Boosting is literally Pay to win

I prefer to use actual dictionaries for meanings.

MacMillan Dictionary

Pay to win: noun

in online gaming, the practice of buying in-game items that give a player a very big advantage over other players.

But like anything. How you interpret it is up to you. I mean there has never been an example when written words have had two different people read it and get two different meanings…

First step, it’s using the word “items”. Are we now classifying Characters as “items”? :thinking:

OK, we all agree that the Level 58 Boost Feature is not some “very big advantage” over other players, right? A few of the Posts seem to agree that it’s not some “huge” advantage. Like I’ve been saying, us Level 60s (more like those of us who’ve played Classic prior to BC’s release) have a “very big advantage” over new players coming into BC…which is why the Level 58 Boost Feature is more of a “catch up” mechanic, to said 60s, to have a chance to play into Outlands, immediately.

Which is why I express what that means to me but then I get called names, and the topic derails from there.

You can’t instantly acquire a ‘raid geared lvl 60’ but you can instantly acquire a level 1 and soon a level 58. It’s not hard to understand. If two identical people start playing the game but one buys the boost and the other starts at level 1, then how is the level 58 not ahead of the level 1 ? Hmmm I guess you’re paying for no advantage and nothing then right, why bother paying if it doesn’t make a difference ? Hmmm


Paying to save time isn’t buying power.

Both a leveled and a boosted toon are equal in power. I’d argue the leveled toon would have more worth tho.

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Since the beginning of WoW’s existence. Is that a “very big advantage”, now?


I understand some (not all) don’t like the instant boost to 58, but I don’t find that on the same level as “a very big advantage” nor “winning the game”.

Being “ahead” is not an “advantage”, though. And, this focus is being disingenuous to the bigger scope here. New players won’t have a fighting chance in Outlands, if they didn’t play in Classic. The Level 58 Boost Feature allows for them to be somewhat on par with these players, so they’re not “so far behind”.

You’re paying for the privilege of playing in Outlands immediately with the rest of the BC/Outlands population. Even though, those of us who played in Classic have the higher advantage over the Level 58 Boosted Characters. Which is why the Level 58 Boosted Characters aren’t “winning” nor have an “advantage”, really. Sure, they’re bypassing 1 - 58, but they’re in no way having any “advantages” in Outlands over anybody who started in Classic and bringing their advantages over into Outlands.

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Being ‘ahead’ is an ‘advantage’. I’m not sure if you know how most video games work, but the longer you play, the more you progress ! Wow amazing right ! Are you seriously trying to tell me that a level 1 and level 58 are exactly the same ? I didn’t even mention the mount and the armor. 60% Riding mount and training costs 800-900g depending on your rep.

How is that not an advantage ? It doesn’t just cut out the ‘levelling’ but also a fair chunk of having to earn gold. Pay real money to get ahead in the game and save gold = not advantage ? What planet are you living on lol.

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Fair because those of us who played in Classic are “ahead” of new players, including those that use the Level 58 Boost Feature. Therefore, we have the “advantage” over both of those new players.

I play my Bank Toon, all of the time. She’s still Level 1. I think you mean the more you invest into progressing, the more you progress.

No, I’m trying to tell you that a Level 58 Boosted Character is not “ahead”, has “advantages” nor is “winning” Outlands. You’re so focused on the Level 1 to 58 part while completely disregarding the 58 - 70 part.

I think you’re confusing the 100% Ground Mount with the 60% Ground Mount. 60% Ground Mount is 100g, while the 100% Ground Mount is 1,000g. 100g is chump change.

Because those of us with 100% Grounds Mounts will just /wave as we zip on by those who don’t. I have the advantage with my 100% Ground Mount.

Along with, I’d like to see the boosted character try to gather in Outlands. Without actually leveling up those Professions, I’ll be getting all the flowers before the boosted character can.

They still have to earn gold for their 100% Ground Mount, Flying, Professions, etc.


Same one as you, but I look at the facts.

Boosted Characters don’t get a 100% Ground Mount.
Boosted Characters don’t get Professions.
Boosted Characters are 2 Levels behind us 60s, when they’re in Outlands.

Boosted Characters have a lot of work to do, to even be on the same level as us 60s, in Outlands.

No rebuttal so resorts to umadbro memes.

You are a meme.

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I’ll help, what advantages does a Level 58 Boosted Character have in Outlands, over 60s that played in Classic?

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Read the above 1000 posts, it’s been gone over so many times.

You just don’t accept the answer so we go round and around.

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60s that leveled in Classic aren’t buying boosts. It’s an irrelevant question.

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Correct, and I still don’t see what “advantages” they have, in Outlands.

Negative, that would be you. Remember, I don’t want the Level 58 Boost Feature, either. But, I’m not going to call it an “advantage” nor “winning”. If anything, the Level 58 Boost Feature is a disadvantage.


No, it’s not. We’re talking about “advantages”. Outlands, being the relevant content of BC, what “advantages” does the Level 58 Boosted Character have, when they reach Outlands content?

You’re talking to a wall. I have that troll ignored but couldn’t resist pointing out an obvious flaw in its question.

In any event, in an mmorpg of course time is a commodity. Services that impact that aspect of the game have an influence. That’s a simple fact some will just never accept.

Ultimately none of this discussion matters. Boosts aren’t going anywhere. I just want a fresh, boostless server option.


Here we go again :roll_eyes:

Yet, you still couldn’t resist responding, could you? LOL

There was no “flaw”. Outlands is the only thing that matters in BC. No boosted 58 has any “advantages” nor “wins” anything. Those of us that played Classic do.

I do agree that everyone should be leveling. But to claim that the Level 58 Boosters have an “advantage” or are “winning” is being disingenuous.

They do. Plenty of discussions of my talking points have been posted about.

Unfortunately, they are not.

I’m not for wanting redundant NEW Servers that’ll only 'cause further damage to our Servers, when they become Perma. I was hoping for BC to not have any ties to Classic, whatsoever. No Character Copies, no Level 58 Boosts. Just a straight everyone starts at Level 1, for BC, and no BC/Classic Character crossovers.

Unfortunately, that’s not how things went down.

EDIT: It’s ironic, despite both of us wanting the same thing, you can’t stand me having my own opinion about it, being a certain way. Instead of having me as your ally, you’ve turned me into your enemy simply because I don’t align with you 100% LOL

Here are some definitions of paytowin. hopefully we can settle on one of these defintions or come to some sort of consensus. Could be tough tho.

It’s easy to see that any in game advantage bought with real life money could be percieved as “paytowin.” That’s just how it was defined in the beginning.

You’re just ignoring all the points because they don’t suit your agenda.

You can disagree with the points sure, but to keep pretending there are no points is just hilarious.


Yep I’m with you on wanting a fresh server.

I’ve got all these clowns on ignore as well.

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No, I am not. My points keep getting ignored. When the majority of the playerbase looks at BC, they don’t think 1 - 58. They think 58 - 70. They think Outlands and not Old World. Therefore, what “advantages” do the Level 58 boosters have in Outlands compared to the level 60s that leveled in Classic? I’m still waiting for this to be answered.

The goal post keeps getting moved. Remember, I do not want a Level 58 Boost in BC, either. But, to insist that it’s some sort of “advantage” is disingenuous because it’s not.

I’ve conceded to other points being made but not the point that it’s an “advantage”. Does it take away from the point and idea of leveling? Absolutely! Is it an “advantage”? Absolutely not! I (as one who leveled in Classic) have WAY more advantages than a 58 Boosted Character. I have a better Mount, I have Professions, and I’m two levels ahead. I have the advantage, here.

So, am I :slightly_smiling_face: (Note: Not a host of NEW Servers, though).

Yep, gotta have that echo chamber of the talking points that you like. I don’t put people on my ignore list simply because they disagree with me. That’s silly.

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Naw pay2win was buying something with money thats better than what you can get in game.

It was commonly used with Mobile games.

For example the card game WAR, where 2 players split a deck of cards and each show 1 card at a time and highest card wins.

Imagine if 1 player gets all aces in his deck from normal play.

Imagine if another player could buy Jokers from the in game shop that cant be attained thru playing the game and the joker is the only card to beat an Ace.

The player who used the shop stomps the player who didnt. He PAID 2 WIN.

Thats how the definition has ALWAYS been.


Exactly. Those of us who’ve leveled in Classic prior to BC’s release have the BIGGEST advantages here over any and all new/returning players coming into BC and playing in Outlands. If anything, I think the 58 Boost Feature is a disadvantage. You’re 2 levels behind, a slower mount and no professions.

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