Boosting is literally Pay to win

Take 23 north from Ohio to Michigan. The cops have quite the operation there. MI drivers get pegged for going 1 over.

Ugh. Self driving cars can’t come fast enough LOL.

Oh in Florida, they would setup fake construction sites. Then pin you for a double fine for speed in a construction zone.

That’s because Florida is America’s dong.

Oh it was great, the cops would setup the Radar gun like it was a survey tool on a stand.

If they are going to go to that much effort, they deserve the ticket quotas they hit. Well played officers. Well played.

Hey at quarter’s end everybody’s gotta hit their numbers right?

got mouths to feed!

We are all one big happy family on this topic.

Even Red is on our side.

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[quote=“Moobeus-zuljin, post:1114, topic:918887, full:true”]

Uh, so basically in order for someone to catch up they HAVE to pay for the boost. That is almost extortion

Extortion? It’s optional.

People have had 2 years to level for tbc. And they will have time in prepatch.

Boosting is a choice, not extortion.

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I said almost

I mean youre still level 10…and you had years.

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Aaaaaaand this is how we know everything you’ve said is BS.

It’s an optional feature, and it’s one per account. And most people have multiple 60s. The one’s who don’t, well guess what, that’s exactly what it’s designed for.

If you’ve gone this long and you don’t have a single 60, either fork up and pay for a boost, or get to leveling just like you wanted to. And stop complaining about extortion, because it’s such a ridiculous statement I almost choked reading it.

I would not hold anything they say seriously. Hadenuff is the same player that told everyone on the forums that they canceled their subscription and had 3 days left. That was 4 days ago. Yet here they are still here spilling vitriol in the forums.


Wow! That means I like Pay-to-win functions! Who knew? They add large numbers of new players to the game. That’s good enough for me. And I think it’s good enough for Blizzard, too.

No, we want the game to be better. We think that adding tens of thousands of new players (real players, not bots) does not make the game “worse”.

Of course some existing players don’t WANT new players. They want the game to shrink and die. To them that is “better”, as long as it give them what they want.

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he wont’ be able to, once you get a set of gear from outlands, even if it’s quest gear there will be no way to tell.

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I legitimately don’t think most people would understand how big an achievement this is LOL!

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