Boosting is P2W, simple

You would be less upset if they just went legit P2W instead of want to be P2W?

You contradict yourself horribly sir.

TBC classic was ruined when they allowed players to carry over classic gold with them. Once that was allowed, of course the problem from classic would happen again.

Classic had the problem because people would buy tokens in retail, offer gold trading in classic for retail gold, and the market was set. Would this problem be as big if you had to earn the gold in game? I doubt it. But even if it did, there would be something provided to the game itself instead of the dev’s bottom line that the tokens provide.

I haven’t said they should or can remove it. My point is that they’re chasing symptoms of a problem they created. Once boosting was big in retail, and ultimately an aspect of the experience the current players have come to expect, of course they will work to transfer that retail experience over to classic.

I think a good experiment they can try in retail are fresh servers with no token market for those realms, with character copy available, and the only equipment to xfer is what’s on your back. At least then the ordinary player can escape the boosting plague. Like I said, an experiment.

Somewhat, but there isn’t a large crossover between classic and retails players in general.

Blizz even said the same when they release shadowlands and Naxx within a week of each other. No reason to hold one for the other when there is minimal overlap.

I think people just want to boost and get advantages in both games. And classic gets an easy scapegoat to blame retail instead of handling its own thing.

Your description of they new servers sounds like a fresh classic server though, and didn’t you just say people bought gold there through retail exchanges? Why wouldn’t that happen again? Why would you expect boosting to not pop up there very quickly?

I guess if you consider “winning” being defined as doing something the rest of the group/raid you are in has already completed and farmed to the point that it is trivial…

I paid a few guildies to run my Demon Hunter through a 15 back in BfA, just so I could get the artifact appearances on that character. But I doubt I’m the type of person you mean, since that’s the only time I’ve done it (I’d rather be selling keys than buying them)…

I don’t know what motivates people to buy boosts, and I don’t think it would really matter. Some people might want to argue that if they couldn’t buy boosts, they might be motivated to look for actual progression groups to do that content normally. But it’s just as likely that if they didn’t buy boosts, they simply wouldn’t do it at all. There would certainly be less motivation for higher-end players to keep logging on if all they were really doing between raids or whatever was selling boosts…

Everyone has their own definition of P2W. Personally, I think of PW2 as a service or item that the game directly sells that cannot be obtained in the game. Boosting services are not sold by Blizzard and anything you can obtain with a boost can be done in the game without much more effort. To me conveniences are not P2W.

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If they throw in some hush puppies I’ll do it lol

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Please make sure post this on ALL the other mmo forums too, including FFXIV. Because everything you mentioned is done in every single mmo. Only difference is, people pay gold farmers for their gold instead of a token. Absolutely no difference except one form is accepted by the developers and the other is not.

Gotta love these people who keep calling carries P2W.

Ohhh also. Please explain to me how if someone pays for a carry and they end up not getting 1 item because nothing they could use dropped for them and the whopping 1 item they get to pick from the vault had nothing they could use is p2w?

Please learn what p2w actually means.

Another Poster who is all sour grapes about how someone else plays the game that has zero affect on them so they have to come and cry on the forums and call it p2w.


The aspect I am referring to is allowing players who want to escape boosting the opportunity to. It becomes a battle of wills, I guess. If you choose that realm to get away from the token market and boosting, do you choose boosting anyways? If so, then you wasted time on that realm.

Any way that they can incentivize the old way of having to earn the gold in game would be a positive. There is no reason to converse and form a community when boosting is the ideal way to advance. “I can just swipe my card and be carried!” vs “I have to find a guild with a raid slot open, work to progress my character through the content.” It only makes sense people would choose the former.

I dont get this take. The player base is what it is. The pool from which to get that 5/5 is now larger (yes inflated), but the number of non-boosted characters in that pool hasnt changed that dramatically. The type of player that traditionally puts in the work to get to higher level endgame content isnt the type to suddenly start boosting to get there.

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The old way was to buy gold from a third party seller.

It is on the developers to make boosting not a thing.

As long as people can communicate outside of game, there is no way to stop it


Exactly. The people buying the boosts aren’t the type of players that are going to put in the time to work their way up the mythic + ladder. If boosting wasn’t available to them they most likely would just quit or do something else in the game.

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Stop people communicating outside of the game. Duh. Make communication outside of the game a perm ban worthy offense…

what if my friends boost me for free?

RIP Friendship Birb

They could stop it. They could completely remove the AH and trading between players. They did it to diablo 3 and it was pretty wonderful. That would be extreme though, and I doubt the WoW community wants that.


The answer is no!

Taking the absolutist approach to anything is doomed from the start.

LIKE I HAVE SAID, I do not have an issue with boosting, only the incentivized way they have created. Boosting was not as big when people had to farm the gold, or go the bannable route of buying the gold third party.

But here is what throws in a different variable than before. They now know(or finally admitted to knowing) when people have bought third party gold. Whether it’s because they want to corner the market or introduced new methods… who knows.

I don’t take either side because it’s a silly paradigm that is sure to fail. Turning a blind eye to it has failed. And on the flip side, banning, stripping of rewards and achievements, for those that boosted is ridiculously heavy handed. This is a blizzard created problem. Cracking the whip on symptoms isn’t going to work either.

I’ve played since Vanilla. If I remember correctly, third party gold selling was huge and boosting was a pretty big thing. Honestly, I don’t think Tokens is that big of a deal.

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yea I think people vastly underestimate just how many players were buying gold before the token.