Boosting is literally Pay to win

Is instantly leveling to 58 something you cannot otherwise get without paying for it?

I cannot get to 58 regardless of if I pay, I need a sub and an account. So I gotta pay for both, what’s your point?

Can you instantly level to 58 without paying for it?

No, you need to pay for a micro-transaction to do that.

That is a form of pay to win. You are paying for in-game power.

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I can’t level at all without paying for it, therefore Subs are p2w

That is called “pay to play”.

Almost there buddy!

Sounds like a made up definition. I suppose I can make up my own too then. “Pay2Win” is a term used where a player can spend real money to gain unbalanced advantages over another player"

And 58 does none of that.

See? When we make up things we can make them fit any argument!

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He already ignored me pointing out he is just putting words in peoples mouths with his “Definition” I doubt he cares.

My definition of p2w is buying something that cannot be obtained via any other method that adds a statistical power advantage. So, by MY definition it doesn’t, all clear!

I heavily disagree with his crappy made up definition. A boosted 58 gains no advantages over a leveled 58. And time isnt a factor when 60s are in the game. If a 58 appeared right now in the game they would be weak and have no in game advantages. Therefor not pay to win.

Lying huh? Neat.

Again, this is not the discussion Im having. Im saying an advantage is an advantage no matter how big or small. Others are saying its no advantage at all. How is that possible?

Blizz openly admits its an advantage - you dont have to level in Azeroth to get to Outland aka the way the game is designed to work. The fact that you are spending money on a cash shop to get that level 58 means its advantageous for you to do so. Yet people are quite literally saying that buying a 58 is the same as playing to 58 because there’s no advantage one way or the other - which is a joke on its face and cant be taken seriously.

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Keep quoting me out of context :slight_smile:

I said you ignored my point where your “definition” was just your opinion. Typical you’d cut n paste peoples posts though to fit your narrative.

Blizz admits it’s an adavantage “You don’t have to lv in Azeorth” Oh good, I got authority that the azeroth leveling experience is detrimental and a pain. Maybe they should revamp it…maybe some kinda…cataclysm eh?

The only P2W that exists in this game and will continue to exist going into TBC, are those buying gold from bots using their real money and then using that gold to buy BIS gear from GDKP raids, oh and I guess also buying arena rating/arena titles using gold as well in TBC (great, another revenue outlet for the bots/gold sellers)

the GDKPs things a 50/50 for me. I understand it inflates gold buying and gives it more reason, at the same time I genuinely enjoy having a reason to rerun old raids with guildies and still make a bit of progress even if I get nothing gear wise

I’m not sure how much more clear I can be. By you guys skewed definition of ‘winning’ there is absolutely no winning in World of Warcraft ever, no matter what you do.
Win definition is - to get possession of by effort or fortune.

The only way you win wow is to quit and be free!


They are sweet for stealth gathering /chest runs in dungeons.

I’m indifferent about GDKP. But if paying to win was ever a thing in this game, it’s buying gold and then using it to buy the gear which actually makes your character powerful for little to no effort put in.

The 58 boost on the other hand, you’re not winning anything in that regard other than saving yourself a week’s worth of /played game-time.


Paying to instantly have a rogue be able to do something you otherwise would not be able to do. Sounds like you’re instantly gaining something that a player who does not pay otherwise would not have.


Rogue starts with 0 lock picking
Rogue starts at 58, cannot go into outlands dungeons
Rogue has no gear, cannot survive encounters

Keep trying bud, you forgot what instantly means :slight_smile: