Boosting is literally Pay to win

You are getting it now. Once we’re all on the same page, it will be easier to have a discussion about how big an advantage the lvl 58 boost is.

I think it took me about 10 days /played to get to lvl 58 but i definitely didnt take the optimal route. The experience required to hit 58 is reduced in tbc so that will be a factor to find out the advantage gained as well. Also it appears there is no limit to how many boosts you can buy as long as you can afford it.

I was under the impression that it was 1 per account.

That was my impression as well. Im not sure if Blizzard is limitting how many accounts you can purchase. One person said this wasnt true though and it hasnt been verified yet.

No there is no limit to how many WoW accounts you can purchase. There is a limit of how many WoW accounts can be under the same battle net account, and I think that is 8. But if you want to have 40 WoW accounts, and yes before the input broadcasting software change there was a guy with that many, you can. Blizzard is not going to turn down your money.

Ah. I can see 1 per account, but if you have 10 accounts, that is 10 boosts.

I guess if that is how someone wants to spend their money, they are free to do so. But not how i would spend mine. = )

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That’s what disposable income is good for.

Indeed. But one weighs what they want to dispose it on. $15/mo x 10 accounts + $?.?? on the boosts. I can think of other ways i’d spend mine.

Not shaming, just sayin, that isn’t for me.

I was commenting to someone who was hysterical telling someone to throw there money in the trash

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Do retail players really not know that retail is textbook p2w? They can’t really be that delusional, can they?


Whoever has had the best RNG with drops.


This drama is great, but i can’t believe it’s happening over a 13 ish year old game as if Classic was some sort of crowning achievement.

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I can deny it – you can’t “win” on a level 58 character when the max is level 60. You can’t even compete with geared-up level 60s.

So maybe it is pay-to-do-something, but it is not pay-to-win. That would be buying a level 60 boost, or BIS armor or weapons.

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I remember when we used to consider this type of thing a ‘cheat code’. It’s super weird to see smol muscles talking about how it’s not ‘paying to win’. It’s a cheat code my friends. You’re paying to get x amount of exp and gear. That you cannot see how it is paying for winning makes you have the smol muscle. But fear not! You too can have big muscle like Holber. Just don’t pay for the service and now you are not embarrassment to family!


I will boost.
I do not buy gold.
Never have and never will.
Back when playing TBC I would give gold away.
Gold is way to easy to make even in Classic and easier in TBC and very easy in Wrath.
By me boosting one of my characters will actually help the game as will all others that boost.
The character I am boosting is a healer.
I really can’t get enough of healing think its the best part of the game.
Yes I am good at healing every time I do I try to do better every run
Now how many times have you heard looking for heals for a run.
Without the boost I will be the first to reply
I would love to heal but cant due to no boost or
I could be saying invite heals here if I boosted.

Being upset about how others get to level 58 has already done that.


How do you figure that?

The boosted character has been leveling 70 for 10~ days longer, while the non boosted character spent that time leveling up.

Even if RNG is factor in looting, the more bosses you kill the better chance you have of having good gear right?

Non booster stuck in Vanilla content, while the booster is doing all the BC dungeons and gearing up.

So who’s more geared after one month?

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It was sarcasm hahahah.

Paying for an advantage IS pay2win.

This ridiculous argument that if you can’t “win” the game it’s not pay2win is absolutely hilarious.

Because if there isn’t a credits screen you can’t pay2win right?


My answer stands, whoever has better gear RNG.

But now let’s look at two much more realistic scenarios.

First a geared level 60 vs the 58 boost, which is a much more realistic example of how the competition will be stacked up. Same question.

Second without the magically stipulation that they can only play a month, a 58 boost vs a level 1 over the course of say all of phase 1 assuming they both start day 1 of Outlands opening. Same question.

Lol your answer that relies on bad RNG for the booster to not be ahead? Sound logic at play. “The guy on steroids might not win the race, there’s some luck involved so steroids are fine in sports”

Your example is trying to show what exactly? That a 58 booster is less powerful than a level 60 who has played all of Classic? lol

In other news, water is wet.

The only fair comparison is a 58 boost vs a level 1 poor person who cannot afford a boost.

If you cannot see the problem with that then you are deliberately not understanding because it’s an inconvenient truth.


I’m gonna buy a level 70 character, full BiS gear, all the consumables I could ever use, the highest PvP rank, and a 500% speed flying mount. Don’t worry guys, it’s not Pay 2 Win because you can’t “win” WoW!