Boosting is out of control

Incorrect actually. I just don’t have time to deal with Blizzard’s bs clown systems at all. I am not asking for any handouts, but the community does nothing to help anyone when it does come to Blizzard’s bs. Looking up guides/videos. :sleeping: is not worth my time at all and doesn’t actually help anything at all. It isn’t an excuse, the community is absolutely hellbent on gatekeeping, but it’s okay WoW can die a miserable death if you guys want it to go out in such a way!

Lol… It’s not that widespread. Maybe 1-5% of players risk doing that stuff. The reality is just that the game doesn’t have as many people playing that are interested in some types of content right now.

I don’t want or ever asked for a carry, the simple thing to do is offer help but none of you know how to do that, at all. It’s okay though, you guys do seem to want WoW to have a niche sub 100k player base where only those people get to enjoy the game. The ridiculous part is that Blizzard will cater to this idea and continue to foster such horrifically bad mindsets that keep 99% of the entire player base from playing their game or even considering it.

Just as long as you keep that sub active, bud.

Oh, so it’s not the fault of the community, you just don’t like the “systems”.

Okay, then do the content without looking up anything.

Oh, nevermind. It is the communities fault again.

Start your own groups and make sure everyone knows it’s a learning group, join a guild and ask them if you can go do alt runs with them to learn. People are a lot more helpful than you pretend that they are. If you expect some stranger from the group finder to carry you for free then you’re crazy.

I stand by my words, anyone who uses the term gatekeep does so in such a manner that it’s an excuse as to why they do no content, they’d rather blame everyone else other than themselves. Literally nobody can gatekeep you from any content in this game, you gatekeep yourself.

It is gatekeeping and always will be. It isn’t even up for debate.

And you’re the gatekeeper. It’s your fault you only do world quests, nobody elses. Everyone is allowed access to the same content.

Um… didn’t you know that Blizzard took care of this problem by outlawing boosting communities? Oh that’s right… it’s easy to get around that.

My friend, it is what it is. Their own president participates in boosting, so they are not going to ban it completely.

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Nope, the community is the gatekeeper. It is not my fault if I do not have any time to manage Blizzard’s absolute bs systems and don’t even want to bother with it. Everyone in this game will tell you to go be optimal or don’t even bother playing the game. Choose this or that, or get declined to every single group.

Strange, I didn’t know you could reject yourself from your own key :thinking:

You got the free version of WoW?

If this is your answer to this and not “Blizz should just not make headache systems and maybe consider that people don’t have time for so much bs anymore” then there is absolutely no reasoning with you or the psychos who won’t help make the game better.

I don’t have the time to bother, it’s not my problem. But I should not be gatekept and punished for it just because Blizzard makes bad systems and then fosters an extremely negative and unwelcoming community for 17 years after the fact.

If you need to research so much and change your builds and talents and covenants and soulbinds for almost every form of content, then there is an inherent design flaw with the game that is affecting way more people than I think you or anyone in the thread seems to realize, but you don’t care cause you got the time :crazy_face:

I can predict the next statement it will be: Then WoW is not for you anymore go play a different game. Which is the worst take in the entire universe but I’ve heard it before, can’t reason with the unreasonable.

How? Make your own groups… Lead your own raids… Seriously, quit parroting “gatekeeping” “gatekeeping” “gatekeeping” blah blah blah… It’s simply not true.

What you’re calling gatekeeping is probably you being undergeared/inexperienced, trying to apply to heroic one shot pugs or +15s and getting rejected. This is due to you not being willing to grind up a bit and prove your worth to others. The alternative to that is to MAKE YOUR OWN GROUPS…

The reality is that you’re gatekeeping yourself by refusing to follow the simple expectations of an MMO: Prove that you you’re able to perform and that you aren’t a carry. That isn’t gatekeeping, it’s an expectation that’s always been around.

Bad take. Not even gonna reply to this one fully.

Yet it sounds like that’s exactly what you want.

I help my guildies all the time.

You get what you put into the game. If you out nothing you get nothing and no one should be expected to do the work for you.

Imagine making up random numbers and still making a terrible point.

You still don’t know what the word gate keep means.

Your reasoning is absolutely awful. What you are describing is not gatekeeping. You’re just the epitome of a lazy handout gamer who expects others to carry them in grouped content and then throws a hissy fit when others ask for minimum requirements.

Honestly, just buy a boost. You can play whatever spec you want. Nobody will judge you or tell you to get better.

You are a gatekeeper it’s okay I don’t need to keep repeating myself though, yes you will continue to ensure the game meets expectations for no one but your little crew of about 100k players in about 2 years time when everyone absolutely quits.

Yeah, because you know you are wrong, you know you’ve lost and you don’t know when to give up. Good ol’ narcissism+megalomania. There is no community gatekeeping, you’re just gatekeeping yourself. Build up your experience and gear with prog guilds, but ohhhh you don’t have the patience to wipe more than two times on a boss because you want it NYOW.

I have 17 years of experience, I just do not have the time, something you psychopaths don’t understand but it’s okay cause you have the time right?

It is gatekeeping because the expectations and requirements are inhuman at this point.

Explain how I am a gatekeeper or how I am gatekeeping you?

Lol is this because you aren’t getting invited to groups?

It is a problem, not mine though. I did not wake up and decide to design WoW to be so god awful one day.