Boosting is literally Pay to win

Lol. Okay, and?

Pay to win is buying an advantage. Boosting is an advantage. Blizz is marketing it as an advantage. It costs money because its an advantage and youre spending that money because it gets you an advantage.

Hence the titie of this thread.

I dont and I agree, it is the same. I prefer to play the game but hey, thats me.

And I get that. And yes, you’re right. It is subjective.
And most might see me as a bad person for this point but back in TBC I spent a LOT of my time killing horde leveling up through specific zones just to pester them into bringing groups of 70s. (was specifically on my 53 druid alt at the time).
The ability to boost to 58 would siphon a large portion of players from these zones via no need for leveling in them. This slowly kills the “living world” feel of the game. (Note: I am simply speaking of the ability to boost, this specific scenario is I believe time limited or at least only one boost per account which while having an effect will not be long term likely. This is just to point out that the boost does have effects on the game overall and even if someone like my self is not using it it does effect me.)

I understand that. Grinding it myself right now. . . Sadly for me it is not fun. I am stuck dealing with gold farmers who speak broken english farming all of the mobs I need for it and locking the areas down making it nearly impossible and that’s when I am lucky. Horde have begun taking over Winterspring and killing all ally under the false guise of “we’re killing the gold farmers we doing good for our server” even when they knowingly kill those who are mount repping.

Would of gotten it in phase 1 but irl kicked my butt. Want it before prepatch so I have it on both Classic and TBC.

This isn’t Classic this is TBCC.

That is precisely what this is.

Me having pizza is a pretty big advantage over you not-having-pizza players.

Respectfully, that is just your opinion.

That’s how Blizzard has it set up so not really.

Then play the game. If you don’t want to be on a server with boost ask blizzard for fresh tbc. I’m using my boost on a class I know how to play and have played many twinks as. I have deleted my twink rogues multiple times when they hit a certain level. So I just see it as getting a deleted character back. Time I spent leveling :slight_smile:

I only came here when tbc was announced to try and find more info, but I like you found a GOLDMINE of entertainment watching this unfold.

So you’re saying it is not made to be like WoW was in TBC?
That I cannot make a fresh level 1 in it?
Because your argument suggests that it is entirely, and only, TBC created content. When in fact it includes all of WoW during a point of time in WoW when TBC was current content.

Again, respectfully, your opinion.

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Nope, it’s a museum piece.

Arguing something not being argued.

That is the only relevant content yes, no one cares about Maraudon in Outland.

That argument still gets no where.
People will still make alts and level new characters from level 1 through till 70.

It may be focused on the idea of TBC, but it is WoW as it was during TBC. You might have a point if it were MoP or later where leveling has been reduced simply to “current/new content” but back during TBC it was not. WLK began making that move though.

Anyways I am out, irl calls. Have a good one.

“No your responses don’t count, here let me keep arguing things no one is arguing as a gotcha.”

This is a lie.

The latest expansion is the relevant content. The content from the base game/previous expansions is not.

Free action potions are still relevant.
Dark/demonic runes are still relevant.
Black lotus are still relevant.
Skull of impending doom is still relevant.
Crystal of zinmalor is still relevant.
Catseye goggles are still relevant.
Glimmering mithril insignia is still relevant.
Fetish of the sand reaver is still relevant.
Tidal charm could still be relevant.
Any reflective damage items are going to be relevant.
Golden sansam relevant.
Invisi pots relevant.
Antivenoms relevant.
Neutral Auction houses relevant.
Noggenfoggers relevant.
Atiesh is relevant.
Flightpaths to get to caverns of time, karazhan etc relevant.
Bijous and zandalar pots are relevant.
Old world shoulder enchants are relevant.
Parachute cloak is relevant.
Swiftness potions relevant.
Darkmoon Cards are relevant.
Core felcloth bags are relevant.
Bag of Marbles is relevant
Any 18 slot bags are still relevant.
Restorative potions are relevant.
Rage potions
Thistle tea? (is this still bis?)
Mithril spurs still relevant.
Repair bots
Jumper cables

I could go on or other people could add to the list

The old world is still very useful in tbc.

Since we’re using the argument of lvl geared lvl 60s vs boosted lvl58s, all the old world raid gear is very relevant. If we had a lvl 68 boost instead of lvl 58 the comparison would be tougher to make.

Tbc quest gear replaces a lot of the lvl 60 raid gear. T3 and some trinkets are the exception for some classes due to how good some of the teir bonuses are.

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Yes thankyou. Old world gear still relevant in the outlands. It might be replaced at lvl 61 or it might not be replaced until halfway through Karazhan. Some trinkets are Bis till the end of Wrath.

Not really, also aren’t a bunch of those items nerfed specifically so they aren’t relevant after 60?

The things that let me skip content make the content relevant! XD sorry that stood out to me

It’s literally paying not to level. That’s not winning. I am not defending boosting but it’s not pay to win.