Boosting is out of control

People aren’t here to “carry.” People will help others of their own skill level though.

They are if you show them the gold.

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Many people don’t want to be good, if they wanted to be good they’d actually play the game and learn their class and mechanics.

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You can’t enslave people and force them to play a videogame the way you’ve decided is punitive enough to tickle your fancy. You can’t stomp your feet, yell “GIT GUD, MORON” and expect you have improved their skills in any way. You can’t force them to play at all. People really aren’t as stupid as you think they are. People who are here because they find the game entertaining will no longer be playing after it is clear they’re only here to be your punching bag. “Git gud or else and figure it out for yourself without any help because you don’t deserve help!” will be about as useful as expecting schoolkids to teach themselves calculus or a foreign language on their own.

Average and below average players are the majority. If you can’t stand that concept, maybe you shouldn’t be playing multiplayer games.

In this game people don’t help strangers, because who knows if they will ever deserve help? They “help” their friends with their alts, their friends who are able to pay back the service in return.

In this game people don’t help strangers, because who knows if they will ever deserve help? They “help” their friends with their alts, their friends who are able to pay back the service in return.

Because helping strangers is a waste of time. People should just play with other people of similar skill levels where goals align. Unfortunately, lesser skilled people tend to want a free carry, and wonder why people aren’t eager to do so.

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I agree, carries are to be paid with gold, which is super-easy to make in SL.

Yep. The game is designed to encourage you to help no one but your closest buddies’ alts. Kick those noobs to the floor, you don’t need them for anything, you never will, and you want them to know that this is how the playerbase is going to treat those noobscums.

You people brag about what an amazing community you are while hating on just about everyone.

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No? I pug a lot.

It’s designed to play with other people. I’d venture to say that most people don’t still play with the same group of people they started with, or if they even started with anyone. People make friends in games. If you can’t or haven’t made friends then that’s a you problem, not a game problem.

You constantly bash anything that has anything to do with teamwork, go make some friends and see how much better the game gets for you.

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Sure. Malicious trolls like you can find others just like them in the game. Odd how that works, eh?

Well, at least I didn’t start a thread about how I group up with 3 friends and queue just so I could kick the fourth person, because it’s so much fun to do that over and over again.

You constantly tell us what an amazing team player you are and how you have so many friends, that’s why you find it so much fun to go out and try to wreck other players’ nights.

Gee, you were gone for a month after that heinous thread bragging about how you loved to do that. Coincidence? I think not.

Dust in the wind. Are we are is dust in the wind.

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WoW’s community doesn’t exist on that scale. It can’t anymore since Blizzard decided to sacrifice everything that built communities for the sake of convenience.

I wish blizz would just rename the game to Lobby of Instancecraft and be done with it.

Show me a quote where I said any of this without taking anything out of context and without cherry-picking a sentence. Stop lying.

If you’re insinuating I was suspended for something then you’d be wrong. Normal and well-adjusted people are allowed to do stuff with their lives other than sit on a forum. Not everyone sits here like you do racking up thousands of posts on numerous forum characters.

Literally anything below the absolute highest levels of play is basically that. And people wonder why communities only really exist at a level of play where pugging becomes sub-optimal if not outright impossible.

Communities are built by need, and that need doesn’t exist when everyone is replaceable and people are surprised pikachu when others consider THEM replacable.

Boom mic drop, you just sent Bottom to the shadow realm :popcorn:

Love it how people try to call others out when they have no idea what they’re talking about to be publicly embarassed by source.

So you didn’t follow the conversation correctly. We’re talking about spam. Even if you spam trade chat with “aol” chat, you will get suspended.

Which Blizzard confirms in your quoted post:

Please read more carefully before you interject into conversations with strawmans again. :man_facepalming:

I’m not embarrassed (two Rs btw, not one) by someone strawmanning me. It happens all the time on these forums. :sweat_smile:

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Yeah you shouldn’t ever use the word gatekeeping till you learn what it actually is.

I’m not gatekeeping you because I don’t want to carry you in an 18 and the best you have done is a 10


Thankfully the ToS governs what is and not what some players think “shouldn’t be allowed”. In the meantime, I’ll just keep making my gold! :slight_smile:

Anyone who uses this word is almost surely guaranteed to do almost no endgame content beyond world quests. This word is used as an excuse. Players would rather use this excuse and somehow blame the rest of the population for them doing no content instead of blaming themselves.