Boosting is literally Pay to win

I don’t think it’s an “edge” over Level 1’s, at all. I do agree that you get a 58 that you didn’t exactly earn, but I’ll never agree that it’s some “P2W” mechanic, EVER! I can list so many things that a non-58 Boost Character has than a 58 Boosted Character.

Non-58 Boosted Character
-Has a 100% Ground Mount Speed
-Professions at 300
-Even though, we don’t know how much gold a 58 Boosted Character is going to have, I can assure you, a non-58 Boosted Character is going to have more.

Where’s the “advantage” / “winning” the 58 Boosted Character is getting, again? A “quick trip” to Outlands? Please, just summon my Level 1 Character, and I’m in Outlands, too :roll_eyes:

good luck killing anything

Even the non-boosted 58 Characters are going to have an “easier” time killing stuff in Outlands than the boosted 58s will.

yeah and it only costs them a week of playtime :roll_eyes:

LOL I still don’t see what “edge” a boosted 58 character has. I’ve explained already what a non-boosted 58 character has. Thing is I’m not against Boosts, per se. I just want to play the game as close to (again, not EXACTLY) how it was then, that’s all.

then guess what, I’m not gonna baby you further because it’s been posted to death in multiple topics.

Then don’t. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. There’s no “advantage” nor “winning” a boosted character has over those who are not boosted. You realize my 60 has a 100% Ground Mount speed, right? The 58 does not. They’re plowing around Outlands on 60% Ground Mount speeds. The boosted Characters have no Professions. I’m going into BC with 300 Profession Skills and already able to do Outlands Professions via I’m ready to pick them Outlands Herbs!!! And, I highly doubt the boosted 58 is going to have more gold than what I have.

im not going anywhere sweetie, im just not dealing with your lack of information on the topic :slight_smile:

OK, “sweetie” insulting my intelligence is not an argument. You haven’t provided me anything that a boosted 58 character has over my 60. NONE!

EDIT: It’s (also) ironic because I don’t want the Level 58 Boost Feature in BC, either. I just don’t agree that it’s “P2W” LOL

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lack of information isnt insulting intelligence, there’s plenty of things I don’t know anything about but that doesn’t make me stupid. i just dont have time for you, go read some threads. you sound just like the pro boosters, ignoring the plethora of arguments made for weeks on countless threads. just because you don’t accept them doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

I can read between the lines, that is definitely your intention.


Then stop replying to me. All this time you’ve replied to me, you could’ve provided said information instead of trying to be “clever” in insulting me but go on :slightly_smiling_face:

I am and have had this battle for YEARS. I will NEVER agree that this Level 58 Boost Feature is “P2W”, EVER!

Because I don’t agree with the concept that the Level 58 Boost Feature is “P2W”? LOL Sorry, I think for myself and don’t blindly follow other people’s ideology like a sheep. I’m a lone wolf :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Not ignoring them. I’ve been a part of the conversation for a LONG time, and my mind has NOT changed, and it’s NEVER going to change.

Just because the arguments exist doesn’t make them “right”. IK they exist, I just don’t agree with them :slight_smile:

tldr. im not gonna deal with your 50 line by line quote thing like other people do. baiiii.

You keep saying that, but you keep replying to me. Also, very hypocritical of you to claim that I don’t read, yet here you are not reading. Not surprised. A lot of projection around here.

That is a metagame advantage that should not be involved in the game

It’s (also) a little dishonest to say that somebody who works hard for their money doesn’t have a “right” to “earn” to spend it how they please.

At the same time, Blizzard is a business here to make money and will adapt their games to cater to that.

Ok so this is 100% not true. This right here is why we can’t have nice things. And the fact that people think that there need to be expenses outside of the monthly sub fee is triggering. Either increase the sub fee or don’t. But don’t monetize the game as P2W because of some half @ssed business model excuse.

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It’s not true that Blizzard is a business here to make money? LOL

You think it’s not “nice”, and that’s fine. Doesn’t mean it’s “not nice” for other people.

I didn’t say that there needs to be. I just know that Blizzard thinks that way.

Again, where is the “winning”? Where’s the “advantage”? And, I’m sorry, but businesses need to make money. They have families to feed and take care of, too, you know.

I think you’re missing the forest for the trees here. So let me ask you this:

What do you think the point of classic wow is? Because from your responses I get the feeling you think this is just a glorified online chat room.

To play the game as close to (not EXACTLY) of how it used to be.

I’ve been saying I don’t want the Level 58 Boost Feature in BC. I just don’t agree that the feature, itself is “P2W”. And, nobody has expressed how it is “winning” or an “advantage”, when my 60s have more “advantages” than a boosted 58.

I think these Forums are nothing but “Chat Rooms”, yes. The Game…it can be, but that’s not all it is.

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Most people define Pay to win as anything that gives you any kind of in-game power boost that is sold for real world currency. By definition a level boost gives you a power boost. Is it large? No. But it is still a P2W microtransaction and its important to be against such practices. The one time 58 boost will not kill the game but it sets a bad precedent that could lead to worse.