Boosting is literally Pay to win

So what is the difference between getting a 58 via a transaction and say buying something like warglaives?
Or tier 3 gear and corrupted ashbringer via irl transaction?

Not really

In a game with 60s what advantages does a 58 gain that the 60s dont already have?

Nice example! Both #winning.

Here’s the part where they say that a boosted 58 character has advantages over a level 1.

But then they’ll ignore this:

And this:

Sorry for the tag Jimmi.


I won’t ignore it. The time someone else has played on their character has nothing to do with the time you have played on your own character. I think the title of the thread is ‘Boosting is literally Pay to win’.
Not that ‘Boosting to level 58 gives you an unfair advantage over other level 58s’.

Straw man

A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the proper idea of the argument under discussion was not addressed or properly refuted. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be “attacking a straw man”.

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Ok, and…?

I don’t pve so it has nothing to do with putting a higher value on raid gear. Generally when people say “Pay to win” its a service that you spend IRL money to get top or near top gear or items.

Most Most MMOs now days have a level skip system that you can pay for. Some like FF14 have a “skip story” option. However even in that game you don’t have “Pay to win” in terms of “high end gear if you pay with money”

I still think the wow community gets “pay to win” mixed up. I stand by my previous statement a level boost is not pay to win. Pay to win would be if blizzard gave you level 70 with pvp…pve…or blues. But it’s a It’s a level 58 boost you are 12 levels away from new cap and you get greens. How is that pay to win?

If you find that leveling content is valuable then don’t buy a boost and don’t have a mage boost you. I see no difference between paying blizzard for a 58 boost vs paying a mage gold.

I would take your argument a little more seriously if my trade chat wasn’t filled with “mage boost service 5 gold for sm gy” people don’t care about leveling and it shows in trade chat everyday.


Here we go again. You are arguing something that has no merit to the actual statement ‘Boosting is literally pay to win’.

Why would this service cost money if it was worthless?

Paying a mage gold to level your character is also pay to win.

How do you get gold if you don’t have a character that can farm gold? You buy it.

Most MMO’s have a level skip system you can pay for? That’s great, how does that refute that boosting is pay to win? WoW even sells gold in later xpacs. Get real brother.

Because you win nothing at level 58. 58 is not the endgame, you don’t have better gear than what other 58s could obtain, and there’s plenty of people who are higher level than you and out gear you.

You cannot get access to pizza without paying for it.

Pizza is pay to win.

The fact that the anti-boosters are now having to resort to coming up with their own definitions of P2W just shows much the pearl-clutching has peaked at this point.

When you need to argue semantics to help bolster your dying narrative, you’ve basically admitted defeat.

Not that any of this really matters anyway. The 58 boost is going to be in the game. You can either ignore it and move on with the game or just stop playing if you’re that morally obligated against the level boost.

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I would agree that buying a max level toon decked in raid gear is a more egregious form of pay to win over buying a boost but it doesnt make buying a boost not pay to win.


Oh the desperation has been absolutely delightful


I cannot tell you how much enjoyment I am getting from this. Watching them desperately grasp at straws for any scrap of credibility as they begin to realize that their crying is gaining them nothing.

The boosts are coming, and all their lies about “iTs P2w!” are meaningless

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It’s obvious that the flaw in many points of the debate lies in the definition of pay to win as this is the key point of the thread.

To someone like me, pay to win can include a time skip period.
To someone else as mentioned here it might be more specific as end game gear only.

This creates a problem, it must then be brought into a more basic level like, what would be bad for the game if players were capable of just spending money instead?

For someone like myself I equate time skipping all as the same be it leveling, gold farming or raiding. Time and effort attains all of these, thus paying to skip time and effort, in my opinion, is harmful to the game. It devalues the things that cost time and effort.

The frost saber from winterspring for example requires a lot of time and effort to attain and thus earns a high amount of value. But if it were to just be offered in the cash shop then it would appear meaningless to most players and lose its overall value and uniqueness.

Again this is all my perspective and opinion, take it as that. A 58 boost, especially one only per account, is not the end of the world. But it is a change in the direction of things that devalued what made this game great. The world(of warcraft).

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And if the Boost got you to max level you’d have more standing, it doesn’t.

It gets you to the bare minimum needed to play the game. That’s the opposite of winning.

Then I hope you don’t get guild mates and mages to run you through instances for a boost. It’s the same thing.

Edit and addition: the real leveling experience is playing from 1-70 with people around same level and doing instances. Something that isn’t going on anymore. It’s why people want fresh tbc with no boost. They don’t want mages boosting others and boost on that type of server. So elf I think that’s what you should be advocating for. Boost are here to stay just like mages power leveling. Deal with it.

I still don’t see paid boost as pay to win when the content thats skipped is old and out dated

I think this is the problem with “P2W”

Its completely subjective from person to person. I dont put any value in leveling. I dont see it as fun or enjoyable, and removing it in no way hinders my enjoyment of the game. A 58 stepping through the portal with me,a 60, doesnt do anything to me. I have all the advantages over them for the time I put in during classic. I have the levels, i have the gear, i have the resources. They won nothing

As someone with that tiger mount I would not care about it being in the cash shop. I had so much fun staying up late with friends grinding it out. Thats where my value is, in the people and not the items. I just dont think the community can agree on this topic so its going to have to fall under “suck it up or quit”. Those that truly love TBC will stick around.


“Pay to Win is a situation in gaming (usually MMOs or Massively Multiplayer Online games) where companies allow you to buy items or advantages with real money …”


Again, its much easier to simply state that you are the kind of player thats totally cool with buying in game advantages with real money than it is to try and convince everyone that youre legit because boosting is no advantage at all.

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I’m sorry but the bare minimum to play the game is level 1.

This is not retail/current where the game entirely revolves around the concept of “end game” or “current expansion only”.

But I already know your point. “This is TBC Classic, it is focused on TBC content thus skipping vanilla content is fine”. And while I get that idea, it is still just an opinion as well held by a large sum of pro-boost arguing individuals. TBC Classic will still include most/all of 1-60 content and even more so a lot of it will be updated to as it was in TBC (i.e. mount at lvl 30).


I’m curious… how does this impact you? Really?