Boosting is P2W, simple

That’s an interesting meaning. I was sitting here talking to Kalaen and I was thinking “Some people say store mounts are P2W” and I was like … how? But by that definition it makes sense. ANYTHING you can’t get in game is P2W :laughing: Not everyone is going to agree.

Is it in the dictionary?

Define winning in the context of Wow :slight_smile: You can never win wow so if Blizz puts M raid gear on the shop is it not P2W?

I like my definition more.

Something that’s give player power. Not mounts and cosmetics.

I mean, if you’re going to cut out the words that answer your question, I guess that’s all I can help you with isn’t it lol

Well that was a summation of the definition, the rest of my post was more fleshed out.
It’s anything you could buy outside of the game that was only available outside and gave you an advantage inside.

I mean we can do each word one by one if you like

Define pay
Define to
Define Win

but I feel like that’s silly, but if that’s what you want :man_shrugging:

That makes sense but then that would be the “special items” P2W argument right? Where you can buy gear from a cash shop that’s only available on the cash shop so buying tokens to buy carries to get gear wouldn’t qualify because gold is available in the game and the gear you get is available in game as well.

You know, there’s so many of these threads but I’ve been wondering lately what the goal is? Let’s say Wow IS P2W for sake of argument, so what? What are you gonna do now?


They’re going to sit and cry about everything.
Like they have for a while now.

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They are going to do nothing. They will stay subbed to the game and just continue b#tching on the forum.

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ok. So what did they win?

Still waiting for an actual answer to that one.