Boosting is literally Pay to win

But, but, but, Madseason made a video! He can’t be wrong! No, you lie!

(Puts fingers in ears)

“La La La La, can’t hear you!”

Great way to think outside the box. I like this idea. Get flagged as a bot and you get moved to the Purgatory server.

I could see something like this getting abused though, would need A LOT of quality control and testing.

I mean look at the forums as an example, in here you can flag anything you want and get the post hidden for up to 3 days, for any reason you like. Imagine this same player mentality with a way to flag someone and get them off your server for a few days.

So it would need to be really really refined and tested the snot out of to prevent false positives and abuse.

It would be a hidden server.

Even the botters would log into a normal server, just their characters will spawn in a separate server, similar to layering but even the mail, AH, exc would only be connected to that layer.

Yeah, create a layer on every realm called Purgatory (the name can be hidden), you are still on the server but nothing works, mailboxes only allow you to mail other people in that layer, you can kill mobs like normal, but they do not give XP or drop loot. Or they could, but anything gained in that layer is removed if you are taken out of that layer. The only way in or out of the layer is by Blizzard action.

Blizzard could then isolate the bots into a place where they cannot impact the community.

Well, if blizzard flags you as botting you can fight it for an appeal, But botters won’t realize it as fast as a player because they don’t play with people, they bot. Thus they have a much lower chance of noticing they are in purgatory than the guy in discord wondering why he and his friends are chatting and they can’t invite him to a group. Or why the AH is now dead. Or why he can’t mail things onto friends, exc.

The player will notice being in purgatory much faster and be able to contest it, while the bot could have it go unnoticed for weeks, and thus result in less bots on actual servers.

I’ve never focused on that aspect. I was just pointing out the flaw in someone’s logic. The boost is wrong in so many other ways.

But you admitting it gives an advantage and then calling that a strawman is comical.

No, I like this solution. Is it a smoking gun, no, but is slows the problem down. If a bot thinks they are still playing in the “real world” they will continue to do so unaware.

They would have to really make the layer convincing. Obstinsively everything looks normal, but certain actions are adjusted. Heck they could make the mailboxes look like they work, even make it seem like the mail went through but the mail goes into a log and never actually gets sent.

Mobs give XP and gold, but the amounts and loot are logged and any of it will just be deleted if it is put in the AH, sent in the mail or traded.

They could use the mail/trade logs to identify other potential bots or gold-buyers.

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Well no, you think saving a couple weeks leveling is an advantage, others disagree.

Getting mad at boosts is no different than getting mad at folks who take the freeway instead of the highway.

I rage at people not getting their kicks on route 66 all the time…

I get mad at people who drive the speed limit in the left lane.

This whole idea is perpetrated on the belief Blizzard REALLY wants to do something about the bots.

There are some that believe they do not as it would directly impact the bottom line, new account creations would drop as well as subscriber counts.

So, I leave it to you, this is a great idea and if you thought of it, maybe someone at Blizzard has as well, but the idea was shut down at a corporate level, to much potential impact to sales.

Ot it is brand new and you need to suggest to them.

That’s just rude though.

Drive in MI and then we can have a discussion.

If people aren’t going 5-10 over within 10 seconds of a light turning green, they’re pissed.

Oh I can think of other places that do the same thing. “Hey, buddy, the speed limit is 60 here, why are we doing 58 in the left lane?”

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I meant it is rude to drive the speed limit in the left lane lol.

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Okay, we can be friends. :grin:

Oh how about people who feel the need to slow down or hit the brakes on the interstate when there is a slight curve in the road?

“Hey, dufus, they designed the curve so you can maintain your speed through it, you do not need to slow down for it!”

What’s even ruder is when cops will let you drive over the speed limit in the left lane then randomly throw up speed traps.

Where I live the most irritating thing I see are people who wait until they are 2/3 of the way through the turn before using the signal. It is just like…really? It is like they are doing just enough to try to have plausible deniability to the officer when they don’t signal. Personally I think they need to pick one. Signal or don’t, but this half measure is trash!

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