Boosting is literally Pay to win

Didn’t specify a person like that. I’m telling you the trends of today and the message Blizzard is offering.

that’s the entire argument. While I agree there are examples of people who would be so financially reckless, they are a minority of a minority.

If this is your thinking now, I can not wait until you see the Wrath era DKs. They start at 58, wear some really decent blues straight out of the starting zone and were considered grossly OP during Wrath.
Seriously, the paid boost is a big old nothingburger.

Yeah, it’s a pretty good assumption. Because we see it in retail. There is a reason why Blizzard offers character boosts for $$, purchasing of game tokens to sell for in game currency for $$, and the other paid services.

That’s Blizzard’s market. They care about whales solely. They don’t care about small fish. Which is why in game token purchasing for gametime is a thing.

Look at my message history. I disagreed with the DKs being lvl 58 for numerous reasons.

Don’t forget the Ring in Nagrand. You end up getting about 300 gold between raw gold and the weapon, pots and bandages at the end if I am remembering correctly.

Don’t forget the skills cost like 2-8g per training, the epic mount is still 1000g, the flying mount is 1000g, and the epic flying is 5000g. Something a new player will find out pretty quickly they’ll be bankrupt trying to go for their standard flying. It’s a multitude of reasons as to why boosting is bad. It just allows Blizzard to willfully ignore previous content that was bad and make money from their poor game design.

I am sorry, but you are just not correct. As long as you are reasonable with your spending and get even a normal amount of BOE drops during your levelling, you should have regular flying in pretty much no time. Then, there are the daily quests which will rapidly boost your gold. I appreciate that you are trying this whole antiboost thing from a different angle, but it still is not logical.

I think this is moot. Folks learn plenty just by doing PvP, dungeons and raids. Most classes aren’t hard to learn and have a limited rotation. Most raid fights are more about learning the mechanics than your rotation.

I recall the first time I tanked. It sucked. I sucked. After a couple dungeons, it was no real issue. Healing is basically playing whack-a-mole and anyone on DPS basically needs to know where to stand and when to move.

I am a healer, use Vuhdo. I just click the square that are not bright. There, you can heal. Sure there are some tricks you can learn such as downraking heals for mana preservation, and such, but again, it’s mostly following raid mechanics and clicking the glowing squares that are not full. (though that’s mandatory for most healers)

If you scroll up a couple posts you will see that many of us agreed that there is a large chunk of time saved. This is 1 obvious advantage. How big is up for debate still.

How do you ‘win’ at a non-competitive game where there are people that are going to be better geared than you and higher level than your newly boosted level 58 toon with no tradeskills?


You don’t, it seems to be a pride issue.

That makes it a “shortcut” not a “pay to win”. Seriously, it is not for Classic, it is for Classic TBC which begins at 58-60.

It’s because these anti boosters associate being “first” as “winning”.

It’s their perceived vision of how the game works, if you’re first you obviously “won”.

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You can only buy Flying at Max level.

You were also required to already have a level 58 character in order to create one. You could only create one per server.


It’s 100% pay2win.

Love the reasoning people try to use for why it’s not pay2win.

“You can’t win in an MMO so it’s not Pay2win”
“It just skips the leveling so it’s not Pay2win”

Same exact moronic arguments why the token isn’t Pay2win as well.


Lol a shortcut is pay2win.

A poor person vs a rich person.

One player can afford the boost and does so.
Other player cannot afford it.

Which player has more progression on their character after one month assuming the same played time and skill level?

You cannot answer this question without admitting it’s pay2win.