Boosting is P2W, simple

over there, the npc vendor by the dance studio and player housing


So it’s not pay to win then since I won’t be able to pay for a mythic Jailer kill on Mar 8?

This game used to be about the struggles of getting people together, usually complete strangers, and overcoming the odds.

And as far as it effecting me or people who don’t boost? It completely takes away from the spirit of the game. Blizzard is SO all about the spirit and integrity of their game unless it comes to losing out on token sales, then they turn a nearly blind eye.

I just don’t get it. It would be like buying Dark Souls, paying some random guy $250 to beat it, get you all the gear and achievements, then running around with all this overpowered stuff killing random mobs and crushing people in PvP who just started playing simply because you outgear them.

Why even play the game if you can’t handle what it takes to play it?

Boosting is Pay to Win. Period. If you can’t see that, you’re either completely ignorant to what it means or you’re a boost seller trying to defend your income.

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This is actually the definition of the term and had been for awhile until some prominent streamers decided that anyone not playing the game the way they wanted them to was bad, now basically anything is P2W, when it really isn’t even close.

Coming from EVE and other old school games, nothing in this game is even close to actual P2W.


Easy, not everyone has the same definition of P2W :slight_smile:

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Because they keep adding onto the definition and changing it every five seconds lol

then earning gold in game in general with out the use of tokens is p2w this logic is flawed

Well since there is no governing body for video game terms people interpret it how they choose :man_shrugging:

If you follow the logic of people opposed to their new definition of p2w, you’ll find that literally everything is p2w.

Someone doesn’t have a job, they can play more, therefore they have an advantage that is p2w.

This is literally their logic.

About as pathetic as getting bent out of shape over what other people do with their time/money

Well actually, there was a singular definition that has been around for well over ten years and was only recently changed to include any sort of MTX in a game period. Right around the BFII debacle actually.

lets say i get good at profs and gathering.

im now sitting on a mountain of gold with little effort (lets be honest farming mats isint hard its just time consuming)

i use that gold to buy a boost.

are profs now pay 2 win?

Where was this definition because I don’t see one in the dictionary.

pay2win is self explanitory, full stop. People don’t like labels about themselves that may be associated with negative connotations. Image is everything, especially in a vid.

If it were self explanatory we wouldn’t be having this discussion :laughing:
If I say “there’s grass in Mulgore” you’ll know what I’m talking about. It doesn’t work like that when you say P2W, people have different idea’s of what it means :man_shrugging:


In my mind, no not at all.
You earned that.

In their minds, its p2w

For well over a decade:

Was essentially what it boiled down to actually. So no, not a dictionary definition, but one that has been around longer than most of the players playing the game today.

You literally used money to buy things outside of the game that were not available inside of the game that offered an in-game advantage.

Just play the game and have fun.

I found the definition for you:
pay to win. Literally pay(verb), to(prep) win(another verb). So you are doing one action to secure the other action, in the name, “pay to win”, committing an action (paying) to exclaim another action (winning).
Pay to win. It is literally in the name. You’re splitting my sides with your comments about what’s the definition :rofl:

see my latest comment.
You’re confusing a fully clear namesake definition with delusion. I think I also need to remind you it’s 2022 which gives more weight to my comment :sweat_smile: