Boosting is literally Pay to win

They clearly not the same thing but Im not making a comparison between two different things. Im talking about one thing - skipping content. “Skipping content” doesnt take on two entirely different meanings based on what the content is. Skipping content is skipping content.

The facts back this up because skipping 200 hours leveling for its perks and 200 hours raiding for its perks both equate to skipping 200 hours - its just where thats different but thats hardly relevent - matter of opinion. 200 hours is 200 hours and there’s no argument against that.

In your example, my argument would be that buying a weapon on the AH and a trip on a flight path are the same in that theyre both cash transactions. Nowhere am I suggesting the expenditures are the equal on account of that.


Man, I just thought of a use for the boost… I don’t care to level a rogue, but it’d be sweet to have one to pick lock boxes.

That is the dumbest argument, those 60s clearly leveled and worked hard to get to that point. There is no 60 that has payed blizzard anything but the monthly fee at this point. This has to be a troll…

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Nah I didn’t

They can boost. I don’t care. In a world full of 60s some 58s don’t hurt me.

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That’s not the point though, it’s not classic tbc. It’s a system that blizzard later introduced because prior content was irrelevant in the later expansions. Vanilla is very important to tbc, you are paying to pass relevant content and some who can’t afford it are left behind.

Even if it’s ok with you, still makes it pay to win.


So they paid blizzard money and they have an advantage?

What did they win?

It’s not science, you pay to get 58, if you don’t you start at 1… You can sub for a year but if you don’t actually play you’ll still be level 1. It’s a clear advantage…


they won time that others need to actually spend to reach that point.


Youre not just buying a level 58 character. Youre buying your way around the 200+ hours or so prerequisite to otherwise having a level 58 character. You dont just spend money and get something for nothing. You always have to give up something to get something. In your mind, its the USD price of your boost - in reality its the 200+ hour investment in your character to be level 58 and earn the right to pass beyond the portal.

Here’s the rub tho - after you do that everyone who legitimately leveled to 58 and the level cap just had their experience totally cheapened on account of [not good enough reasons] and then its sold to them like something good and wholesome as if WoWs history isnt staring us all right in the face.

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So they have no advantages over anyone else?

Like a leveled 58 vs a boosted one. Is one stronger? Also is hitting level 58 what we are calling “winning” in wow?

Not seeing what they won

Okay and? What does any of that matter in Outlands?

:cry: :cry: :cry:

I have multiple level 60’s in classic I’m not crying about a boost that has no impact on me.

So is it pay to win because I paid to be subscribed and got 1.5 years of loot that someone who joins now has almost zero chance of getting?

I paid for more time to play than they did and had more rewards.

You paid to win. Now you get all that nice gear to level through TBC quicker than the 58s. Thats time advantage and gear advantage for $15/mo. Clearly cheating

But what about all the other characters I leveled and got geared in that time? All the mats, professions, and money/opportunities I had because I paid to p,ah during all those months.

They can only boost one character for money, what does that mean about the 3 60s I have? What about the shaman I will be able to level during pre-patch?

I know what you are trying to say, it doesn’t matter because there are already 60’s and so the boost wont matter, but it will for those who decide to start come tbc release but can’t boost. Also the new races need to level from 1-58 so that will suck for alliance because most will be leveling shaman’s. So on release of tbc you give an advantage to people with money and ruin the early game leveling for the new races. On the other hand if there wasn’t a boost then those people will have a much better time leveling… but hey you only care about what you want, but ignore the experience of those players.

You are very privileged my friend…

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Yep, I’ll be real annoyed when that level 58 flexes their rank 1 in arena or kills any raid boss.

yea that’s how the game is played… your argument makes no sense.

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I’m not the one complaining that others can have the same starting point.