Boosting is literally Pay to win

The real question is do you actually “win” being 58 in all greens? Looking at all the people in my guild that hit max weeks before me what is their advantages over me and what did they win?

(Spoiler its nothing)

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The crux of your arguments aren’t very rational tbh.

You’re comparing the advantages that a boosted level 58 character has over a lower level character that won’t be using a boost. When any level 58 character will have advantages over any lower level character just by virtue of the fact that the 58 character is higher level, regardless of if a level boost occurred or not.

If you’re going to compare a non-boosted character to a boosted character in any legitimate capacity, then you should be comparing a non-boosted level 58 to a boosted level 58. I think you’ll find that there’s hardly any difference, and that the non-boosted character will likely have advantages insofar as professions, gold accumulated and probably even gear is concerned.

58 (not even max level), no professions, very little gold, 60% mount

Thats winning if I ever seen it

All those 60s better watch out

Those 60s dont gotta worry about anything, apparently the boosters are nothing more than a group of STV gank bullies

So they will be doing exactly what was happening to me as I leveled through STV? Sounding more and more like it changes nothing as they argue.

Exactly. Each day that goes by the more and more they try to hang onto that little thread thats left. Bringing up level 1s is pretty desperate.

Theyve still yet to answer what advantages a level 58 boosted has over a level 58 non boosted. Just constantly dodging

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I’ve asked that question repeatedly and the only answer I got was “time” which isn’t an advantage. I cannot buy anything a player cannot get regularly therefore I cannot pay to win.

Its because they know that when the person levelling to 58 gets to 58 they will have significantly more gold, better bags, the 60% mount, more rep and better gear than the 58 boosted will have. They cannot answer because theyd be lying if they said anything other than time

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If “time” is an argument then I guess any player who is higher level than me a week into Outlands has an unfair advantage over me because they simply have more time to play than I do.

And if that’s a legitimate unfair advantage (it isn’t), then really the only people who have any advantage in this game are those who can log on and play for 12 hours each and every day - which, coincidentally, isn’t likely to be those who use the level 58 boost. :man_shrugging:

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Yep, I made those arguments too. It’s purely disadvantageous in terms of game progress to boost if you want a main character as you will enter tbc disadvantaged. They refuse to accept that.

They also seem to ignore the facts that

“The game will just be a bot riddled mess”
Already there, boosts or not

“Boosted characters won’t know how to play”
Zero evidence or argument that the majority of boosts are people who have NEVER touched wow. Why would anyone skip a massive amount of content for a fee if they haven’t even tried the game before

“It’s just slowly pushing the cash shop”
I know, did you think this wouldn’t happen? Idk why you did. That’s your own fault. Blizzards history is right before you and for some reason you thought it’d be different based on nothing more than meaningless assumptions.

The “time” answer doesnt work here is the issue

Time is only an advantage if being first nets you something. If it were a new fresh server where everyone was at level 1 then being to 58 first would have some advantages. You could corner markets and use the advantage to make tons of gold

In a world full of 60s it doesnt work though. They can skip the leveling of 1-58 and they are still behind. They gain no advantages over the 60s. The netted no real in game advantages that a 60 doesnt have over the 1s too.

Just doesnt work

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Thats incorrect. What Im saying is an advantage is an advantage while acknowledging that not all advantages are equal. Contrast that to people who say they that its no advantage at all whatsoever because they personally dont want it to be. At this point Im assuming its because they lack the intestinal fortitude to just plainly admit they are the kind of gamers that dont mind paying cash for in game advantages as the facts dictate.

Using that other guys tortured analogy Im not saying that making an AH purchase is the same thing as buying a flight path. Im saying they are both cash deals - yall are the ones telling me that spending gold is different than spending gold depending on whats being purchased and how much is being spent.

what is the advantage of boosting a 58?

It’s exactly what you’ve been doing tho. Have you you been comparing a boosted character to a non-boosted character or not? If you’re saying someone who boosts has advantages over someone who doesn’t, then by definition, you’re comparing the two.

The mental gymnastics they employ are world class.

Agreed, they go to great lengths to avoid the truth

For those in here defending boosts, let me explain to you what “pay to win” means.

“Pay2win” is a term used that in you can pay real money via MTX for some type of power in game that increases player power, progress, or skips otherwise mandatory content in a game.

Paying Acti/Blizz to level boost does exactly that above. You are paying real money to skip or automatically complete content. It doesn’t literally mean “you win” at the game, but you are paying for power. That power despite your mental gymnastics is very obviously levels 1-57. By jumping to level 58 with a profession, mount, some gear etc. you have an advantage over a player who has not bought this MTX.

The problem isn’t the level of “advantage or power” you have bought with real money, but the fact that it exists in the first place.

P2Win has no place in an oldschool style MMO, and its very clearly an Activision cash grab.

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Is level 58, 60% mount, mediocre bags, no rep, no professions something you cannot otherwise get without paying for it?

“Let me explain what I think pay 2 win means”

Fixed it for you but No go on, I am sure you’re the authority of its definition.

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