Boosting is P2W, simple

People would just go back to RMT outside of the game.

If someone wants to get boosted, they’ll get boosted.

Nope. Gold selling has always been a thing and it always will. Again, it’s an absolutist approach that is doomed if you think you can end it completely.

The trade chat and other forms of recruiting were not spammed with selling carries anywhere close to what happened when tokens were introduced. Did it exist? OF COURSE! But it was not acceptable to see people asking for carries. They would be spit on.

You do know that Just stating nope doesn’t prove anything, right?

I think you fail to see their points. No one ever said it wasn’t big. BOOSTING wasn’t as big then.

That’s what I’ve wondered. It never seemed to me that it was an activity with competitive advantage in mind, but rather more a personal/completionist kind of thing. I obviously have no data, but if someone was motivated to be king of the hill in PvP or a mythic raider, I’m not sure they’d be the type of people that would pay to have the door opened for them to participate at the cutting edge level. It always seemed to me to be a “get reward I wouldn’t otherwise be able to get/have time to get” thing than a “I want invited to mythic raids” kind of thing.

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I’ve played for a while too, saying, “since vanilla” doesn’t change anything either.

Also, making a claim you can’t prove is pointless. If you really want to claim trade chat and etc were filled with selling boosts for gold as much as recently, you’re lying.

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I’d argue m+ has more ownership over making boosting more prevalant than the wow token.

before m+, the only people who could (Pve at least) boost (easily, at least) were organized raids.

with the advent of m+, any four friends without a lot of overhead could boost, and then the big boosting communites popped up… and bam, we suddenly had a way to make some gold while other people handled all of the overhead, and it didn’t even require a lot of skill or experience to do.

literally any clown could boost. and lots of clowns did, some of the boosters in one of the biggest discords were awful at keys. the only requirement was to have 2k io, which is negligible to get.

It starts and stops with how much money you can hand over to the game developer to get in-game advantages over people who don’t pay. This means that boosting is not inherently P2W, anyone who thinks boosting in and of itself doesn’t P2W doesn’t really understand what P2W is. Boosting being rampant in WoW since WOD is a symptom of the WoW token’s existence which has caused it to explode as there are people making a living off of it and is likely why Blizzard is cracking down on the boosting community.

P2W revolves solely around being able to give the developer money for in-game advantages. To that extent the playerbase is the middle man insofar as boosting goes, but simply being able to buy gold to reduce your need to play the game is a P2W concept even if all that gold goes for is raid consumables, enchants, etc.

That’s why I stated “If I remember correctly”. Both you and I are just talking out of our butts.

I did it twice just for the mount. I don’t care about gear, status, don’t run mythic+ and don’t raid.

Please don’t lump all of us into one category. Thank you.

(toddles off to eat a cookie)


I’d prefer to not have to go through the hassle of checking everyone’s application to my group via

I’ve bought a couple of boosts in the past. Once in legion, and once in bfa. I felt buyer’s remorse both times. I’d never do it again.

I see the OP’s point, especially early in an expansion. Based on my experience, I’d say that their feelings of success will be short lived.

But these “in game advantages” can be obtained just by playing the game. I think of P2W as something that can’t be obtained by playing the game. It can only be obtained by paying real money for an item or service that the game sells directly.

I won’t disagree that it contributed greatly but I remember it starting to become big with Arena carries, then RBG’s. Token made it worse, and then came M+. M+ is was certainly the geartree that incentivized boosting, too.

Now pvp is pointless unless you started early OR are willing to buy carries.

But I DO remember. So no, you aren’t remembering correctly. I had characters across multiple high pop realms and it was NOWHERE as bad as recently. You were openly mocked for even asking or marketing it. It was a black market, now it’s mainstream, so there is a huge difference.

I don’t have a dog in the fight. Do you? Do you buy carries or sell them through tokens?

Your memory is faulty and you are totally talking out of your butt now.

I have never bought or sold a boost. Look at my profile for proof. lol

That isn’t boosting. That is playing with friends.

Ok. You can keep lying. No point in trying to reason with dishonest people. Have fun, buddy.

Mind your own business. Why do people get sooooo upset about what other people do? Focus on what makes you happy.

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There’s a slew of reasons, M+ likely being one of the least impactful.

To be fair the spamability of M+ is helpful for consistent boost runs, but raids being able to be ran more than once a week and all the extra difficulties raiding offers impacts this as well. However this is all just icing on the cake features.

I dont know about you, but if I was tasked with reducing boosting and I had to delete either M+ or the token I’m supremely confident deleting the token would make far more of an impact. It’s ridiculous to think M+ is the golden child of content that allowed boosting to flourish rather than the thing that literally let’s you buy the currency that people want when they boost you.

That’s literally how P2W features work in most other games.