Boosting is literally Pay to win

So you think a level 60 is going to buy a 58 boost and lose two levels? That that’s even a possibility?

You can’t even make this stuff up. The levels people will go to try to support an insane argument.

Why wouldn’t they? How many alts do you have? I have 5 right now in classic, some only level 10-20. I would buy a boost, just to have an alt at level 58 so I could use them in TBC sooner.

The argument is not that a 60 would buy a boost to start 2 levels lower. You know as well as I, most players do not have only one character and a percentage of those with more than one character do not have them all at 60.

Also, Coacholsson made it clear he was talking about alts, who would not want to start an alt at 58 as opposed to level 1 if it is a profession/transmute alt?

An alt isn’t a level 60 now is it? So what are you even talking about?

I feel like I’m in a parallel universe. That’s two people saying level 60s are buying 58 boosts.

Ok, so you are saying anyone with a level 60 would never buy a boost. So if you have a level 60 and have the option to start a new alt at 58 as opposed to level 1, you would not take that opportunity?

Yes, we are saying level 60s are buying boosts, why wouldn’t they? They get to have an alt they can immediately start playing in TBC.

We’re talking about level 60 characters. They cannot be boosted. It’s amazing I have to repeat this. People literally cannot accept a basic fact.

And I am saying you are not limited to a singe character on your account. You have 10 character slots per server, why is this so hard to understand?

Just because I have a level 60, does not mean that is it, I am done. Most, if not all players have 2, 4, even all 10 slots filled with alternate characters. You honestly think most people have all 10 slots filled with level 60s?

Why is this so hard to get? A 60 can buy a boost and use it. The boost is per account, not per character. I buy a 58 boost for my account, I can then use it on any character on my account that is lower then level 58.

Like I said…the extent some trolls will go to ignore basic facts is astounding. Level 60s can’t be boosted. That’s not an opinion.

And trace my post backwards. I was responding to someone’s illogical question asking what advantage a 58 boosted character has vs an already leveled 60, or vice versa. It’s an irrelevant question because level 60s cannot buy boosts. No matter how much you’d like to argue otherwise. Therefore there’s no correlation here between the two. There’s nothing to compare. The only relevant comparison (as someone earlier pointed out) is that between 58 boosted character and a fresh level 1.

So let’s say two players each make a character. Player A starts at 1 and Player B boosts. Player A spends weeks, a month, two months…depending on how much time they invest leveling to 58. Meanwhile during that time Player B has hit max, started attunements, doing dungeons, acquiring gear, getting reps, etc…

You can quibble over terminology all you want. Call it pay2win, call it whatever you want. But even the most ardent boost defender has to concede Player B has an advantage. This is an mmorpg…time is a valuable resource. Back in TBC I’d argue it’s the most important resource.

So you can dodge, deflect, change the subject all you want. Reality is reality.

what part of profession alt dont you understand? you’d be boosting a new level 1 alt to 58 for transmutes. duh.

A level 1 isn’t a level 60 is it? Now I know I’m being trolled. Moving on.

are you like intentionally being dense? individual characters arent what we’re talking about, we’re talking about ACCOUNTS that have 1 or more 60’s that are going to be buying a BOOST for a LEVEL ONE ALT to bring it up so it can do professions.

okay you’re being dense on purpose, got it.

It’s mostly due to the potential for botters to have profitability from the get go.

The cut-to-the-chase portion with the math.


Why do people post that video like it is some incontrovertible fact? You do realize there is an entire thread already out there on that video and how the math has holes and is a gross overestimation of the issue that ignores entire aspects of the bot issue. As well as the math being subjective and there are alternate conclusions and analysis.

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That argument is premised on having 10,000 boosted bots. You would need 10,000 unique accounts, since the boost is 1 per account. The boost will also cost money. Let’s say, hypothetically, that a boost costs $60.

The costs would be significant. Both in paying for the boost, and running 10k bots. They would also be subject to the risk of the bot being banned before it made it’s money back.

Seems like the whole argument is based on a VERY shaky premise.

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Sol what you’re saying is blizzard needs to address botting and boosting isn’t the issue?

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Botting is profitable for the botters.

Level boosting makes the botting even more profitable not less.

You are free to work up your own argument based on numbers you feel are more accurate.

This does not invalidate the reality that level boosting makes botting even more profitable.

Correct. The unfortunate side effect is if they do not combat botting then the boosting makes it worse. Separately, I would also ask for a realm, or perhaps one PvE and one PvP, option even if only one to allow those of us who prefer no-boosting to be allowed to transfer to.

You’re stating opinion as fact. Opinion based on what is likely a specious argument.


How does it make it worse? This has been debated ad nauseum in other threads, not sure why you spamming the video on every other thread helps, but ok lets cover this again for the 5000th time.

Botters can only run a finite number of accounts, let’s say for example purposes it is 10,000. Do you honestly beleive they are not running at full capacity right now in classic? They are most likely running 10,000 accounts at this very moment.

What about the boost magically makes it so they can run more accounts? Nothing! So with or without the boost the number of bots will not change. The number of bots in the game will neither increase or decrease.

This is just one of several aspects of the bot issue that the video never addresses.


Blizzard needs to step up banning bots and botter accounts.

Separately it would be nice to offer the option for a realm or two here RM boost option is not permitted in addition to stepping up banning bots and botter accounts.

Then you could chose to keep on all the realms that allow RM boost options.


The last part about ‘never addresses’ is incorrect. The explanation is simply that it makes all botting accounts, current or new, more profitable. Separately Blizzard still has to ban the accounts. Both of which are stated in the video; and elsewhere.

This has also been discussed. Here are the counterpoints, a new server without boosts would be a gold mine for the gold-sellers. A fresh new market with players starving for gold. Gold-farmers and sellers already have a well-established method for going from 1-60 quickly and do it on classic today, so they just use that method on the new servers.

But now, with a lack of gold in the system, they can charge more $$$ for less gold. This means a market with higher profit margins.

It is not too hard to predict that eventually some of those players on the new servers are going to take advantage of the sellers. Within 1-2 months a new server will be in the same position, if not a worse one than the current servers.

Also, you know as well as I, there will be players that see a new server without boosts as exploitable. They could go to one of those servers, buy 1000 gold and become a god there and control the AH and prices. Again, 1-2 months later, same results.

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