Boosting is literally Pay to win


Under this idiotic definition absolutely nothing is pay2win.

Paying the ref off to win the basketball game isn’t pay2win because we only won that one game, paying the ref off for the whole season isn’t pay2win because we only won one championship.

Just keep stretching the definition so you don’t have to admit to yourself that the game has become pay2win like a cheap mobile game.


Actually no, the more realistic comparison is a level 58 boost vs a level 60. Since most people will be taking a level 60 into Outlands asap not leveling from one. Which is of course why the boost is to level 58 specifically, you know the bare minimum to enter Outlands.

And you also created another ridiculously unrealistic condition by trying to limit your example to 1 month. Most people who care about progression will be playing longer than a month and given that all players will end up basically at the same spot and a few extra days leveling is extremely unimportant.

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Why is it a more realistic comparison?

The boost isn’t competing with people who already have existing level 60s.

It’s competing with level 1s who can’t afford to buy it.

Why should a rich person have a 57 level advantage on a poor person? Answer that


He knows it’s Pay 2 Win. He agrees with you. All boosters do. It’s just that they don’t want Blizzard to take it away from them. It’s senseless arguing with them. They’re just feigning ignorance so they can pay money for ingame advantages.


Haha yep 100%, cognitive dissonance


It’s badly unrealistic for the two reasons I just said. First you are completely ignoring the level 60’s which will be the bulk of the player base playing at TBC launch, most people will not be rerolling to level 1 when Outlands opens.

Second there is no 1 month limitation on play.

And there is no advantage, a level 58 is a level 58, the boosted level 58 has no advantage over any other level 58.

Most of the bosses in Naxx are “pay to win”. Gold makes classic work

Why should a rich person have a 57 level advantage on a poor person? Answer that


For sure people raiding Naxx illegally buy gold, key word being ILLEGALLY.

Do you want that to be legitimized?


They don’t? So no problem.

There it is, the cognitive dissonance.

MWAH, perfection.

“They let some runners start right next to the finish line, I see no problem here, it’s a fair race”


Not really because as I pointed out it’s not a race, there is no winning the game doesn’t stop when someone hits 70 or gets their bis raid gear. The level 1 will have ample opportunity to get everything the boosted character does.

Not to mention that you are still ignoring that the bulk of players will be starting at 60 anyways.


“They let some runners start right next to the finish line, I see no problem here, it’s a fair race”


This is fundamentally flawed for 2 reasons. First WoW isn’t a race, getting to 70 does mean you have “won”.

Second you are still ignoring all the people who will be taking their level 60’s into Outlands day 1, according to you they have an even bigger advantage than people who boosted. Kind of hypocritical of you not to also want them to reroll, you know to be fair to all the poor level 1’s.


and what about the poor people who can’t afford a 58 boost ? I guess they just miss out then huh ? but hey the people who paid have NO advantage over them right ?


The existing 60s are totally irrelevant, and you know that. Why does it matter if people have played Classic and already have 60s? Has literally nothing to do with the boost.

How much gold can you make at level 1? Literally zero.

How much gold can you make a level 58? 100g per hour right now?

Player progression is definitely a race.


This guy really doesn’t understand purchasing progress vs actual progress from playing the game. Did you even create your own Battlenet account?

Edit: Someone needs to turn this guys’ parental controls back on.


Well actually no the existing 60’s are very relevant. If as according to you WoW is “won” by getting to 70 or bis gear faster then the 60’s have an even bigger edge than the boosted characters right?

Now maybe if blizzard was actually adding fresh servers for TBC that opened the same day Outlands became available you would be able to ignore level 60’s, but at this point they aren’t so you can’t.

Ah I love it, so your p2w whine getting destroyed by a kid?

Nice debating tactic :slight_smile:

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What about them? They’ll hit Outlands a little later and level 70 a little later. This is not a problem. The boosted characters don’t make it any harder for them to do so, and certainly not any harder than the swarms of people who already have 60’s they’ll be playing.