

if you dont believe me, then please explain how if someone buys a boost from another person, how does it directly affect you

i can explicitly tell you how a multiboxer affects me

Then the argument would be legitimate. The state of the game doesn’t matter so much as winning the argument.

Wrong. The gold is not generated out of nothing, a player has to buy the token with gold. The person selling the token makes 200k gold, but someone has to buy it for 200k as well, thus it’s a net 0 to total gold in the economy. The tokens themselves are finite as well, you can only buy a token with gold if someone has put one up.

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read my sentence properly

“injecting the power of unlimited gold into the hands of a player from real life money”

it’s not created, it’s taken from a lot of people and put into one person’s hand all because they swipe their credit card

It’s literally moving from one person’s hand to another. It’s objectively better than the alternative, where they buy gold from a third party site and inflate the total gold in the economy.

except its not because the person played in game, they played in the blizzard store it’s a unhealthy practice and led to boosters organizing themselves into communities seeing that it was profitable due to easy whale bait lol.

because its not p2w, simple

Hell to the no! You are so obsessed with this that you want to inconvenience everyone that doesn’t boost. That’s crazy!

That’s still wrong though. It’s subject to current amount of in game gold, and to the whims of supply and demand.

Eventually there’d not be enough gold in game for someone to buy a token, thus swiping a credit card means your token doesn’t sell and you don’t get your gold.

There’s also a limit per account on how much you can buy (10 a week I think it was). And also a gold cap per character, and a limit of characters per realm, so on and so forth.

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Still takes time, effort, and money. More time that buying the ‘Title’ from Blizz if they did sell it like you said you’d be good with. /shrug

the game isnt pay to win

The game is certainly p2w regardless of your dozens of comments here projecting your distaste for the label.

Sounds like you have no money…

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An internal system that doesn’t provide you any kind of details. RIO provides you the full picture needed to determine if someone boosted or not. Blizzard’s scoring system doesn’t.

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You’d have a better argument in the OP if you left out the part about being able to participate in 15’s and raids with a boosted character. People know to spot those. You’d either not be invited or you’d be kicked after you wiped to the mechanics or were last on the meter. If you somehow managed to sneak into a 15, you’d better hope that those people can carry you.

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the game isnt p2w regardless of your feet stomping and faulty logic

If you can pay to win, the game is pay to win. Funnily enough, you’re the one that has been shtompin’ your feet this whole thread for us all to see. :upside_down_face:

It’s pay to participate. It is not the same


you may be fooling yourself, but you’re not fooling gamers.

Once again, we have this asinine argument but none can show me where I can buy a run from Blizz…or gear from blizz…etc.


then by that logic every single game is pay to win