Boosting is literally Pay to win

I got you fam.

Whew close one again!

Funny, I used a keyboard and mouse.

What rotation from hell are you using to level?

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Y’all talk a lot when I’m not looking

No you’re focusing on irrelevant esoteric aspects of what a boost does in order to say that it’s the same as buying specific end game gear and levels, a hyperbole you just made up.

The boost is not clearing dungeons for you or giving you specific valuable items besides a base mount, you’re just being delusional in order to demonize… which just makes you look delusional.

Of course a Mage would say this.

That’s an assumption you are having.

You’re the one trying to pass your opinion off as fact.

It literally is. Vanilla TBC and TBCC are two different things.

It’s not.

If you can’t afford the boost I’m tempted to question your economic status on paying a subscription to the base game as well. Instead I’m going to focus on your sorry attempt to use poor people as a bludgeon and prop. You have ABSOLUTELY no moral high ground here. People who don’t/can’t buy the Boost aren’t cut off from the TBCC content, unlike in Retail where you can’t do any of it unless you buy the expansion, or did you think the original release of TBC was free?

Eat your own words blaggard.

You’ll need to point out what’s stopping “the poors” from hitting level 58+

So’s a video game. So’s a subscription to said video game. So’s the expansion to said video game. So’s the computer it’s played on. So’s the internet it’s played on.

Again, what did these sad souls that you are benevolently taking up arms for do when expansions were released in retail? In TBCC you don’t have to buy an expansion or a Boost to level and play in Outland.

You won a whole lotta nothing, there’s nothing hard nor prestigious or exclusive about that level range in outdated content.

If that was so, go see a doctor. More seriously, Leveling is not hard, it’s time consuming.

Okay godwin-adjacent there (not sure how tipping undervalued and underpaid workers led you to that but anywho)

You are a sad and worthless pile of excrement that a dung beetle would not be caught dead rolling around.

Yea I’m the evil one asking for fairness and a classic experience. Yea I’m the evil one considering the poor population who will be left out and wont be able to join their friends because they can’t afford more then a monthly fee… Just because you people can pay a boost and not have to worry about how you’re going to eat that day doesn’t mean other’s do. You have been living too much in a virtual world, not everyone can just fork out cash like you.

You’re evil for using the poor and sick as props only to be used when you need a bludgeon and not to actually help them.

The Boost isn’t required to play, you can get, can already be at, level 60 without it, you don’t to purchase anything to go into Outland in TBCC.

Isnt that on the friends for not leveling with their friend? You know thats an option right? Every scenario you make up just shatters your argument more and more,

exactly you can level to 60 without it, why do we need it other then to feed blizzards pockets when they can do all these services for free. Is it not enough that we pay a monthly fee for an almost 20 year old game that they have basically just pulled from Nostalrius database!

Then do it. You can do that and others can boost. Case closed

Why are you dealing with a game you obviously loathe?

Um, what? Did you, seriously…

Glue is for sticking pal, not for sniffing. That’s the ONLY explanation I can come up with for your line of thinking.

Like, wow, good god…

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The short answer is no.

You paid to play the game. Boosting is paying not to play it. Apples to oranges and all that.

Pay to win would be if blizzard gave you a level 70 in full T4.

I still think the wow community has no idea what pay to win is. I bet most of you haven’t played other MMOs and seen what true pay to win is.

You all are stuck in 2004 and 2006. You all still think this is old blizzard. Sorry but Activision merged with blizzard a long time ago. Also the gaming industry has changed a lot over the last 12 years. Having an mmo without microtransaction is a bad idea in this day and age. It’s a known fact that blizzard isn’t making much from subs anymore. They need to pay for maintenance on servers somehow.

Blizzards idea of Microtransactions are very minor compared to many other games. It’s Honestly very well done. Only issue they have is the price. Everything blizzard has on shop is way too over priced. It’s always been overpriced.

Also understand that I hate Microtransaction as well. I think it’s destroying the game industry. Just know it could be worse. This 58 boost is honestly not bad. Again pay to win would be if blizzard sold you a level 70 in full T4.

I guess if you boost then never log in again.

Boosting is paying to skip irrelevant content. Youre still playing the entirety of BC content should you choose to play for the 2 years BC will be relevant prior WOTLK Classic.

If Vanilla content is important to you there are servers for that that are not going away this time around

Thats your personal opinion of pay to win. Thats most likely because you personally place a higher value on raid gear or raid content than you do leveling content. The idea that raid content is somehow more valuable than any other content is entirely subjective - eye of the beholder. Im inclined to agree with you but it still doesnt change the fact that buying levels or buying raid gear is fundamentally the same thing - you are paying to not play a portion of the game to get something that you would otherwise have to invest time in. In that they are no different.

So if buying raid gear is pay to win so is buying levels because since you are not actually buying levels or raid gear - youre buying your way out of investing the necessary time.

In order for your stance to hold any water you would have to explain how not investing time is different than not investing time - you cant and thats why pro boost arguments are misleading if not flat out wrong.

I cant call it irrelevant because its otherwise necessary if youre not buying a boost but if your point is its a lesser evil given the context of TBC then I would agree. Its still pay to win though. Toe cancer isnt as lethal as lung cancer but its still cancer if you get my drift.

If I bought a boost on a pvp server then my level 58 has an advantage over questing level 30’s in STV in a wpvp scenario if I decide to head back into Azeroth instead of Outland. Of course things like this are never addressed because if they were you wouldnt be able to say “theres zero advantages to boosting”.

If the only advantage you can think of is ganking lowbies then youve already accepted its not really an advantage. You wouldnt even be able to identify the ganker was boosted. Nobody is going to pay $60 just to go gank lowbies in STV.

Youre gonna have to do better than this

So its not actually an advantage because you dont think anyone would use it that way? What the heck kind of nonsense is that? Is being level 58 an advantage over being level 30 in wpvp? Yes or no? If its yes its an advantage regardless of how few people would use it.

Your personal beliefs/opinions have no relevancy which you should already be aware of if youre being serious - which Im not going to accuse you of.

Is getting a 4-6 week head start over non boosters by way of a cash shop purchase an advantage? The only honest answer to that question is yes. We can debate how much of an advantage it is but we cant rationally conclude its no advantage at all.

In a world full of 60s nothing a 58 does isnt already being done moreso by 60s. No advantages. If anything they are paying to be behind the 60s

Why should I care if you win??

Seriously, why?