Boosting is P2W, simple

Buy 10 tokens
Sell for gold
Buy M+ Score, raid kills, PvP rating, Torghast clears
Earn M15 gear, raid gear, PvP high rank gear, purchase legendary gear and craft with Torghast currency
Flag Warmode and stomp casuals, queue up for 15+ with high IO, get into raids easily all based on a fake inflated number

How is this any debate? I would be less upset if they just sold the currencies, gear, titles, mounts, and achievements off the store. At least then you wouldn’t see “Me and 4 bums from behind Long John Silvers are going to run you through M20s for 400k gold” or whatever other scams they think of.

Knowing people paid others to get them to their status is more disgusting than them just buying the crap outright.

And I don’t condone either. Both are pathetic. You should only be able to earn what you can on your own or by using your social skills to group with others, not opening your wallet and putting money down.


ib4 the how can you win in an MMO people that try to discredit this. They don’t realize that there doesn’t have to be a meta stretch winning condition to be pay to win. There are dozens of wins that you can have just running across a zone.

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If you don’t like the idea of boosting, don’t get one. It’s pretty easy to tell who legit can handle m+ or a raid though due to raider io. If I see someone with ksm and only 10 15s done in time or aotc with only 1 heroic boss kill, it’s pretty likely I’m not going to take them.


Are they winning anything if they can’t perform once they have all their shiny gear? I don’t think p2w is a cut and dry comparison.

Is buying gear off the AH p2w as well? Where does it stop?


Well what happens when he makes a 4/5 group and can’t find that 5th because boosters have shrunk the available player base? Fracturing people into playing multiple different games hurts the community overall. Boosting should be eliminated period.


“use an external tool” is not a solution though.
Especially when the game has incorporated its own scoring system.

Uh, yes? Blatantly so.
If you were able to buy gear off the AH.
Thankfully there’s only 1 slot of good iLvl you can actually buy.
Maybe a few sub-par BOEs.

Man, who the hell cares if its P2W or not? Is this forum really going to have ANOTHER debate on what the definition of “P2W” is?

I agree that I don’t like it, I even agree that it shouldn’t be in the game, but if blizzard doesn’t care then why get bent out of shape about it?

I will say, however, that when the amount of systems and grinds that exist in blizzard causes you to waste countless hours on alts due to repeated content, I don’t blame people for being tempted to boost.


Well buying gear from the AH that wasn’t earned by your in game efforts (using the token).

I feel like I stepped into the past. I can almost swear I read this exact post week or so ago.

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I am not entirely sure how far they’ve gone but from the pinned post it looks like they’re locking out boosting even with gold from anyone other than guilds?

On one hand, it doesn’t affect me as I don’t really chase the carrot and haven’t for some time but I can see how it negatively affects the game. It has turned it into more of a single player experience for progression. Why converse and form a community when you can just throw some gold and advance easier?

On the other hand, I don’t think such a thing is smart right now when you want players to stay. The risk of banning even more people seems to outweigh the benefit of many players returning because of such changes. This seems like it will be a net negative overall.

Can you say it is a “good change?” Yeah. Anything that promotes a return to an actual MMO is “good.” BUT, people told you this would happen when you introduced wow tokens. It existed before but it wasn’t common. Gold was more concentrated to players who really worked at the economy. Now, you can just throw some money at tokens, get gold, buy advancement.

Yeah, so you’re chasing off more players to address another symptom of a problem YOU created. And it’s a problem you will never address since it hurts your bottom line. In the end, you’re just creating another black market.

This comes down to people that don’t like tokens for getting in game gold. Get over it already. I’m not willing to use the $$ to boost but others can if they want. What those players manages to accomplish after that point is on them.

Some people get so upset that others can used $$ to gear more quickly. I say let them waste their money. If they think it’s worth the time they saved then good for them.


Every MMO on the market is P2W because you can buy carries. You can’t stop people from buying and selling carries, so I’m not sure what your point is.


So what was it called when people threw money at gold selling websites before the token was introduced?

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Who are you beating if you get boosted?

People already have to have the content on farm to boost people through it.

It’s not pay to win. Period.

His point is that Asmongold, MadSeasonShow, and Belluar are really entertaining to watch!

I kid, people are allowed to have opinions on the paid aspects of the game if they want, I just notice that this only happens when they make a video.

On the topic of Belluar, he recently made a video on extrinsic rewards ruining MMOs. How extrinsic rewards eventually destroys the psychological intrinsic love to doing something.

I was just wondering a couple of hours ago:
I wonder if one of the extrinsic rewards is the need to look cooler than everyone else or having to have worked harder than others. Why do we care so much about loot? Shouldn’t we just like playing the game? Maybe the game isn’t fun anymore because everyone is focusing on the wrong things?


And it wasn’t easily accessible and sponsored by the devs. It became a bigger problem and they created it.

And to be clear, since simplifying things is lazy, a player who devotes his TIME in game to earning gold and then buying a carry is fine, IMO. They just devoted their time into a reward in a different way. They contributed to the game/community in a way that earned them the reward.

However, logging on, swiping the card, and then buying the carry provides nothing to the community. So there is a difference.

I mean.

It provides gold to the guild doing the carry?

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Well if it’s that easy, why is classic infested with gold selling bots and people buying gold?

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Because they ban in waves, banning bots one by one is useless

You can just as easily farm the gold in-game, and get a boost through the gold earned there.

Paying for the gold in this case is certainly not buying you anything you can’t just get in-game for very little effort anyway.

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