Boosting is literally Pay to win

All these insults are hurtful.

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If boosts put you at end game, you would have a valid argument for it being pay to win. But they don’t, the boost let’s you start the new content, and it even pits you behind the current average of people’s main character that have been playing since classic came out by a good margin.

Pay to win means paying to get ahead of other players who haven’t put any money I to the game in a way they will never be able to “catch up” unless they also pay the extra amount. So answer me this, can someone who didn’t use the boost reach the same level as someone who did use the boost in a reasonable amount of time? Because if you think 2 weeks hit 70 from level 1 is to long… you should head to retail, because that game is more to your “speed”.

keep beating people to death with your paycheck, it’ll get you respect one day

So two people start at the same time, one ally and one horde, the ally boosts instantly and the horde levels normally. When the horde gets to STV, the ally ganks him till he stops playing. Was it p2w in this case?

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No for several reasons, first pvp happened on a pvp server. Second that 58 is going to be going into Outlands I really doubt most people who boost are doing it so they can go gank lowbies. Third there’s going to be tons of people with 60’s soon to be 70’s regardless of the boost. Fourth ganking someone leveling is not winning.

None of your justifications address my concern.

If the ally boosts and ganks the horde in that case, did he get an unfair advantage by paying for it with real money?

“PvP happened on a pvp server” - Doesn’t justify the ally’s advantage.
“Second that 58 is going to be going into Outlands I really doubt most people who boost are doing it so they can go gank lowbies.” - Doesn’t matter in this hypothetical question.
“Third there’s going to be tons of people with 60’s soon to be 70’s regardless of the boost.” - Doesn’t matter in this hypothetical question.
“Fourth ganking someone leveling is not winning.” - I disagree, pvp is the most competitive aspect of the game wherein player’s level matters A LOT until they are both at max level.

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What is he even talking about now? If you can afford the computer, internet and monthly fee, the cost of a single boost is negligible whether it is $20, $40, or even $60. These people are insane.

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The worst thing of all in the boost isn’t even the p2w, it’s just that it will kill overworld leveling. If someone want to play on TBC and start from scratch, they won’t be able to find groups because all of the dads with 69 wives will be boosting and skipping the content completely, so without finding other players while leveling their experience will be much worse and leveling will be much slower because they won’t be able to run dungeons or even elite quests…

So this is what you don’t seem to understand, open world leveling is already dead and it’s basically a solo experience. TBC Will make that worse regardless of boosts. The people leveling in the open world now are primarily people on alts, come TBC they switch back to their mains and go to Outlands. Boosting is not the difference between a healthy open world pop like there was at launch in low level zones vs dead zones.

Completely disagree, started leveling a druid on classic in march, found group for everything I was doing, the overworld was as lively as I remember from when I started playing. Finding groups for RFC and WC was extremely easy.

Still haven’t answered! It’s ok if you can’t actually give a reason. I’ll ask again just to remind you. Why do you care what strangers on wow do with their time and money?

Obviously everyone knows if you put the booting mage on follow you will die and not get the xp, gosh what a noob

This discussion is not going anywhere useful at this point tbh. People have made up their minds.

I will use a boost probably. Will get myself a gatherer alt.

I still think it’s bad for the game overall. Ultimately whichever way you look at it having everyone level their new characters is an equalizer. Some people will exploit that, they’ll buy gold and get boosts and that sucks but those are not officially sanctioned by Blizzard.

This is literally an IRL-based mechanic (whether you want to use IRL money to purchase a boost) that will help you skip content that Blizzard officially created. I think that’s just bad tbh but here we are.

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While the player levels to lvl 30ish to go to STV he makes friends and joins a guild on the way, the 58 who focused purely on ganging people never joined a guild and and is now being camped by an entire guild of lvl 60 naxx geared players who didn’t take kindly to the booster camping their new guildie and they are now killing this guy on sight, using an alliance alt to /who snipe him to find him and camp him until he leaves the game.

Pvp happens.

Never fly alone on a pvp server lol.


Go figure guys… turn away… forget about the movement!

If they wanna go to the effort they can, good luck though. I usually dungeon level so what they gonna do :smiley:

I was adding onto his preposterous idea that someone will boost just to gang low levels. And I just showed there are things a lvl 1-30ish player could do to make themselves safe from the camper.


What unfair advantage do they have over the non-Boosted level 58 also ganking the other player.

Was school hard?

Help us out. Explain how retail is p2w.