Boosting is literally Pay to win

Yeah that’s my opinion on it, but I keep thinking there’s something we haven’t thought about that botters have.

I’m assuming you misquoted.

I don’t think there is. Lots of folks have been tearing this subject apart for days and the best anyone can come up with is, after a significant ban wave, the botters could potentially buy boosts on the new account and save like 4-6 days. Then be right back to full farming glory until the next ban wave. But right now, Blizzard is only on a ~2 month banning schedule which destroys most of the associated benefits of buying the boost and 4-6 days is nothing to botters who mostly already have very refined leveling scripts they set and forget.

The overall amount of bots running around will not change in any way as the groups doing this botting can only support a finite numbers of accounts which they are already mostly running at capacity and boosts are not going to magically make it so they can support more.

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If you didn’t have time to level to 58 / 60 between now and the release of boosts then you might have a point.

What is the point in complaining about it? Blizz doesn’t care what you want, they are going to implement what they KNOW will make them more money. They are a business.

Weirdest thing to me is they want to boost people to 58 so they can play with friends in a game that is literally frozen in time forever where experience is boosted by 30% already.

Where are they racing to play with their friends?

If they really wanted to play with their friends they’d be leveling a character now lol.

uh consumables and gdkps? id imagine mage boosting is a very small percentage. everyone i know who was bought mage boosts does so with legit gold. what mages do with that gold might be RMT but even then i bet its sold to people who use it for consumes and GDKPS.

Because early on leveling in Outlands is when it will be at it’s most active and they want to level with their friends instead of leveling solo.

Their logic was total BS. Boosts are about nothing other than $$$$$.

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If it’s not “pay-to-win” then call it “pay-to-skip.” The result is the same. It’s offering an option to skip part of the game in exchange for real money.

The biggest concern I have is that this is just to test the waters, to see what they can get away with, before adding more and more RMT options. Because you know that’s what they would love to do.

It’s problematic, IMO, because each “skip” or QoL feature chips away at the carefully crafted game design, which was intended to foster a meritocratic community in which those who put in the most time and effort to overcome the obstacles presented get the most rewards. Bringing a credit card into the mix to replace time and effort in that equation blows all that to hell.

This game was never supposed to be convenient. In fact, you’re paying for the inconvenience. That’s what you’re buying with your sub, whether you know it or not. You’re buying a bunch of chores and busywork to do to reach in-game goals for the rewarding feeling that it gives when you complete them. And when you reduce the inconvenience of it all by offering pay-to-skip options, you’re actually getting less for your sub money. It’s Blizzard making more money, and you getting less for it.

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Because while the server may be frozen in time are friends are not.

Dood, WoW WAS BUILT ON being the easy and convenient MMO.

Which is itself a contradiction. The whole point of an MMO is to inconvenience people, i.e. give them obstacles to overcome. Which is why the more convenient the game has gotten, the worse it has gotten, IMO.

Boosting meets the definition of P2W

Lol no, this couldn’t be any more wrong, it’s not even close. An MMO is a game to play and have fun, preferably with other people.

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That’s right I’m a BOOSTER. I’m going to be boosting all over your server. There is nothing to stop me from BOOOOOOSTING. Blizzard has deemed my actions as legitimate. Now I’m gonna go BOOOOOST in retail right now but, I’ll be back to BOOOOOOOST in “Classic” TBC.

levels 1-58…or about ~9 days played on average.

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If you’re so worried about levelers not having anyone to level with, roll alt and level while we are all in the Outlands.

What’s that definition, then?

I would love to see that “Official” or “Accepted” definition of P2W. Not sure when I missed that meeting to offically bless what everyone will consider the P2W definition, but can I get that send over so I will be aware for future discussions.
