Boosting is out of control

Ok, so you have no idea what you’re talking about then.

THIS, as someone who GMs and thus has to ad for a guild, say it ONCE every maybe 30 minutes so people are aware of and see the message, but after that let the person’s own interest do the rest. Let THEM come to you of their own interest, rather than have someone shoving it in their face aggressively.

Not only will the public appreciate it more, but you’ll get better results as well in terms of who answers.


So speculations? Cause people who RMT are banned (guy in my guild just got banned). Excessive help is vague, but we carry our friends alts out of the ish leagues. You don’t have any statistics on where people get their gold and piloting is a great way to lose an account.


You seem to whine a lot.

Yet, boosting was at a prime in Legion, and there were tons of groups…

Maybe I’m crazy, but I don’t think people paid to skip the stuff they no longer care about. I know personally, I havn’t touched a M+ greater then 3 or a raid higher then raidfinder in months if not over a year now.

If the community doesn’t want to see advertisements for boosting then we have the right to report and silence them.

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i’m looking for the post right now. this has definitely been covered.

yes, because many people have no idea what the TOS/EULA actually say. case in point, see above.


Sad truth that current design definitely emphasizes this although there is always some amount of boosting in any mmo cuz of slow grindy progression, slot machines, and requiring better gear to get into groups doing activities that generate the best loot

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That’s the thing. The reason so many people are skipping content is that the boosting has made it harder and harder. I don’t blame people for boosting. I blame Blizzard for not cracking down on it. Because of Blizzard’s lack of action, we have a whole industry of boosting services in world of Warcraft. It’s gross.


Guilds aren’t the issue, scheduling is.

People could do everything they want at any level, if it queble.

I don’t agree with that assessment.

I do however agree with your guild name. It’s great.

I agree that boosting is STILL a huge issue, but let’s be real about something. If we encourage a toxic social environment by being jerks to players who maybe aren’t top tier or fully geared we help CREATE the boosting problem. I am in a few guilds but it’s not the priority it might be for true hard core players. Why? Because most guild groups have been utter jerks to me. Repeatedly and consistently. A guild is likely going to be running true end game content while I’m still trying to clean up BFA and before content…so I really get no support for it at all by being in one. Run it anyway you like, it’s yours after all, but don’t complain there’s nobody to help if you don’t help new players get up to your level of experience and gear at a pace that supports their real life. Not all of us live for WoW even if we do really enjoy it.


Imclgo, the problem is the power creep. Anyone playing my character would have absolutely no problem timing 15s after a few hours of practicing with the binds and weakauras I made. I sim my character to get every little juicy point of dps, 4 set, double legendaries. But on my alts with 0pc, 190 legendaries, and random talents, I do half the damage. But all that nonsense is what people pay to skip, I suppose :woman_shrugging:

Giving a healing option for warlocks so I dont have to reroll.

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they should hand out hefty bans for boost sellers AND buyers imo.


A) As long as real money is not used, Blizz will not do anything about boosting. Players are free to use their gold as they say fit. So stop your whining and get over it.
B) Policing a “ban” would be a nightmare and highly subjective.
C) Blizz decides what constitutes spam, not the player.
D) Unsub if you don’t like boosting.

Real money is being used. Blizzard just doesn’t care because they’re profiting off of it.


I love this thread. You have people who have profited from boosting, People who do boosting, and people who care enough about the game to dislike boosting.

I don’t mind boosting. I think it’s an interesting way to generate player interaction in the community.

What I don’t like is the fact that you can just buy a token with real money, convert that to gold, and then use that gold to boost.

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Right. I finally understand what all of those big name streamers were saying by “pay to win” with the WoW token. It’s not about the gear, it’s about affording boosts.