Boosting is literally Pay to win

That’s just an attempt to weasel out a win in an Internet argument by having the other other side concede ground. Has nothing to do with working together or striking at the idea of Boosts.

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Very true. It is what it is. I’ll never see the Level 58 Boost as an “advantage”. All my Classic Characters have better advantages than the boosted 58. It’s clear that the boost is meant as a “catch up” mechanic, for anyone interested in BC only and not necessarily here for Classic which is fine. I have no personal gripes against anyone who enjoys BC. More power to them.

I’ve accepted the Boost, at this point. I’m not like super angry about it. It’s just my most “gripe” of “#somechanges” that Blizz decided to spill out. It is what it is.

I’ll be playing a Belf, anyway, where the Boost cannot be used on. Works for me.

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Yeah I’m debating on whatever to make belf or wiggle goat, since I missed the zeitgeist the first go around.

I thought you answered this already. The answer is time. The boosted player gains a time advantage.

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No, in game.

What advantage does the boosted level 58 have over the non-boosted level 58 in game?

In a duel, in a BG, in a dungeon, in a raid, out questing? What advantage does it have over the non boosted character of the same level.

If that boosted lvl 58 chose to stay at lvl58 for the 100+ hours it would take for the non boosted 58 to catchup.

It would really depend what they invested that time into. I would imagine the boosted lvl 58 would have more gear and gold.

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Although it would be difficult to stay at lvl 58 for 100+ hours unless they were really going out of their way to avoid getting xp.

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By this same braindead “logic”, why shouldn’t players be able to buy warglaives with real money? It doesnt affect other players. Or at thr very least one that only works in PvE such that it will only make the player grind faster. You could make the argument that it will only make the player get into lvl 70 faster and be a “cosmetic” that other people can get by investing enough time into the game.

You pro boosting kids are disgusting tbh, and the arguments always comes from thr same 5 people spending hours of their lives defending MTX, I find it very hard tk believe you aren’t just blizz paid shills.

Actually it would buying BiS items that aren’t even available at launch has a huge impact.

I love how the anti boost crowd is so desperate to try to find some issue with the boost they have to resort to crazy what ifs.


I’m not asking about time played, I’m asking what in game advantage the boosted level 58 has over the non boosted level 58.

Why did you never answer the question either?

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I’ve been thinking about this a bit. It seems to me that boosting is consistent with meta-gaming. Folks do all sorts of weird things in order to get things done as fast as possible.

If everyone’s cranking out huge numbers and bosses are going down in less than a minute, there is really no such thing as progression. It’s get there ASAP and get done ASAP. They should be embracing this boost thing.

except they are. a large chunk of bought boosts will be profession/transmute alts.

The problem is leveling is not very fun for most people. Once you have done it once or twice, many/most would just rather get to endgame and raid /shrug

Cool. Go play retail.


OMG, I actually agree with Ziryus about a topic. I might have to reevaluate everything lol!

I am playing retail. Leveling is not particularly fun there either.

Many/most people would just rather be at endgame in both iterations of the game.

That was my thought as well, lol.

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Levelling takes ingame time. That’s the main point of the boost. To save hundreds of hours of ingame levelling time.

I’m checking my window for flying pigs and calling hell for a weather report.

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Last time I checked, in TBC, the warglavies were far more than a “cosmetic”, it was BiS for that expansion. I do not agree that your analogy is applicable to the situation. A boost is not a BiS for money situation.