Boosting is out of control

Funny that the only people who “care enough about the game” share your opinion. I guess the only people who are playing correctly also just do the stuff you do.

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I became a Necomer Guide in game, and the amount of “new players” advertising in game sales and boosting is insane. You can see their little murloc above their head and in trade chat

If you don’t care about the harm introducing real world money for gold into the game can do, then I would wager that you don’t care about the game.

Games have died for less. WoW only sticks around because of its legacy.

found a poor person.

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As long as the game creates a psychological need to boost, it’s not going away plain and simple. No matter how many groups pop up and get banned.

It’s complex so you can’t reasonably point to one thing and say “THIS causes boosting”. But a big part of that is at least in part influenced by a seasonal progression cadence, FOMO, and being able to purchase the gold.

found a head empty

I don’t care about the economy gameplay of wow. This doesn’t mean I want to see it shut down. I have better things to do then make imaginary money and often buy tokens to skip farming gold.

All those trash streamers that are making a living off of bad players.

Like seriously who sends money to someone because they stream.

WoW isn’t pay to win.

Please tell me what harm it causes?

The only people crying are the ones who aren’t successful at the game or life.

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I buy boosts and don’t spend a single dollar on it, so why are people still crying about boosting and acting like only people who RMT get boosted?

Lol, as if I would humor engaging someone who makes subtle jabs like this.

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Meaning you can’t refute the claims. The life part was being able to purchase WoW tokens.

Either way bring on the excuses because you can’t figure out why it’s bad for the game.

Whatever helps you feel superior, my guy.

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I don’t have a trouble finding groups to do things and I currently play alliance. Which is, according to this forum “dead faction”. Even when I was playing my rogue I had no trouble. When I ran into an okay tank, I would add them. If you play well enough they’ll ask YOU to do stuff.

Reminds me of the person who joins a guild then gets mad when no one wants to do anything with them. They did at first, but not now. The problem isn’t that they don’t wanna do stuff; they don’t wanna do stuff with YOU. People play with people who they find fun to be around, or are good at the game. If neither apply to you, you’re gonna struggle. This applies to life as well. People only hang out with you if you’re beneficial to them. Either socially or to get ahead.

Keep blaming tokens for your lack of success in the game.

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Funny of you to assume I’m even playing the game.

So you’re keeping an active subscription to a game you’re not playing so you can complain about lack of success because WoW tokens.


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It’s almost like there are two other clients available to play.

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You mean the ones that also have boosting yet DONT have the WoW token?

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Yikes. Maybe don’t insert yourself into an argument if you’re not going to read all of it.

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Boosting for real money happens on all three clients.

Maybe don’t join a conversation you don’t have a clue about.

Not everyone that buys a few tokens buys carries.

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