Boosting is literally Pay to win

I agree that Blizzard should do better at banning bots.

But there’s no indication that boosting increases the profitability of bots. You keep repeating this without addressing the holes in the argument. You will likely continue repeating this. It’s why most reasonable people have tuned you guys out lol.


So i just searched “blackrock rogue 60” /who on my server and got maxed out 50 results. guess how many of them were in a guild? 1. and that guild and that character have no logs lmao.

The bots are terrible.

Even worst are the people who defend them.


It is also why I do not agree with relinking the same video 1000 times on 1000 different threads. There is an entire thread just for the video, if you want to discuss the content of that video go there and do so. We do not need it plastered in our faces ever other thread.

It is a very simple argument.

Is it more profitable gold-per-hour-making to play a level 1 or a level 58?

When botters are also gold sellers for RM that fact is an obvious statement of fact. A level 58 will always be more profitable than a level 1.

Ignore the video then. The logic is separate from it. It exists regardless of it.

A level 58 is more profitable than a level 1.

The amount of gold farmed per hour immediately increases.

The makes botting instantly more profitable.

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It doesn’t matter because blizzard needs to do more about bots regardless of how profitable they are.

And this is a debatable conclusion, just because MadSeason did some math does not make that math accurate or without bias. See that is a big point, the conclusions he came up with have extreme bias leaning toward one side of the discussion.

Again, if you want to debate his work, go to that thread and do so, also read all the comments to see the alternate calculations.

Coming into this thread and debating the math of that video does nothing but restart a discussion without any of the historical context and hard work others have done to either support or counter the conclusions.

The bigger problem with the whole bots will use boosts argument is it doesn’t actually matter in detail how profitable bots are.

The problem is that they exist at all, arguing that boosts will make bots too profitable implies that botting as it exists now is perfectly fine.


You’re talking about profits while ignoring the cost side of the equation. The botters need to run a new account, and they need to pay for the boost.

The Reddit math referenced in the madseason video assumes 10,000 bot accounts.

There are significant costs associated with maintaining 10k unique accounts, and paying for 10k boosts. If boosts are $60 (we don’t know what this amount will be), then the botter will need to pay more than $600,000.00 to get started. This is a very risky proposition for the botter, because if they’re caught in a ban wave they could be out a huge chunk of money.

A boosted level 58 actually represents a loss (not profit) until it farms enough gold to pay for itself. Running a huge botting operation consisting of bots also represents a very risky, and costly initial investment.

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Yes, I have been saying this all along. Unless Blizzard makes some sweeping changes to address the core issue, the bots, boosts are irrelevant. Bots will exists with or without the boosts in the exact same numbers as they do today.

We need to stop redirectly the argument from the real issue. People have gotten fixated on this video and it did a terrific job of pulling people away from the real issue. Now they are all screaming BOOST BAD, when they should be screaming BOTS BAD!

The boost issue has divided the focus, and given those against the boost another talking point and platform on which to plant there “BOOST BAD!” flag, while the real issue is getting sidelined or at the least de-emphasized while we bicker amongst each other about boosts.

Bots are bad. And I can also ask for a realm with no RM paid boost option.

Both can actually be true.

Before you go down that route, it is good to also check out all the other threads specifically about this.

To sum up:

  • It is forced segregation of the population
  • It does nothing to prevent bots or gold-selling (again, no core change from Blizzard means a new server will not be any different)
  • New servers with special rules to please a special group of people would set a dangerous precedent.
  • New servers cost money, are you going to pay for the option?

There are other good points, I again suggest you find one of the threads discussing that option for all the reasons I already stated. Again, not sure why the need to re-hash old discussions in new threads.

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Sure and that’s a valid opinion, I think people expecting fresh boost free realms to be a permanent solution to their problems would be in for disappointment but that’s a different discussion.

Trying to pretend that your only issue with boosts is that bots will use them though is wrong and dishonest.

Why is it so damn hard for any of y’all to answer a single question?

What advantage does a boosted level 58 have over a non-boosted level 58?

“I played less time” is not an advantage for the boosted level 58 over a non-boosted level 58, it does not them give them an edge when they meet.


Welcome to the world of Fake News and strawman arguments.

I hate using buzzwords, but there really is no better way to describe it.

And wait for it, I will be accused of doing just these things. That is also part of the tactics. Accuse your opposition of exactly what you are doing to further discredit them.

I think blizzard should move found bots to a hidden bot only realm, let the bots keep running until the bot owner realizes they are no longer on the real realms and can try to pay to transfer back to a real realm, for blizzard to move them back again before they can even touch a mailbox or trade window. Basically letting the bots keep their accounts, but they are on the bottwr hell realm no matter what “realm” they connect to.

They can even name the realm Purgatory lol. This way blizzard keeps getting subscription from the bots until they let the account due themselves.

Edit: this has the upside of it takes longer for botters to realize they got “banned” it makes their gold unable to effect players as it moves with them, and because it takes longer for the botter to realize he got banned he may waste more time on the purgatory realm which means he takes longer to restart his operation on a real realm with a new account.


Paid transfers to the bot server could be a heaven for some people.

I think this sums up why I don’t think the boost is a boon for the botters. It leaves out the fact that boosting is another service typically offered by the bots meaning a second revenue stream is removed with this change.

Honestly, I could care less about the boosting either way. I simply find the whole “sky is falling this will help the bots” argument to be irritating. The math I have seen doesn’t support this conclusion. In fact, what I see tends to go the exact opposite. Botters are going to continue to manually boost their toons because it is highly likely that the time investment to boost 4 toons manually will be less than the cost to boost those same toons through the paid model. That’s really what gets me about this. They aren’t manually boosting one toon. They are manually boosting 4. Additionally, they are losing an entire service option for boosting someone else’s toon while boosting their own.

The whole argument is ridiculous and falls apart when you actually look at it.

Ultimately, if you are against boosts that’s fine. But let’s not pretend that there is some noble “this only helps bots” argument behind it.

That’s the exact point of the boost. The argument over advantage is essentially a strawman.