Boosting is literally Pay to win

You think so but you’d be wrong

Now while those level 1s are out grinding mats you have them in stock and can use them to corner the market and cripple the AH. Even though there are other 60s out there and any real advantage you think a 58 has is comical when you remember that. So just completely ignore them and realize that you have paid to win.

What you won? Idk, but you won it

I mean its the truth. Any made up advantages you have put in your mind are completely negated because there are 60s. If this was fresh and nobody had a 58 you would have a case. But with there being 60s your argument shatters

There are no advantages a 58 has over a 1 that a 60 doesnt already have more of. Those 58s arent doing anything the 60s arent already going to be doing

Thank goodness, I was worried that paying for all this time to play the game would count as paying for an advantage that other people won’t be able to have when starting TBC.

Even if the boost costs 60 bucks someone could get way more ahead with 4 months of play time. Could easily get some naxx gear in that time.

Arguing 58s with cruddy green gear is “pay to win” is a joke.

We should care for the people who live day to day, pay check to pay check. Be more compassionate for the poor and let them have a fair experience like everyone else. This boost is just a privilege to those who are wealthy, while everyone else worked hard to get to 60.

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Oh boy is this getting desperate. At least it makes me chuckle

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You know what I wouldn’t even be replying if everyone could start from 58, but because it’s behind a pay wall, then it’s pay to win. You might not win the endgame, but you won the 1-58 while everyone did it through blood and sweat.

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Exactly. You win nothing

Is there something wrong with your brain? I mean do you ignore 99% of my argument and just clip what I said but didn’t mean?

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Youve made an argument?!

Oh like this riveting argument about the 1%ers using their vast wealth playing a video game. How could i forget that back breaker. Checkmate boosters, Puda got you

I got an extra 60 bucks, i knew i was rich.

I just ordered indian food, gave the delivery driver a $15 tip, gotta help the peasants.

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Look how privledged you are! You monster!

I once bought a subway hoagie and it came to 8 bucks and i handed the cashier a 10 and told her to keep the change.


Is that cashier paying to win? Or are you paying for her to win? I mean you spent money to save her the time that others worked to make that $2

Idk, everyone makes up things being “PTW” so much that it gets blurry

No wonder I’m arguing with a bunch of republicans… makes sense now.

I’ll just leave it at this, please blizzard have compassion for the poor people who live pay check to pay check. some who don’t even have a job. Think about the sick who can hardly afford their medical bills and now you’re forcing them to pay or feel left out from everyone else. It’s just sick…

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If you want to save bots a week of leveling time so they can ruin the game, you are PRO BOOST period

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Should just quit wow and focus on those. You might have your priorities mixed up. But hey you do you

So now you want to tell people how they should live their lives… so Privileged I swear, you make me sick.

so close

Hey, you could buy the boost and spend more time on medical bills!

Youd have to be pretty sensitive if someone boosting to 58 made your experience leveling to 58 feel cheapened lol

How does that even make sense if they are already broke… wow your logic…

If he was that subway cashier he just made $2 large off me.